Functions for creating UI elements, as well as their class counterparts.


animCurveEditor Edit a characteristic of a graph editor
animDisplay This command changes certain display options used by animation windows.
annotate This command is used to create an annotation to be attached to the specified objects at the specified point.
artBuildPaintMenu ??
attrColorSliderGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
attrControlGrp This command creates a control of the type most appropriate for the specified attribute, and associates the control with the attribute.
attrEnumOptionMenu This command creates an enumerated attribute control.
attrEnumOptionMenuGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
attrFieldGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
attrFieldSliderGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
attrNavigationControlGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
attributeMenu Action to generate popup connection menus for Hypershade.
autoLayout This command creates a form layout control.
autoPlace This command takes a point in the centre of the current modeling pane and projects it onto the live surface.
blendShapeEditor This command creates an editor that derives from the base editor class that has controls for blendShape, control nodes.
blendShapePanel This command creates a panel that derives from the base panel class that houses a blendShapeEditor.
button Create a button control capable of displaying a textual label and executing a command when selected by the user.
buttonManip This creates a button manipulator.
canvas Creates a control capable of displaying a color swatch.
channelBox This command creates a channel box, which is sensitive to the active list.
checkBox This command creates a check box.
checkBoxGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
clipEditor Create a clip editor with the given name.
clipSchedulerOutliner This command creates/edits/queries a clip scheduler outliner control.
cmdScrollFieldExecuter A script editor executer control used to issue script commands to Maya.
cmdScrollFieldReporter A script editor reporter control used to receive and display the history of processed commmands.
cmdShell This command creates a scrolling field that behaves similar to a unix shell for entering user input.
colorEditor The colorEditorcommand displays a modal dialog that may be used to specify colors in RGB or HSV.
colorIndexSliderGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
colorSliderButtonGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
colorSliderGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
columnLayout This command creates a layout that arranges its children in a single column.
commandLine This command creates a single line for command input/output.The left half is for input, the right half for output.
componentBox This command creates a component box, which is sensitive to the active list.
componentEditor This command creates a new component editor in the current layout.
confirmBox Prompt for confirmation.
confirmDialog The confirmDialog command creates a modal dialog with a message to the user and a variable number of buttons to dismiss the dialog.
connectControl This command attaches a UI widget, specified as the first argument, to one or more dependency node attributes.
control This command allows you to edit or query the properties of any control.
createEditor This command creates a property sheet for any dependency node.
currentMenuParent shortcut for ui.PyUI(setParent(q=1, menu=1))
currentParent shortcut for ui.PyUI(setParent(q=1))
defaultLightListCheckBox This command creates a checkBox that controls whether a shadingGroup is connected/disconnected from the defaultLightList.
defaultNavigation The defaultNavigation command defines default behaviours when creating or manipulating connections between nodes and when navigating between nodes via those connections.
deleteUI This command deletes UI objects such as windows and controls.
deviceEditor This creates an editor for creating/modifying attachments to input devices.
devicePanel This command is now obsolete.
dimWhen This method attaches the named UI object (first argument) to the named condition (second argument) so that the object will be dimmed when the condition is in a particular state.
disable This command enables or disables the control passed as argument.
disableIncorrectNameWarning Disable the warning dialog which complains about incorrect node names when opening Maya files.
dockControl Create a dockable control, also known as tool palette or utility window.
dynPaintEditor Create a editor window that can be painted into
editor Edit the characteristic of an editor
editorTemplate The editorTemplate command allows the user to specify the conceptual layout of an attribute editor and leave the details of exactly which UI elements are used in the final result to the automatic dialog generation mechanism.
exclusiveLightCheckBox This command creates a checkBox that controls a light’s exclusive non-exclusive status.
floatField Create a field control that accepts only float values and is bound by a minimum and maximum value.
floatFieldGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
floatScrollBar Create a scroll bar control that accepts only float values and is bound by a minimum and maximum value.
floatSlider Create a slider control that accepts only float values and is bound by a minimum and maximum value.
floatSlider2 This command creates a float slider containing two handles.
floatSliderButtonGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
floatSliderGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
flowLayout This command creates a layout that arranges its children along a single line (either horizontal or vertical).
fontDialog On Windows systems only, the command can be invoked with no flags; in this case it displays a font picking window, and returns the name of the font that the user picked.
formLayout This command creates a form layout control.
frameLayout This command creates frame layout control.
getPanel This command returns panel and panel configuration information.
glRenderEditor Create a glRender view.
grabColor This command changes the cursor and enters a modal state which will be exited by pressing a mouse button.
gradientControl This command creates a control that displays the gradient attribute specified.
gradientControlNoAttr This command creates a control for editing a ramp (2D control curve).
gridLayout This layout arranges children in a grid fashion where every cell in the grid is the same size.
