
InfoWater Pro Ribbon

The InfoWater Pro ribbon is a tab within the ArcGIS Pro's ribbon system on the top. It contains all commonly-used InfoWater Pro commands grouped by modeling purposes.

Project Group

Hosts the following commands:

Initialize Arrow: Enables and connects the ArcGIS Pro file into an InfoWater Pro project. 

Preferences: The Preferences command is used to control the InfoWater Pro system settings.  All changes made on the Preferences dialog box must be applied prior to closing the dialog box. Many preferences set with this command will be reflected as the default choices on other dialog boxes.  

Apps: Known as the Add On Manager in InfoWater Pro, it can be used to launch the InfoWater Pro Utility set and additional extensions enabled by the licensing level.

About: Information on licensing, project summary, and license agreement can be accessed through this command. 

Edit Group

Hosts the following commands:

DB Editor: The DB Editor provides a means to view all the DB Tables. Any number of DB Tables can be open for inspection, modification and/or data edit. All the data corresponding to the InfoWater Pro Project may be accessed through these DB Tables.

Select:  This command is used to select an InfoWater Pro element in order to highlight graphically or to view, update, or modify the element data in the model. Non-InfoWater Pro elements are not selected with this command.

Insert:  This command provides access to the different digitize element tools. Data corresponding to the different elements may be entered once the network is in place through the database tables.

Edit: This command provides access to the different redraw or move element tools. Items that are already present in the model can be edited in the map with the tools available in this command.

Edit Domain: The Edit Domain Attribute dialog box allows you to edit any/all data fields associated with all the elements included in the currently active domain. This feature allows quick edits of database data and also provides access to all the data field corresponding to the included element (s).

Group Editing: The InfoWater Pro Group Editing feature allows you to assign values and settings to a group of elements on the fly. This is extremely useful when conducting Water Quality analysis, Fire-Flow Simulations, and other operational studies.

Locate Node: You can locate a node in your water model by clicking on this button from the InfoWater Pro ribbon. You will have to enter in the ID number for the node in the pop-up dialog box, and then click OK. You will be able to view your selected node from your water model in a zoomed-in view.

Locate Pipe: You can locate a pipe in your water model by clicking on this button from the InfoWater Pro ribbon. You will have to enter in the ID number for your pipe in the pop-up dialog box, and then click OK. You will be able to view your selected pipe from your water model in a zoomed-in view.

Exchange Group

Hosts the following commands:

GIS Gateway: GIS Gateway provides a means to create data exchange parameters that allow you to quickly load and save data between InfoWater Pro and other GIS formats (including Geodatabases and personal Geodatabases).

Live Data Adapter: If you have never configured a database connection in this model, click on this button to open the Database Connection dialog box. Otherwise, it will show the sensor list window, which lists all your sensor-element mappings with the database that you are connected to.

Upload Model to Info360: Upload current model scenario and associated data to Info360 for real-time incident management.

Domain Group

Hosts the following commands:

Domain Manager: A domain is a temporary subset of network components. The domain can be used for a variety of purposes including group editing operations, mapping, contouring, etc.  

Facility Group

Hosts the following commands:

Facility Manager: The Facility Manager is used to create and maintain the active facility set. The active facility set defines the network components in a current model that will be considered during the next simulation run(s).  Facility sets can also be associated with a scenario via the Scenario Manager.

Analysis Group

Hosts the following commands:

Run Manager: Once all data elements have been located and their databases populated, a hydraulic analysis (also known as Running a Model) can be performed on the system. The Run Manager is used to perform simulations and to manage simulation output sources (results).  Five individual simulation types are available from the Run Manager; Standard simulations (Hydraulics and Water Quality), Fireflow simulations, SCADA, Hydrant Curves, and System head curves. 

Re-Run: Click to re-run the current run configuration found in the Run Manager.

Load Results: Load available results from the Simulation Task Manager. This is only active when new results are available.

View Group

Hosts the following commands:

Report Manager: The Report Manager provides you with a means to access all your Output variables in report and graph form for all your simulations.

Control Center Overview: The Control Center Overview provides a unified tool to bring all these essential hydraulic properties and operating conditions into one centralized setting to give you a focused overview for the defined conditions in your network model. 

System Schematic: Click on System Schematic button to open the System Schematic panel at the bottom of your InfoWater Pro model.

Map Display: Map Display may be used to either color code and/or vary symbol sizes of your data elements such as Junctions, Pumps, Valves, Tanks, Reservoirs, and Pipes based on either their input or output variables. You may also annotate your InfoWater Pro map with the corresponding data value. You can choose the data breaks, different colors and symbol sizes. This provides a dynamic and powerful way of categorizing your entire project visually based on defined criteria.

3D Display: Click on the 3D Display button to open a new tab, which will show you the model in a 3D view.

Refresh Symbol: Click to refresh the symbol layers of pumps/valve/pipe initial status and check valve direction.

Allocator Group

Hosts the following commands:

Allocation Manager: The Allocation Manager provides you with a means to allocate all your demands for junctions from the model.

Edit: This command provides access to the different redraw or move element tools. Items that are already present in the model can be edited in the map with the tools available in this command.

Assign Meters: This command provides you with the ability to view or assign meters assigned to junctions or pipes in your network.

More: This command provides you with a drop-down menu with additional Allocator commands, such as registering Polygon Layers, Importing Meter data, developing Water Duty factors, or creating Thiessen Polygons.

Demand Analyst Group

Hosts the following command:

Demand Analysis: The Demand Analysis provides you with accurate real-time water demand estimates and their diurnal variations to power their distribution network models. 

UDF Group

Hosts the following commands:

UDF: The UDF allows you to design and manage unidirectional flushing sequences.

Select: This command is used to select a UDF element in order to highlight graphically or to view, update, or modify the element data in the model. 

Set Layer: This command is used to set a layer in your UDF.

More: This command provides you with a drop-down menu of additional UDF commands, such as setting Hydrants/Valve Symbols, Polygon Layers, Importing UDF data, Edit Hydrant Attribute, Edit Valve Attribute, Edit Pipe Attribute, Assign Emitter Coefficient for Hydrant, Interpolate Hydrant Elevation, Calculate Length for Hydrant Lateral, UDF Data QA/QC, Color Code Flushing Zone, Draw Hydrant-Pipe Linkage, and Print Field Journal.

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