Contains general node and attribute functions, as well as the main PyNode base class.
For the rest of the class hierarchy, including DependNode, Transform, and Attribute, see pymel.core.nodetypes.
about | This command displays version information about the application if it is executed without flags. | ||
addAttr | This command is used to add a dynamic attribute to a node or nodes. | ||
addExtension | This command is used to add an extension attribute to a node type. | ||
affectedNet | This command gets the list of attributes on a node or node type and creates nodes of type TdnAffect, one for each attribute, that are connected iff the source node’s attribute affects the destination node’s attribute. | ||
affects | This command returns the list of attributes on a node or node type which affect the named attribute. | ||
aliasAttr | Allows aliases (alternate names) to be defined for any attribute of a specified node. | ||
align | Align or spread objects along X Y and Z axis. | ||
applyAttrPattern | Take the attribute structure described by a pre-defined pattern and apply it either to a node (as dynamic attributes) or a node type (as extension attributes). | ||
artAttrTool | The artAttrTool command manages the list of tool types which are used for attribute painting. | ||
assembly | Command to register assemblies for the scene assembly framework, to create them, and to edit and query them. | ||
assignCommand | This command allows the user to assign hotkeys and manipulate the internal array of named command objects. | ||
attributeInfo | This command lists all of the attributes that are marked with certain flags. | ||
attributeName | This command takes one node.attribute-style specifier on the command line and returns either the attribute’s long, short, or nice name. | ||
attributeQuery | attributeQuery returns information about the configuration of an attribute. It handles both boolean flags, returning | ||
bakePartialHistory | This command is used to bake sections of the construction history of a shape node when possible. | ||
baseTemplate | This is the class for the commands that edit and/or query templates. | ||
baseView | A view defines the layout information for the attributes of a particular node type or container. | ||
color | This command sets the dormant wireframe color of the specified objects to be their class color or if the -ud/userDefined flag is specified, one of the user defined colors. | ||
colorIndex | The index specifies a color index in the color palette. | ||
commandEcho | This command controls what is echoed to the command window. | ||
commandLogging | This command controls logging of Maya commands, in memory and on disk. | ||
commandPort | Opens or closes the Maya command port. | ||
condition | This command creates a new named condition object whose true/false value is calculated by running a mel script. | ||
connectAttr | Connect the attributes of two dependency nodes and return the names of the two connected attributes. | ||
connectionInfo | The connectionInfocommand is used to get information about connection sources and destinations. | ||
container | This command can be used to create and query container nodes. | ||
containerBind | This is an accessory command to the container command which is used for some automated binding operations on the container. | ||
containerProxy | Creates a new container with the same published interface, dynamic attributes and attribute values as the specified container but with fewer container members. | ||
containerPublish | This is an accessory command to the container command which is used for some advanced publishing operations on the container. | ||
containerTemplate | A container template is a description of a container’s published interface. | ||
containerView | A container view defines the layout information for the published attributes of a particular container. | ||
contextInfo | This command allows you to get information on named contexts. | ||
copyAttr | Given two nodes, transfer the connections and/or the values from the first node to the second for all attributes whose names and data types match. | ||
createAttrPatterns | Create a new instance of an attribute pattern given a pattern type (e.g. | ||
createDisplayLayer | Create a new display layer. | ||
createNode | This command creates a new node in the dependency graph of the specified type. | ||
currentUnit | This command allows you to change the units in which you will work in Maya. | ||
curveRGBColor | This command creates, changes or removes custom curve colors, which are used to draw the curves in the Graph Editor. | ||
cycleCheck | This command searches for plug cycles in the dependency graph. | ||
delete | This command is used to delete selected objects, or all objects, or objects specified along with the command. | ||
deleteAttr | This command is used to delete a dynamic attribute from a node or nodes. | ||
deleteAttrPattern | After a while the list of attribute patterns could become cluttered. | ||
deleteExtension | This command is used to delete an extension attribute from a node type. | ||
disconnectAttr | Disconnects two connected attributes. | ||
displayAffected | Turns on/off the special coloring of objects that are affected by the objects that are currently in the selection list. | ||
displayColor | This command changes or queries the display color for anything in the application that allows the user to set its color. | ||
displayCull | This command is responsible for setting the display culling property of back faces of surfaces. | ||
displayLevelOfDetail | This command is responsible for setting the display level-of-detail for edit refreshes. | ||
displayPref | This command sets/queries the state of global display parameters. | ||
displayRGBColor | This command changes or queries the display color for anything in the application that allows the user to set its color. | ||