hardwareRenderPanel This command creates, edit and queries hardware render panels which contain only a hardware render editor.
headsUpDisplay This command creates a Heads-up Display (HUD) object which is placed in a 2D inactive overlay plane on the 3D viewport.
headsUpMessage This command draws a message in the 3d view.
helpLine This command creates a help line where tool help/hints are shown.
hotBox This command controls parameters related to the hotBox menubar palette.
hotkey This command sets the single-key hotkeys for the entire application.
hotkeyCheck This command checks if the given hotkey is mapped to a nameCommand object.
hudButton This command creates a Heads-up Display (HUD) button control which is placed in a 2D inactive overlay plane on the 3D viewport.
hudSlider This command creates a Heads-up Display (HUD) slider control which is placed in a 2D inactive overlay plane on the 3D viewport.
hudSliderButton This command creates a Heads-up Display (HUD) slider button control which is placed in a 2D inactive overlay plane on the 3D viewport.
hyperGraph The following is an overview of the basic features of the hypergraph.
hyperPanel This command creates, edit and queries hypergraph panels which contain only a hypergraph editor.
hyperShade Commands for shader editing in the hypergraph
iconTextButton This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles.
iconTextCheckBox This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles.
iconTextRadioButton This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles.
iconTextRadioCollection This command creates a cluster for iconTextRadioButtons.
iconTextScrollList This command creates/edits/queries a text scrolling list.
iconTextStaticLabel This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles.
image This command creates a static image for non-xpm files.
inViewMessage Used for displaying in-view messages.
informBox Information box
intField Create a field control that accepts only integer values and is bound by a minimum and maximum value.
intFieldGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
intScrollBar Create a scroll bar control that accepts only integer values and is bound by a minimum and maximum value.
intSlider Create a slider control that accepts only integer values and is bound by a minimum and maximum value.
intSliderGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
keyframeOutliner This command creates/edits/queries a keyframe outliner control.
keyframeStats All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
layerButton Creates a layer bar button widget.
layout This command allows you to edit or query the properties of any layout.
layoutDialog The layoutDialog command creates a modal dialog containing a formLayout with 100 divisions.
linearPrecision This command controls the display of linear strings in the interface.
loadPrefObjects This command loads preference dependency nodes from, if it exists, from the user preference directory.
loadUI loadUI command allows loading of a user interface created in Trolltech Qt Designer. Some Qt classes have equivalents in
lsUI This command returns the names of UI objects.
menu This command creates a new menu and adds it to the default window’s menubar if no parent is specified.
menuBarLayout Create a layout containing a menu bar.
menuEditor A menuEditor displays the contents of a popup menu and allows the menu’s items to be edited.
menuItem This command creates/edits/queries menu items.
menuSet Create a menu set which is used to logically order menus for display in the main menu bar.
menuSetPref Provides the functionality to save and load menuSets between sessions of Maya.
messageLine This command creates a message line where tool feedback is shown.
minimizeApp This command minimizes (iconifies) all of the application’s windows into a single desktop icon.
modelEditor Create, edit or query a model editor.
modelPanel This command creates a panel consisting of a model editor.
nameCommand This command creates a nameCommand object.
nameField This command creates an editable field that can be linked to the name of a Maya object.
nodeEditor This command creates/edits/queries a nodeEditor editor.
nodeIconButton This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles.
nodeOutliner The nodeOutliner command creates, edits and queries an outline control that shows dependency nodes and their attributes.
nodeTreeLister This command creates/edits/queries the node tree lister control.
objectTypeUI This command returns the type of UI element such as button, sliders, etc.
optionMenu This command creates a popup menu control.
optionMenuGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
outlinerEditor This command creates an outliner editor which can be used to display a list of objects.WARNING: some flag combinations may not behave as you expect.
outlinerPanel This command creates, edit and queries outliner panels which contain only an outliner editor.
overrideModifier This command allows you to assign modifier key behaviour to other parts of the system.
palettePort This command creates an array of color cells.
paneLayout This command creates a pane layout.
panel This command allows editing or querying properties of any panels.
panelConfiguration This command creates a panel configuration object.
panelHistory This command creates a panel history object.
picture This command creates a static image.
popupMenu This command creates a popup menu and attaches it to the current control if no parent is specified.
progressBar Creates a progress bar control that graphically fills in as its progress value increases.
progressWindow The progressWindow command creates a window containing a status message, a graphical progress gauge, and optionally a Hit ESC to Cancellabel for interruptable operations.
promptBox Prompt for a value.
promptBoxGenerator Keep prompting for values until cancelled
promptDialog The promptDialog command creates a modal dialog with a message to the user, a text field in which the user may enter a response, and a variable number of buttons to dismiss the dialog.
