
Create Troubleshooting

I logged into Flow Production Tracking Create, but don’t see any Tasks.

If you're an Artist, this is most likely being caused by:

  • You have no assigned Tasks. Ask your Flow Production Tracking Admin if you need help.
  • Your assigned Tasks are either not ready to start and can be found in Upcoming or have been completed and are in Done.

Learn more about how My Tasks works here.

If you're a Reviewer, this is most likely being caused by:

  • You have no assigned Tasks. Ask your Flow Production Tracking Admin if you need help.
  • Your assigned Tasks are either not ready to start and can be found in Upcoming or have been completed and are in Done.

Learn more about how My Reviews works here.

I submitted work for review, but I’m not seeing it.

Once a Task is considered Done, new versions added to it will no longer show up in Pending Review since work is complete. Instead, it will still show up in All.

I get the error "Flow Production Tracking Integration Error - Failed to initialize integration"

ValueError Invalid localhost certificate date in Flow Production Tracking

The Flow Production Tracking Toolkit integration has been disabled by your Flow Production Tracking site administrator. Contact them about this issue and refer them to this page.

What is Flow Production Tracking Create currently tested on?


  • Windows 10
  • macOS 10.13.x
  • Linux CentOS 7.4 | Red Hat 7.4


  • Processor 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
  • RAM: 16GB+
  • VRAM: 4gb - Ideal
  • Disk Space: N/A

Specific Machines

  • Surface Book v2
  • Surface Pro v4
  • Surface Studio
  • MacBook Pro 13 & 15 (mid-2015 and Up)


  • Mouse
  • Multi-touch - Wacom & MacBook Pro
  • Wacom - Pen
  • Surface - Pen

Is Flow Production Tracking Create playing content from the cloud or off my local network?

You can choose how media is played back in Flow Production Tracking Create. This can be useful to change depending on the resolution of the media, and the speed of your machine. A default can be set in the Create Preferences, but you can always switch to any available format in the Player controls.

Options are:

  • Frames (path_to_frames)
  • Movie (path_to_movie)
  • Streaming

For example, if you select Frames as the default, Flow Production Tracking Create prioritizes a version’s Path to Frames, then Path to Movie, then streams media from the cloud as needed.

How does Flow Production Tracking Create fit alongside the other Flow Production Tracking review-centric offerings like RV?

Flow Production Tracking Create is meant to offer an experience for reviewers, specifically tailored to the “deskside” review. It won’t fully encompass the workflows of RV, Flow Production Tracking Review, Screening Room, Client Review, etc., but it does aspire to be the champion of “deskside” review. From a technical standpoint, Flow Production Tracking Create leverages the core technology that’s foundational to Autodesk’s RV and Flame software.

I’m an active Flow Production Tracking Desktop user. What does the introduction of Flow Production Tracking Create mean for me?

One of the goals for Flow Production Tracking Create is to transition all the user-facing artist workflows (Launch, Publish, etc.) from Shogun Desktop to Flow Production Tracking Create. The “preview” release will offer the ability to Launch DCCs. As Flow Production Tracking Create becomes more mature, we expect it will replace Flow Production Tracking Desktop for all users, but, in the meantime, you can feel secure continuing to use Flow Production Tracking Desktop if you prefer.

Do I need to be on a Flow Production Tracking site to use Flow Production Tracking Create?

Yes, this is a hybrid application that accesses the data housed in your existing Flow Production Tracking site.

If I host Flow Production Tracking locally, how do I start playing with Flow Production Tracking Create?

If you are on Flow Production Tracking version (April 16, 2019) or later, you can download and install Flow Production Tracking Create locally from (learn more here).

Updating Flow Production Tracking Create

Once you’ve installed Flow Production Tracking Create, you should expect to automatically receive background updates approximately every two weeks. This cadence may change in the future.

Note: If you are behind a firewall, you'll need to grant access to the following server location, in order to update Flow Production Tracking Create: 

Proxy Configuration

If you are using a proxy server with Flow Production Tracking Create, you'll need to set the following environment variable:


Where host_name is the host name or dotted numerical IP address. A numerical IPv6 address must be written within [brackets]. To specify a port number in this string, append :[port] to the end of the host name. If not specified, Flow Production Tracking Create defaults to using port 1080 for proxies. 

Alternatively, you can use the global environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy to your proxy url:port.

Where are my log files?

By default, Flow Production Tracking Create stores log files in the following directory:


/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/ShotGridCreate/




/<USER HOME>/.local/share/Autodesk/ShotGridCreate/

Can I customize the Flow Production Tracking Create user interface to fit my studio's needs?

While the UI is built in a React/QT environment, we are not currently allowing for UI customization. In contrast to Flow Production Tracking as it now stands, we’re trying to build a golden path in Flow Production Tracking Create, so we hope there is less of a need for customizability. That being said, we’d love to hear your ideas on how you would go about extending this platform.

Is Flow Production Tracking Create extendable?

No, in the first few iterations we’ll be working on creating the app workflows and identifying areas where we might want to open the door to extensibility, though we have no such plans at this moment. Clients can always add content and information through the app or the Flow Production Tracking API’s like the REST API.

What media does Flow Production Tracking Create support?

Flow Production Tracking Create currently supports the following media codecs and containers:

Video Codecs

h.264, mjpeg,mpeg4, dnxhd, dnxhr, rawvideo, qtrle, dvvideo, YUV2, Apple ProRes.

Video Containers

Mov, mp4,mpg, mxf, m4v, mkv, m3u8, avi, flv, js, stdinfb

Audio Codec

Pcm_s16be, AAC Single Channel, AAC Multi Channel, mp3, vorbis, twos, ulaw, sowt, alaw, in24, in32. fl32, fl64

Audio Container

wav, snd, aif, aifc, aiff, au

Image Containers

aces, ari, arw, bay, bmp, bw, cin, cineon, cr2, crw, cur, cut, dc2, dcr, dds, dng, dpx, dpx, erf, exr, fff, fits, gif, gto, hdr, ico, iff, iff, igto, int, inta, j2c, j2k, jp2, jpeg, jpg, jpt, k25, kdc, lbm, lif, lmp, mdc, mdl, mos, mraysubfile, mrw, nef, openexr, orf, pbm, pcd, pcx, pef, pgm, pic, png, pnm, ppm, psd, psd, ptex, ptx,, pxn, raf, raw, rdc, rgb, rgba, rgbe, rla, rmf, rpf, rwl, sgi, shd, sm, srf, sxr, targa, tdl, tex, tga, tif, tpic, tx, txr, txt, wal, webp, yuv, z, zfile

Note: Image sequence submission and variable frame rate clips are not supported.

Join the discussion at our Flow Production Tracking Create forum.

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