
Migration Overview

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Flow Production Tracking now integrates with Autodesk Account for user authentication to our hosted service.

There is a transition period during which existing Flow Production Tracking customers will need to migrate from the old Flow Production Tracking authentication system to Autodesk Account. Any Flow Production Tracking site admin can perform the migration.

The migration is divided into two main blocks

  1. Migration to Autodesk Identity
    • You activate this from your Flow Production Tracking site
  2. Linking your Flow Production Tracking site by activating your subscription in Autodesk

1 - Migration to Autodesk Identity

Follow These Steps on your Flow Production Tracking site:

  1. Enable log-in with Autodesk ID for your Flow Production Tracking site
  2. Invite Flow Production Tracking users to create their Autodesk Account via your Flow Production Tracking site, people page
  3. Turn off the Flow Production Tracking authentication once all users have migrated to Autodesk Account authentication

Site provisioning

Once you have completed the migration to the Autodesk identity process, you will need to buy any additional seats you need for your users within the Autodesk eStore.


Additional seats can be within the same Account Admin Team via A Flow Production Tracking site can only be associated to one team, which acts as a pool of licenses.

Read the Flow Production Tracking Site Provisioning (for Admins) guide to help with the process.

The most important thing to keep in mind when activating your subscription in Autodesk is that you need to have:

  1. Fully migrated your site and turned off the Flow Production Tracking authentication
  2. Bought the seats you need on the e-store

Once these two conditions are met, you will be able to link your site to your Autodesk Account.


You may need to wait between 15-45 minutes after turning off Flow Production Tracking authentication before you can link the site, as the information needs to propagate across systems.

See How to link your site for more information.


Migration Tutorials

Migrating Flow Production Tracking to Autodesk User Accounts

Account Migration for Standard Authentication Shotgrid sites

Linking Purchased Flow Production Tracking licenses to a Flow Production Tracking site

Video Thumbnail

Configure your Personal Access Token (PAT)

Create a Personal Access Token for a Shotgrid Site

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