
IWLive Manager

IWLive Manager is the single utility in InfoWater Pro® software application to manage all data interactions between InfoWater Pro models and IWLive. It exports the active InfoWater Pro scenario as the baseline model to IWLive. It allows extension of selected InfoWater Pro scenarios as additional supporting model data to IWLive for scenario switching. It also accepts an exported IWLive model for detailed diagnosis run in InfoWater Pro, supported with all InfoWater Pro utilities.

InfoWater IWLive Manager is accessed from the InfoWater Pro tab > Apps > App ManagerIWLive.

The InfoWater Pro IWLive Manager User Interface is shown below.

The InfoWater Pro IWLive Manager main dialog box has three tabs: Export Model to IWLive, Extend Scenario Data to IWLive, and Diagnose IWLive Model. All model exchanges between InfoWater Pro and IWLive are made through model definition files with extension .xinp.

  • Export Model to IWLive - Exports the active InfoWater Pro model for IWLive (InfoWater Pro) to create a baseline model. All essential information about the active InfoWater Pro model is exported into the given .xinp file. If current InfoWater Pro model contains scenario data, this option can be used in conjunction with selected scenarios to export scenario based models with overriding operational scenario data. All scenario-based model .xinp files will be exported to their respective scenario sub-folders under the baseline model path.

  • Extend Scenario Data to IWLive - Exports additional InfoWater Pro scenario models based on a provided IWLive baseline model. The operational data from the selected scenarios will be merged into the given IWLive reference model to form different scenario models, to be used in IWLive. All scenario based model .xinp files will be exported to their respective sub-folders under the given baseline model path.

  • Diagnose IWLive Model - Diagnoses a given IWLive model using the full utilities available from InfoWater Pro. The given IWLive model is imported into InfoWater Pro for any diagnosis analysis in InfoWater Pro.

Export Model to IWLive

In the box of Export Model File to IWLive, a .xinp file is specified for InfoWater Pro IWLive Manager to store the InfoWater Pro model information.

  •  Browse for a folder location and specify a .xinp file name.

If the InfoWater Pro model is blank, IWLive Manager will not export. Otherwise, IWLive Manager exports the active scenario as the baseline model to IWLive. IWLive Manager can also export other scenarios in InfoWater Pro as additional model files. Only the operational data, including Demands (D), Patterns (P), Controls (C), and Energy (E) data, will be exported to support the baseline model for IWLive applications. Therefore, selectable scenarios should have a different data set from at least one of these 4 operational data set categories. In addition, it should be noted that not all scenarios are fully compatible with the baseline IWLive model. Only compatible scenarios will be available for selection. Compatible scenarios are based on the same data units, pipe modeling type, and model time and time step definitions.  If an InfoWater Pro model does not have any compatible scenarios, IWLive Manager will prompt “Current project does not have any compatible scenario data”. The compatible scenarios are populated in the table entitled with “Available Compatible Scenario Selection with Datasets - D: Demand, P: Pattern, C: Control, E: Energy.”  Note that the number of populated scenarios may be smaller than the number of scenarios in the InfoWater Pro model.

  •   Select all compatible scenarios.

  •   Clear all compatible scenarios.

The scenario table displays the information obtained from an InfoWater Pro model including Scenario ID, Description, and Scenario data sets. The columns D, P, C, and E indicate demand set, pattern set, control set, and energy set, respectively.  If a scenario has a certain data set different from the active data set, the given cell in the respective column will be displayed in green and the corresponding check box is checked. Otherwise, the column will be displayed in pink, with the check box remains unchecked. Other than the Selection column, all other scenario table columns are not editable and are used for information only. The selected compatible scenarios will also be exported to additional .xinp files named after Scenario IDs and stored in respective scenario folders. It is not necessary to export both the active baseline model and the scenario models at the same time to IWLive. The Extend Scenario Data to IWLive described below provides the utility to export the scenario models at a later time.

Extend Scenario Data to IWLive

To export additional scenarios to an existing IWLive baseline model, the baseline model in IWLive is exported from IWLive to a given .xinp file. This IWLive model file (.xinp) is then specified in the box of Import Baseline Model File from IWLive. Unlike the Export Model to IWLive option above, the active InfoWater Pro model scenario is ignored in this case. Instead, the imported IWLive model is used to establish the baseline model references for additional scenario model export use.  

