WQ Calibrator provides sophisticated micro-level pipe network calibration capabilities. It casts the micro-calibration problem as an implicit nonlinear optimization problem subject to explicit inequality and equality constraints.
The optimization problem consists of determining the pipe wall coefficient values that produce the minimum overall difference between the observed concentration measurements and model predicted results.
The resulting value for the pipe wall coefficient for each group is determined from a user-specified range of minimum and maximum values associated with their respective group (e.g. PVC, CI, DIP, AC, etc.). It is assumed that all pipes within a group will have an identical pipe wall coefficient.
Up to 50 distinct pipe groups can be defined with this version of WQ Calibrator. The number of field concentration measurements must be greater than or equal to the number of decision variables, the more measurements the better the accuracy of the calibration.
WQ Calibrator provides the user with an efficient, flexible and easy to use vehicle for accurate and reliable model calibration and validation. It is assumed that the data collected and used for calibration is accurate.
Calibrator is initialized from inside H2ONET/InfoWater/InfoWater SA by selecting the
command from the InfoWater Pro ribbon. With the Apps dialog box open, select
and click on the
Run button.
InfoWater Pro provides fast, comprehensive, and accurate dynamic water quality (WQ) computations and calibrations. InfoWater Pro:
Tracks the movement of a non-reactive tracer material (e.g., fluoride) through the network over time.
Models the movement and fate of a reactive material as it grows (e.g., a disinfection by-product) or decays (e.g., chlorine residual) with time.
Calculates the age of water throughout a network.
Computes the percent of flow from a given node reaching all other nodes over time.
Analyzes kinetic reactions both in the bulk flow and at the pipe wall.
Incorporates n th order kinetics to model reactions in the bulk flow.
Uses zero or first order kinetics to model reactions at the pipe wall.
Accounts for mass transfer limitations when modeling pipe wall reactions.
Allows growth or decay reactions to proceed up to a limiting concentration.
Employs global reaction rate coefficients that can be modified on a pipe-by-pipe basis.
Permits wall reaction rate coefficients to be correlated to pipe roughness.
Allows for time-varying concentration or mass inputs at any location in the network.
Models storage tanks as being either complete mix, plug flow, or two-compartment reactors.