The Layer Style specifies a layer name and attributes for common display properties of drawing objects. Layers visibility turned On or Off in a drawing. The visibility setting is stored in the drawing, not the style library.
All object types and their associated layers are listed in the Object Defaults style, a substyle of the standard style. The Layers Style window presents all layers in a table for editing.
Manage tab
Styles and Standards panel
Styles Editor
. In the Style and Standard Editor dialog box, click Layers. Click one of the listed layers to edit.
Annotate tab
Format panel
Edit Layers
. In the Style and Standard Editor dialog box, click Layers. Click one of the listed layers to edit.
For the current document, you can click:
On the Manage tab, Styles and Standards panel, you can also use these commands:
In the Layer Styles window, modify layer attributes as needed.
Click a column heading to reverse the sort order.
Indicates the layer selected for editing.
Lists layer names in alphabetical order.
Sets visibility of a layer. Default setting is On. Click to turn Off.
Sets the layer color. In the drawing, objects on the layer are visible in the selected color.
When this column is sorted, the layers are in RGB order, and other layers by alphabetical order.
Sets the layer line type. Click to see the current line type and select from the list. Click the line type column heading to sort by the fixed line type order.
Sets thickness of the lines on the layer. Click to enter a value or select a predefined weight from the list. Click the column header to sort by line weight.
Select the check box to scale the line type based on the line weight. As the line weight increases, the length of segments and spaces in the line pattern also increase. Imported line types in DWG files usually have this setting turned off. Clear the check box to import line types in DWG files without distortion.
Controls whether the selected layer is plotted. Select the plot icon to switch the plot property to On/Off. When the plot property is set to OFF, the layer continues to display in the drawing, but it does not print or get published .
Select the check box to add newly created layers to the current standard. Clear the check box to add new layers only to the current document.