  •   Browse for an IWLive model file (.xinp file)

You can populate compatible scenarios with your IWLive Manager tool from your InfoWater Pro project and display your scenarios in the table titled “Available Compatible Project Scenario Selection with Data Sets - D: Demand, P: Pattern, C: Control, E: Energy.”

  •  Select all compatible scenarios.

  •  Clear all compatible scenarios.

Click on the Extend button to have your IWLive Manager check to see if the selected scenarios from the InfoWater Pro project match the IWLive baseline model as defined in the provided .xinp file.  If they do not match, IWLive Manager will issue an error message with specific information. Otherwise, IWLive Manager will write a .xinp file for each selected scenario. These extended scenario model .xinp files are named after the respective Scenario IDs and stored in their respective scenario sub-folders under the given IWLive model path.

Diagnose IWLive Model

To diagnose an IWLive model with the InfoWater Pro utilities, you can import your IWLive model files with IWLive Manager, as the first step to establish an InfoWater Pro model; and you can run the imported model as the second step, with the given IWLive run properties. The first step is referred to as the Import mode with the Import button. The second step is referred to as the Run mode with the  Run button.  This Diagnosis runs are performed exclusively inside the InfoWater Pro environment and are totally independent of the IWLive.

Any existing IWLive models can be exported from IWLive to a .xinp file. The IWLive model file (.xinp file) is then specified in the box of Import Model File from IWLive.

  •   Browse for an exported IWLive model file (.xinp file).

To import an IWLive model file for diagnosis, you should empty your InfoWater Pro project and change the mode to Import in the IWLive Manager, with the box of IWLive Model Diagnostic Run grayed out. If the InfoWater Pro project is not blank, the box of Import Model File from IWLive is grayed out and the IWLive Manager is in the Run mode.

After you click on Import, you can import the IWLive model with your IWLive Manager.  If the import is unsuccessful, IWLive Manager shows an error message about the cause of failure.  Upon a successful import, all model information is brought into the blank InfoWater Pro project to form a complete InfoWater Pro baseline model. IWLive Manager then switches to the Run mode for IWLive Model Diagnostic Run.

IWLive Manager allows you to edit the IWLive based model run data as grouped in the Run Times group:

  • Run Start Date in the ISO yyyy-mm-dd format.

  • Run Start Time in the standard hh:mm:ss format.

  • Run Duration is selectable in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

  • Report Time Step is selectable in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

  • Dynamic Report Control can be on or off.  If Dynamic Report Control is off, the field of Dynamic Report Filter Step is grayed out, and the modeling result is reported according to the standard Report Time Step. Otherwise, the field is active for the input of a period of filtering time in seconds. If the input is zero, the modeling results are reported for all hydraulic event time steps. If the input is a positive non-zero value, only hydraulic events with at least the specified time apart from the previous reported time step will be reported.

 Edit Live Controls

If the imported IWLive model contains Live Controls statements from IWLive, IWLive Manager also allows you to modify Live Controls by clicking the button of Edit Live Controls. The dialog box of Edit IWLive Controls shows two grouping boxes: Live Control Elements box on the left and Element Live Control Data box on the right.

The box of Live Control Elements displays six buttons for Junctions, Reservoirs, Tanks, Pipes, Pumps, and Valves. Only the elements with active Live Controls statements will have their buttons enabled.  By clicking any enabled button, you will see a list of applicable Element IDs.  By selecting (double click) any element in the list, corresponding element’s live control data will be populated in the box of Element Live Control Data.  In the table of Element Live Control Data, you can enable or disable a row or revise applicable data fields. Each row includes the columns for: control Start Date (in ISO yyyy-mm-dd format), control Start Time (in hh:mm:ss format), control Duration (min), Control Action, and Control Value. The dialog box of Edit IWLive Control contains its own message box showing error messages about the live control data edits.

  •   Enable all live control data rows for the Diagnosis run.

  •   Disable all live control data rows for the Diagnosis run.

  •   Save live control data edits.

  •   Sort data according to ascending control start date-time order.

  •  Enable or disable Auto Save option; when enabled, current data definitions will be saved to the project upon switching to a different control element and/or exiting the edit session.

  •   Exit Live Control editing mode and return to IWLive Manager.

Once a revision is made to the diagnostic run, you can run the model by clicking Run. If the run is unsuccessful, your IWLive Manager will show an error message about the cause of the failure. Otherwise, you can check the outputs through the standard InfoWater Pro program utilities.

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