displaySmoothness | This command is responsible for setting the display smoothness of NURBS curves and surfaces to either predefined or custom values. | ||
displayStats | Flags: | ||
displaySurface | This command toggles display options on the specified or active surfaces. | ||
distanceDimension | This command is used to create a distance dimension to display the distance between two specified points. | ||
duplicate | This command duplicates the given objects. | ||
editDisplayLayerGlobals | Edit the parameter values common to all display layers. | ||
editDisplayLayerMembers | This command is used to query and edit membership of display layers. | ||
encodeString | This action will take a string and encode any character that would need to be escaped before being sent to some other command. | ||
evalDeferred | This command takes the string it is given and evaluates it during the next available idle time. | ||
exactWorldBoundingBox | This command figures out an exact-fit bounding box for the specified objects (or selected objects if none are specified) This bounding box is always in world space. | ||
format | This command takes a format string, where the format string contains format specifiers. | ||
getAttr | This command returns the value of the named object’s attribute. | ||
getClassification | Returns the classification string for a given node type. | ||
getEnums |
group | This command groups the specified objects under a new group and returns the name of the new group. | ||
hasAttr | convenience function for determining if an object has an attribute. | ||
hide | The hidecommand is used to make objects invisible. | ||
hilite | Hilites/Unhilites the specifed object(s). | ||
inheritTransform | This command toggles the inherit state of an object. | ||
instance | Instancing is a way of making the same object appear twice in the scene. | ||
instanceable | Flags one or more DAG nodes so that they can (or cannot) be instanced. | ||
instancer | This command is used to create a instancer node and set the proper attributes in the node. | ||
isConnected | The isConnectedcommand is used to check if two plugs are connected in the dependency graph. | ||
isDirty | The isDirtycommand is used to check if a plug is dirty. | ||
isTrue | This commmand returns the state of the named condition. | ||
isolateSelect | This command turns on/off isolate select mode in a specified modeling view, specified as the argument. | ||
itemFilter | This command creates a named itemFilter object. | ||
itemFilterAttr | This command creates a named itemFilterAttr object. | ||
itemFilterRender | Flags: | ||
itemFilterType | This command queries a named itemFilter object. | ||
license | This command displays version information about the application if it is executed without flags. | ||
listAttr | This command lists the attributes of a node. | ||
listAttrPatterns | Attribute patterns are plain text descriptions of an entire Maya attribute forest. | ||
listConnections | This command returns a list of all attributes/objects of a specified type that are connected to the given object(s). | ||
listFuture | Modifications: | ||
listHistory | This command traverses backwards or forwards in the graph from the specified node and returns all of the nodes whose construction history it passes through. | ||
listNodeTypes | Lists dependency node types satisfying a specified classification string. | ||
listNodesWithIncorrectNames | List all nodes with incorrect names in the Script Editor. | ||
listRelatives | This command lists parents and children of DAG objects. | ||
listSets | The listSets command is used to get a list of all the sets an object belongs to. | ||
listTransforms | Modifications: | ||
lockNode | Locks or unlocks one or more dependency nodes. | ||
ls | The lscommand returns the names (and optionally the type names) of objects in the scene. | ||
makeIdentity | The makeIdentity command is a quick way to reset the selected transform and all of its children down to the shape level by the identity transformation. | ||
makeLive | This commmand makes an object live. | ||
makePaintable | Make attributes of nodes paintable to Attribute Paint Tool. | ||
move | The move command is used to change the positions of geometric objects. | ||
nodeCast | Given two nodes, a source node of type A and a target node of type B, where type A is either type B or a sub-type of B, this command will replace the target node with the source node. | ||
nodeType | This command returns a string which identifies the given node’s type. | ||
objExists | This command simply returns true or false depending on whether an object with the given name exists. | ||
objectCenter | This command returns the coordinates of the center of the bounding box of the specified object. | ||
objectType | This command returns the type of elements. | ||
paramDimension | This command is used to create a param dimension to display the parameter value of a curve/surface at a specified point on the curve/surface. | ||
paramLocator | The command creates a locator in the underworld of a NURBS curve or NURBS surface at the specified parameter value. | ||
parent | This command parents (moves) objects under a new group, removes objects from an existing group, or adds/removes parents. | ||
partition | This command is used to create, query or add/remove sets to a partition. | ||
pause | Pause for a specified number of seconds for canned demos or for test scripts to allow user to view results. | ||
performanceOptions | Sets the global performance options for the application. | ||
pickWalk | The pickWalk command allows you to quickly change the selection list relative to the nodes that are currently selected. | ||
pixelMove | The pixelMove command moves objects by what appears as pixel units based on the current view. | ||