promptForFolder Prompt the user for a folder path
promptForPath Prompt the user for a folder path
radioButton This command creates a radio button that is added to the most recently created radio collection if the -cl/collectionflag is not used.
radioButtonGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
radioCollection This command creates a radio button collection.
radioMenuItemCollection This command creates a radioMenuItemCollection.
rangeControl This command creates a control used for displaying and modifying the current playback range.
refreshEditorTemplates This command refreshes all cached attribute editor templates, including those copied from the standard AE.
renameUI This command renames the UI object passed as first arument to the new name specified as second argument.
renderWindowEditor Create a editor window that can receive the result of the rendering process
rowColumnLayout This command creates a rowColumn layout.
rowLayout This command creates a layout capable of positioning children into a single horizontal row.
runTimeCommand Flags:
saveAllShelves This command writes all shelves that are immediate children of the specified control layout to the prefs directory.
saveMenu This command is used for saving the contents of a menu, so that another instance of the menu may be recreated later.
savePrefObjects This command saves preference dependency nodes to userPrefObjects.main the user preference directory.
savePrefs This command saves preferences to disk.
saveShelf This command saves the specified shelf (first argument) to the specified file (second argument).
saveViewportSettings This command causes all the 3d views to save their settings as optionVar’s.
scmh Set the current manipulator handle value(s).
scriptEditorInfo Use this command to directly manipulate and query the contents of the Command Window window.
scriptTable This command creates/edits/queries the script table control.
scriptedPanel This command will create an instance of the specified scriptedPanelType.
scriptedPanelType This command defines the callbacks for a type of scripted panel.
scrollField This command creates a scrolling field that handles multiple lines of text.
scrollLayout This command creates a scroll layout.
separator This command creates a separator widget in a variety of drawing styles.
setFocus Give keyboard focus to a specific control or panel, passed as an argument.
setMenuMode Optionally sets a new Menu Mode for the menu bar in the main Maya window.
setNodeTypeFlag This command sets static data on the specified node type.
setParent This command changes the default parent to be the specified parent.
setStartupMessage Update the startup window message.
setUITemplate This command sets the current(default) command template for the ELF commands.
shelfButton This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles.
shelfLayout This command creates a new empty shelf layout.
shelfTabLayout This command creates/edits/queries a shelf tab group which is essentially a normal tabLayout with some drop behaviour in the tab bar.
showSelectionInTitle This command causes the title of the window specified as an argument to be linked to the current file and selection.
showWindow Make a window visible.
showsHourglass Decorator - shows the hourglass cursor until the function returns
soundControl This command creates a control used for changing current time and scratching/scrubbing through sound files.
spreadSheetEditor This command creates a new spread sheet editor in the current layout.
subMenuItem shortcut for menuItem(subMenu=True)
swatchDisplayPort This command creates a 3dPort that displays a swatch representing the shading node.
switchTable This command creates/edits/queries the switch table control.
symbolButton This command creates a symbol button.
symbolCheckBox This command creates a symbol check box.
tabLayout This command creates a tab group.
text Create a simple text label control.
textCurves The textCurves command creates NURBS curves from a text string using the specified font.
textField Create a text field control.
textFieldButtonGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
textFieldGrp All of the group commands position their individual controls in columns starting at column 1.
textManip Shows/hides the text manip.
textScrollList This command creates/edits/queries a text scrolling list.
timeControl This command creates a control that can be used for changing current time, displaying/editing keys, and displaying/scrubbing sound.Note: only one timeControl may be created.
timePort This command creates a simple time control widget.
toQtControl Given the name of a May UI control, return the corresponding QWidget.
toQtLayout Given the name of a May UI control, return the corresponding QWidget.
toQtMenuItem Given the name of a May UI menuItem, return the corresponding QAction.
toQtObject Given the name of a Maya UI element of any type, return the corresponding QWidget or QAction.
toQtWindow Given the name of a May UI control, return the corresponding QWidget.
toggleWindowVisibility Toggle the visibility of a window.
toolBar Create a toolbar.
toolButton This command creates a toolButton that is added to the most recently created tool button collection unless the cl/collectionflag is used.
toolCollection This command creates a tool button collection.
treeLister This command creates/edits/queries the tree lister control.
treeView This command creates a custom control.
uiTemplate This command creates a new command template object.
valueControlGrp This function allows for a simplified interface for automatically creating UI’s to control numeric values.
viewManip Mel access to the view cube manipulator.
visor Command for the creation and manipulation of a Visor UI element.
webBrowser This command is obsolete and will be removed in next version of Maya.
webBrowserPrefs Flags:
window This command creates a new window but leaves it invisible.
windowPref Create or modify preferred window attributes.


Callback Enables deferred function evaluation with ‘baked’ arguments.


PopupError(msg, *args, **kwargs) Raise this exception in your scripts to cause a confirmDialog to be opened displaying the error message.

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