Try preview features
The Fusion Insider Program enables you to access preview features that are still in a conceptual stage. Autodesk welcomes feedback so we can continue improving Fusion. Associated documentation for Insider preview features is available to members of the Insider Program on the Fusion Insider Preview Product Documentation site.
Some preview features provide access to entire new functionality while others improve existing workflows. Preview features may become available in Fusion, or available as part of an extension, in a future update.
Once you are a member of the Insider Program, you can enable certain preview features to try them out.
In the top-right corner, on the Application bar, click My Profile.
Select Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog, in the left pane, select Preview Features.
(Optional) Filter the list of preview features by workspace, by preview type, by enabled preview features, or by search.
Note: Private preview features are available only to selected customers.Select the checkbox next to the name of the preview feature.
Click OK.