polySplitCtx2 | Create a new context to split facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. | ||
refresh | This command is used to force a redraw during script execution. | ||
relationship | This is primarily for use with file IO. | ||
removeMultiInstance | Removes a particular instance of a multiElement. | ||
rename | Renames the given object to have the new name. | ||
renameAttr | Renames the given user-defined attribute to the name given in the string argument. | ||
reorder | This command reorders (moves) objects relative to their siblings. | ||
reorderContainer | This command reorders (moves) objects relative to their siblings in a container. | ||
resetTool | This command resets a tool back to its factory settings | ||
rotate | The rotate command is used to change the rotation of geometric objects. | ||
saveToolSettings | This command causes all the tools not on the shelf to save their settings as optionVars. | ||
scale | The scale command is used to change the sizes of geometric objects. | ||
scaleComponents | This is a limited version of the scale command. | ||
select | This command is used to put objects onto or off of the active list. | ||
selectKey | This command operates on a keyset. | ||
selectMode | The selectModecommand is used to change the selection mode. | ||
selectPref | This command controls state variables used to selection UI behavior. | ||
selectPriority | The selectPrioritycommand is used to change the selection priority of particular types of objects that can be selected when using the select tool. | ||
selectType | The selectTypecommand is used to change the set of allowable types of objects that can be selected when using the select tool. | ||
selected | ls -sl | ||
selectedNodes | Flags: | ||
selectionConnection | This command creates a named selectionConnection object. | ||
setAttr | Sets the value of a dependency node attribute. | ||
setEnums | |||
setToolTo | This command switches control to the named context. | ||
sets | This command is used to create a set, query some state of a set, or perform operations to update the membership of a set. | ||
shapeCompare | Compares two shapes. | ||
showHidden | The showHiddencommand is used to make invisible objects visible. | ||
snapMode | The snapMode command is used to control snapping. | ||
softSelect | This command allows you to change the soft modelling options. | ||
spaceLocator | The command creates a locator at the specified position in space. | ||
strDeprecateDecorator | |||
stringArrayIntersector | The stringArrayIntersector command creates and edits an object which is able to efficiently intersect large string arrays. | ||
suitePrefs | This command sets the mouse and keyboard interaction mode for Maya and other Suites applications (if Maya is part of a Suites install). | ||
symmetricModelling | This command allows you to change the symmetric modelling options. | ||
threadCount | This command sets the number of threads to be used by Maya in regions of code that are multithreaded. | ||
timeCode | Use this command to query and set the time code information in the file | ||
toggle | The toggle command is used to toggle the display of various object features for objects which have these components. | ||
toggleAxis | Toggles the state of the display axis. | ||
toolDropped | This command builds and executes the commands necessary to recreate the specified tool button. | ||
toolHasOptions | This command queries a tool to see if it has options. | ||
toolPropertyWindow | End users should only call this command as 1. | ||
transformCompare | Compares two transforms passed as arguments. | ||
transformLimits | The transformLimits command allows us to set, edit, or query the limits of the transformation that can be applied to objects. | ||
ungroup | This command ungroups the specified objects. | ||
uniqueObjExists | Returns True if name uniquely describes an object in the scene. | ||
upAxis | The upAxis command changes the world up direction. | ||
validComponentIndexType | True if argObj is of a suitable type for specifying a component’s index. | ||
webView | This command allows user to bring up a web page view | ||
xform | This command can be used query/set any element in a transformation node. |
Attribute | Attribute class |
AttributeDefaults | |
Component | Abstract base class for pymel components. |
Component1D | |
Component1D64 | |
Component1DFloat | |
Component2D | |
Component2DFloat | |
Component3D | |
ComponentIndex | Class used to specify a multi-dimensional component index. |
ContinuousComponent | Components whose dimensions are continuous. |
DimensionedComponent | Components for which having a __getitem__ of some sort makes sense |
DiscreteComponent | Components whose dimensions are discretely indexed. |
HashableSlice | |
LatticePoint | |
MItComponent | Abstract base class for pymel components that can be accessed via iterators. |
MItComponent1D | |
MeshEdge | |
MeshFace | |
MeshUV | |
MeshVertex | |
MeshVertexFace | |
NodeTracker | A class for tracking Maya Objects as they are created and deleted. |
NurbsCurveCV | |
NurbsCurveEP | |
NurbsCurveKnot | |
NurbsCurveParameter | |
NurbsSurfaceCV | |
NurbsSurfaceEP | |
NurbsSurfaceFace | |
NurbsSurfaceIsoparm | |
NurbsSurfaceKnot | |
NurbsSurfaceRange | |
ParticleComponent | |
Pivot | |
ProxySlice | slice([start,] stop[, step]) |
PyNode | Abstract class that is base for all pymel nodes classes. |
Scene | The Scene class provides an attribute-based method for retrieving PyNode instances of nodes in the current scene. |
SubdEdge | |
SubdFace | |
SubdUV | |
SubdVertex |
AmbiguityWarning | |
MayaAttributeEnumError([node, enum]) | |
MayaAttributeError([node]) | |
MayaComponentError([node]) | |
MayaNodeError([node]) | |
MayaObjectError([node]) | |
MayaParticleAttributeError([node]) |