LazyLoadModule |
param name: | name of the module |
abs |
Return the absolute value of the argument. |
acos |
Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x. |
acosh |
Return the hyperbolic arc cosine (measured in radians) of x. |
addLazyDocString |
helper for LazyDocString. Equivalent to : |
alias |
Returns a property which is simply an alias for another property. |
all |
all(a, [,axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]) –> bool or Array of booleans |
angle |
angle(u, v) –> float |
any |
any(a [,axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]) –> bool or Array of booleans |
appendEnv |
append the value to the environment variable list ( separated by ‘:’ on osx and linux and ‘;’ on windows). |
asin |
Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x. |
asinh |
Return the hyperbolic arc sine (measured in radians) of x. |
atan |
Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x. |
atan2 |
Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x. |
atanh |
Return the hyperbolic arc tangent (measured in radians) of x. |
axis |
axis(u, v[, normalize=False]) –> VectorN |
blend |
blend(a, b[, weight=0.5]) : |
breadth |
iterator doing a breadth first expansion of args |
breadthArgs |
returns a list of a breadth first expansion of args |
breadthIterArgs |
iterator doing a breadth first expansion of args |
cacheProperty |
a property type for getattr functions that only need to be called once per instance. |
capitalize |
Python’s string ‘capitalize’ method is NOT equiv. |
ceil |
Return the ceiling of x as a float. |
clamp |
Clamps the value x between min and max |
clsname |
compareCascadingDicts |
compares two cascading dicts |
conjugate |
the conjugate part of x |
convertListArgs |
copysign |
Return x with the sign of y. |
cos |
Return the cosine of x (measured in radians). |
cosh |
Return the hyperbolic cosine of x. |
cotan |
cotan(u, v) –> float : |
cross |
cross(u, v) –> VectorN |
decorated |
Copies the original function’s name/docs/signature to the new function, so that the docstrings contain relevant information again. |
decorator |
Decorator for decorators. |
degrees |
Convert angle x from radians to degrees. |
det |
det(m) –> float |
dist |
dist(a, b[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]) –> float or Array |
dot |
dot(u, v) –> float |
erf |
Error function at x. |
erfc |
Complementary error function at x. |
escape |
Escape all non-alphanumeric characters in pattern. |
executableOutput |
Will return the text output of running the given executable with the given arguments. |
exp |
Return e raised to the power of x. |
expandArgs |
‘Flattens’ the arguments list: recursively replaces any iterable argument in *args by a tuple of its |
expm1 |
Return exp(x)-1. |
fabs |
Return the absolute value of the float x. |
factorial |
Find x!. |
floor |
Return the floor of x as a float. |
fmod |
Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C. |
frexp |
Return the mantissa and exponent of x, as pair (m, e). |
fsum |
Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable. |
gamma |
Gamma color correction of c with a single scalar gamma value g |
getCascadingDictItem |
getEnv |
get the value of an environment variable. returns default (None) if the variable has not been previously set. |
getEnvs |
get the value of an environment variable split into a list. returns default ([]) if the variable has not been previously set. |
hermite |
As the MEL command : This command returns x point along on x hermite curve from the five given control arguments. |
hermiteInterp |
Hermite interpolation of x between points y0 and y1 of tangent slope s0 and s1 |
hypot |
Return the Euclidean distance, sqrt(x*x + y*y). |
imag |
the imaginary part of x |
interface_wrapper |
A wrapper which allows factories to programatically create functions with |
interpreterBits |
Returns the number of bits of the architecture the interpreter was compiled on (ie, 32 or 64). |
inv |
inv(m) –> MatrixN |
isIterable |
Returns True if an object is iterable and not a string or ProxyUnicode type, otherwise returns False. |
isMapping |
Returns True if an object is a mapping (dictionary) type, otherwise returns False. |
isNumeric |
Returns True if an object is a number type, otherwise returns False. |
isScalar |
Returns True if an object is a number or complex type, otherwise returns False. |
isSequence |
same as operator.isSequenceType |
isinf |
Check if float x is infinite (positive or negative). |
isnan |
Check if float x is not a number (NaN). |
iterateArgs |
Iterates through all arguments list: recursively replaces any iterable argument in *args by a tuple of its elements that will be inserted at its place in the returned arguments. |
izip_longest |
ldexp |
Return x * (2**i). |
length |
length(a[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]) –> numeric or Array |
lgamma |
Natural logarithm of absolute value of Gamma function at x. |
linmap |
Returns the value of a linear remapping function. |
linstep |
Returns the value of a linear step function. |
listForNone |
returns an empty list when the result is None |
log |
Return the logarithm of x to the given base. |
log10 |
Return the base 10 logarithm of x. |
log1p |
Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e). |
makeMethod |
max |
max(iterable[, key=func[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]]) –> value |
mergeCascadingDicts |
recursively update to_dict with values from from_dict. |
min |
min(iterable[, key=func[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]]) –> value |
modf |
Return the fractional and integer parts of x. |
namedtuple |
Returns a new subclass of tuple with named fields. |
normal |
normal(a[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]) –> Array |
outer |
outer(u, v) –> MatrixN |
pairIter |
Returns an iterator over every 2 items of sequence. |
patchMath |
Overload various math functions to work element-wise on iterables |
postorder |
iterator doing a postorder expansion of args |
postorderArgs |
returns a list of a postorder expansion of args |
postorderIterArgs |
iterator doing a postorder expansion of args |
pow |
Return x**y (x to the power of y). |
preorder |
iterator doing a preorder expansion of args |
preorderArgs |
returns a list of a preorder expansion of args |
preorderIterArgs |
iterator doing a preorder expansion of args |
prependEnv |
prepend the value to the environment variable list (separated by ‘:’ on osx and linux and ‘;’ on windows). |
prod |
prod(a[, start=1[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]]) –> numeric or Array |
proxyClass |
This function will generate a proxy class which keeps the internal data separate from the wrapped class. |
putEnv |
set the value of an environment variable. overwrites any pre-existing value for this variable. If value is a non-string |
radians |
Convert angle x from degrees to radians. |
readonly |
Marks a class member as protected, allowing metaProtected to prevent re-assignation on the classes it generates |
real |
the real part of x |
refreshEnviron |
copy the shell environment into python’s environment, as stored in os.environ |
reorder |
Reorder a list based upon a list of positional indices and/or a dictionary of fromIndex:toIndex. |
round |
round(number[, ndigits]) -> float |
sequenceToSlices |
convert a sequence of integers into a tuple of slice objects |
setCascadingDictItem |
setRange |
Resets x range from x linear interpolation of oldmin to oldmax to x linear interpolation from newmin to newmax |
shellOutput |
Will return the text output of running a given shell command. |
sin |
Return the sine of x (measured in radians). |
sinh |
Return the hyperbolic sine of x. |
smoothmap |
Returns the value of a smooth remapping function. |
smoothstep |
Returns the value of a smooth step function. |
sqlength |
sqlength(a[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]) –> numeric or Array |
sqrt |
Return the square root of x. |
subpackages |
Given a module object, returns an iterator which yields a tuple (modulename, moduleobject, ispkg) for the given module and all it’s submodules/subpackages. |
sum |
sum(a[, start=0[, axis=(axis0, axis1, ...)]]) –> numeric or Array |
tan |
Return the tangent of x (measured in radians). |
tanh |
Return the hyperbolic tangent of x. |
timer |
toZip |
Sample for storing directory to a ZipFile |
trunc |
Truncates x to the nearest Integral toward 0. |
uncapitalize |
preserveAcronymns enabled ensures that ‘NTSC’ does not become ‘nTSC’ |
unescape |