Network Review/Fix Tool
The Network Review/Fix Tool is a comprehensive network drawing examination and correction application for use in constructing reliable, credible working models ready for analysis. It offers you complete functionality to quickly identify and automatically correct any network topology problems (e.g., disconnected nodes) and data flaws (e.g., duplicated pipes or nodes) that may arise from digitizing a model or building it using pre-existing GIS and CAD datasets. The Network Review/Fix Tool consists of many useful applications.
InfoWater Pro Network Review/Fix Tool is accessed from Model Explorer > Command Center >Utilities Menu.
Locate/Fix Nodes in Close Proximity (Overlapping/Duplicate Nodes) - Nodes in close proximity designate nodes that overlap (accidentally duplicated) as shown in the figure below. The Network Review/Fix Tool allows you to instantly view every node in close vicinity of another node (based on any specified distance) and automatically merge the identified nodes into one where necessary. Double click on Locate/Fix Nodes in Close Proximity (see above) to enter parameters for your nodes in the Locate Nodes in Close Proximity dialog box.
Searching Distance - Enter searching distance in map length units or use the
Browse button to measure distance on map view.
Add to Domain - When selected, all candidates will be placed in a domain for review.
Join Nodes in Close Proximity - When selected, all candidates will be joined.
Apply to Domain Only - When selected, the join process will be applied to the active domain only.
Locate/Fix Pipe-Split Candidates - Pipe-split candidates represent separate pipe sections that should be connected by a common node as depicted in the expanding text.
The Network Review/Fix Tool allows you to rapidly locate all pipe-split candidates in the network that are within a specified distance of their end nodes and automatically make the connection where appropriate. Double click on Locate Pipe-Split Candidates to enter parameters for all pipe-split candidates in the Locate Pipe-Split Candidates dialog box:
Locate/Fix Crossing/Intersecting Pipes - Crossing pipes refer to those pipes that cross but do not intersect at a common node as shown in the expanding text.
The Network Review/Fix Tool allows you to rapidly view all crossing pipe candidates in the network and automatically create the intersection where necessary. Double click on Locate/Fix Crossing/Intersecting Pipes to enter parameters for all crossing pipe candidates in the Locate Crossing Pipes dialog box:
Add to Domain - When selected, all candidates will be placed in a domain for review.
Join Crossing Pipes - When selected, all crossing pipe candidates will be joined.
Apply to Domain Only - When selected, the join process will be applied to the active domain only.
Trace Connected Nodes -The Trace Connected Nodes function launches a spanning tree to identify all nodes in the network that can be reached from any specified source or target node via a connected path. The source node does not need to be a tank or reservoir. This function allows the you to instantly view all nodes of the network model that are disconnected from other nodes as shown in the figure below. You can then easily determine if a hydraulic connection actually exists and, if so, make the connection in the model. The connected nodes will be placed in a domain and highlighted on the map. To remove the highlight, go to
Domain Manager from Domain Menu and select the
Clear button.
Trace Network - The Network Trace function launches a spanning tree to identify all pipes and nodes in the network that can be reached from any specified location (source node) via a connected path. The source node does not need to be a tank or reservoir. This function allows you to instantly view all portions of the network model that are disconnected from any node as shown in the figure below. You can then easily determine if a hydraulic connection actually exists and, if so, make the connection in the model. The connected elements will be placed in a domain and highlighted on the map. To remove the highlight, go to Domain Manager from Domain Menu and select the
Clear button.
Trace Upstream Network - The Trace Upstream Network function uses the Start Node and End Node of the pipe to trace the connected pipes in the upstream direction. A trace in the upstream direction will begin at the Start Node of the pipe tracing to the End Node to find all connected pipes. In the figure below, assuming that the nodes and pipes are in the order shown, the upstream trace would be conducted as follows. The connected elements will be placed in a domain and highlighted on the map. To remove the highlight, go to
Domain Manager from Domain Menu, and select the
Trace Downstream Network - The Trace Downstream Network function uses the Start Node and End Node of the pipe to trace the connected pipes in the downstream direction. A trace in the downstream direction will begin at the End Node of the pipe tracing to the Start Node to find all connected pipes. In the figure below assuming that the nodes and pipes are input the order shown, the downstream trace would be conducted as follows. The connected elements will be placed in a domain and highlighted on the map. To remove the highlight, go to
Domain Manager from the Domain Menu, and select the
Clear button.
Advanced Options... - The Advanced Options function opens the Network Trace tab in the project preferences. This tab allows you to fine tune how the network trace features operate.
Setup Pressure Zone... - This will launch the Pressure Zone Wizard. This wizard is used to create or modify pressure zones within the system.
Run Pressure Zone Trace... - This will assume the default values for the Pressure Zone Wizard and skip directly to the last step.
Locate Parallel Pipes - Parallel pipes are identified as pipes sharing the same start and end nodes and are not required to share identical vertices. The Network Review/Fix Tool is able to rapidly identify all parallel pipe candidates in the network model. You can then verify each parallel pipe identified and, if necessary, re-route (redraw) the pipe in a noticeable manner or remove/delete it from the model if it represents a parallel pipe that does not actually exist in the actual system. Please note that the pipes identified by this tool are limited to the currently active network.
Tips & Tricks
Use the Utilities > Connectivity > Orphan Nodes > command to Locate Disconnected Nodes.
Disconnected nodes are stray nodes (i.e., not connected to any pipe) that are separated from the rest of the network as shown in the figure above.
The Connectivity Tools allows you to quickly locate and highlight all junction nodes in the network that are not connected to any pipe. You can then choose to connect those junctions to the system or remove them.
Use: Exchange > Append Nodes > to Join Disconnected Nodes
Based on a user-defined tolerance and subsequent parameters this function fills the connectivity information for the disconnected nodes based on the graphic overlap of the nodes. Use the Utilities > Connectivity > Orphan Nodes command to locate the disconnected nodes, and then use the Append Nodes feature to connect these nodes based on a user-specified tolerance distance.