Family Properties dialog box

The Family Properties dialog box displays or edits information about the selected part or feature family. Family properties can be modified only for read/write families.

Note: If Content Center libraries are installed on a remote server, you must be assigned Editor permissions in Autodesk Server Console to perform editing tasks. You must be logged in to your content server.


Click Manage tab Content Center panel Editor to display the Content Center Editor dialog box. Right-click a family, and select Family Properties from the menu.

General tab

Family Name

Displays or edits the name of the selected family.

Family Description

Displays or edits the family description text.

Standard Organization

Displays or edits the standard organization.


Displays or edits the Manufacturer property. When the part is placed in assembly, the text is stored in the Manufacturer iProperty.


Displays or edits the standard that the family is based on.

Standard Revision

Displays or edits the standard revision that the family is based on.

Family Folder Name

Displays or edits the name of the folder, where the family member parts are saved when placed in an assembly.


Displays the library, where the family is saved.

Parameters Mapping tab

The Parameters Mapping tab displays or edits mapping between category or template parameters and columns in the family table. Mapping cannot be changed for a family created by Copy To or for a family created by Save Copy As with a link to parent.

Note: You can map parameters of different data types. Ensure that the parameter values are convertible (for example a string value must be convertible to a numeric value). A Boolean family column parameter cannot be mapped to any other data type. Boolean category or template parameters can be mapped as appropriate.

Thumbnail Image tab

The Thumbnail Image tab displays, edits, or replaces the thumbnail image:

To modify the current thumbnail image, right-click the image, and select Copy Image to Clipboard. Then paste the image into your image editor, make the necessary changes, and save the image as a .bmp file. Click Browse and open the modified image.

To replace the image, click Browse and open a .bmp file to be used as the thumbnail image.

Link tab

The Link tab displays the information about the parent family for families with a link. If the selected family is independent (without any link), the link information is not displayed.

Creation Method

Displays the method used for creating the selected family. The creation methods are: Copy To, Save Copy As, or Primary (displayed for all independent families).

Link Status

Displays the Active or Suppressed status of the link to the parent family. Available only for families created by Copy To or Save Copy As with link.

Parent Family Library

Displays the name of library, where the parent family is saved.

Parent Family Name

Displays the Family Name of the parent family.