
functions related to modeling


addMetadata Defines the attachment of a metadata structure to one or more selected objects.
alignCurve The curve align command is used to align curves in maya.
alignSurface The surface align command is used to align surfaces in maya.
angleBetween Returns the axis and angle required to rotate one vector onto another.
applyMetadata Define the values of a particular set of metadata on selected objects.
arcLengthDimension This command is used to create an arcLength dimension to display the arcLength of a curve/surface at a specified point on the curve/surface.
arclen This command returns the arclength of a curve if the history flag is not set (the default).
attachCurve This attach command is used to attach curves.
attachSurface This attach command is used to attach surfaces.
bevel The bevel command creates a new bevel surface for the specified curve.
bevelPlus The bevelPlus command creates a new bevel surface for the specified curves using a given style curve.
bezierAnchorPreset This command provides a queryable interface for Bezier curve shapes.
bezierAnchorState The bezierAnchorState command provides an easy interface to modify anchor states: - Smooth/Broken anchor tangents -
bezierCurveToNurbs The bezierCurveToNurbs command attempts to convert an existing NURBS curve to a Bezier curve.
bezierInfo This command provides a queryable interface for Bezier curve shapes.
blend2 This command creates a surface by blending between given curves.
blindDataType This command creates a blind data type, which is represented by a blindDataTemplate node in the DG.
boundary This command produces a boundary surface given 3 or 4 curves.
canCreateManip This command returns true if there can be a manipulator made for the specified selection, false otherwise.
changeSubdivComponentDisplayLevel Explicitly forces the subdivision surface to display components at a particular level of refinement.
changeSubdivRegion Changes a subdivision surface region based on the command parameters.
circle The circle command creates a circle or partial circle (arc)
circularFillet The cmd is used to compute the rolling ball surface fillet ( circular fillet ) between two given NURBS surfaces.
closeCurve The closeCurve command closes a curve, making it periodic.
closeSurface The closeSurface command closes a surface in the U, V, or both directions, making it periodic.
coarsenSubdivSelectionList Coarsens a subdivision surface set of components based on the selection list.
cone The cone command creates a new cone and/or a dependency node that creates one, and returns their names.
constructionHistory This command turns construction history on or off.
createSubdivRegion Creates a subdivision surface region based on the selection list.
curve The curve command creates a new curve from a list of control vertices (CVs).
curveIntersect You must specify two curves to intersect.
curveOnSurface The curve-on-surface command creates a new curve-on-surface from a list of control vertices (CVs).
cylinder The cylinder command creates a new cylinder and/or a dependency node that creates one, and returns their names.
dataStructure Takes in a description of the structure and creates it, adding it to the list of available data structures.
detachCurve The detachCurve command detaches a curve into pieces, given a list of parameter values.
detachSurface The detachSurface command detaches a surface into pieces, given a list of parameter values and a direction.
doubleProfileBirailSurface The arguments are 4 cuves called profile1profile2rail1rail2.
duplicateCurve The duplicateCurve command takes a curve on a surface and and returns the 3D curve.
duplicateSurface The duplicateSurface command takes a surface patch (face) and and returns the 3D surface.
editMetadata This command is used to set metadata elements onto or remove metadata elements from an object.
extendCurve This command extends a curve or creates a new curve as an extension
extendSurface This command extends a surface or creates a new surface as an extension.
extrude This command computes a surface given a profile curve and possibly a path curve.
filletCurve The curve fillet command creates a fillet curve between two curves.
filterExpand Based on selected components (or components specified on the command line), the command filters and/or expands the list given the options.
fitBspline The fitBspline command fits the CVs from an input curve and and returns a 3D curve.
freeFormFillet This command creates a free form surface fillet across two surface trim edges or isoparms or curve on surface.
geomToBBox Create polygonal mesh bounding boxes for geometry.
getMetadata This command is used to retrieve the values of metadata elements from a node or scene.
globalStitch This command computes a globalStitch of NURBS surfaces.
grid This command changes the size and spacing of lines on the ground plane displayed in the perspective and orthographic views.
hardenPointCurve The hardenPointCurve command changes the knots of a curve given a list of control point indices so that the knot corresponding to that control point gets the specified multiplicity.
hasMetadata This command is used to query for the presence of metadata elements on a node, components, or scene.
illustratorCurves The illustratorCurves command creates NURBS curves from an input Adobe(R) Illustrator(R) file
insertKnotCurve The insertKnotCurve command inserts knots into a curve given a list of parameter values.
insertKnotSurface The insertKnotSurface command inserts knots (aka isoparms) into a surface given a list of parameter values.
intersect The intersect command creates a curve on surface where all surfaces intersect with each other.
loft This command computes a skinned (lofted) surface passing through a number of NURBS curves.
makeSingleSurface This command performs a stitch and tessellate operation
manipOptions Changes the global manipulator parameters In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
moveVertexAlongDirection The command moves the selected vertex ( control vertex ) in the specified unit direction by the given magnitude.
multiProfileBirailSurface The cmd creates a railed surface by sweeping the profiles using two rail curves.
nurbsBoolean This command performs a boolean operation.
nurbsCopyUVSet This is only a sample command for debugging purposes, which makes a copy of the implicit st parameterization on a nurbs surface to be the 1st explicit uvset.
nurbsCube The nurbsCube command creates a new NURBS Cube made up of six planes.
nurbsCurveToBezier The nurbsCurveToBezier command attempts to convert an existing NURBS curve to a Bezier curve.
nurbsEditUV Command edits uvs on NURBS objects.
nurbsPlane The nurbsPlane command creates a new NURBS Plane and return the name of the new surface.
nurbsSelect Performs selection operations on NURBS objects.If any of the border flags is set, then the appropriate borders are selected.
nurbsSquare The nurbsSquare command creates a square
nurbsToPoly This command tesselates a NURBS surface and produces a polygonal surface.
nurbsToPolygonsPref This command sets the values used by the nurbs-to-polygons (or tesselate) preference.
nurbsToSubdiv This command converts a NURBS surface and produces a subd surface.
nurbsToSubdivPref This command sets the values used by the nurbs-to-subdivision surface preference.
nurbsUVSet Allows user to toggle between implicit and explicit UVs on a NURBS object.
offsetCurve The offset command creates new offset curves from the selected curves.
offsetCurveOnSurface The offsetCurveOnSurface command offsets a curve on surface resulting in another curve on surface.
offsetSurface The offset command creates new offset surfaces from the selected surfaces.
planarSrf This command computes a planar trimmed surface given planar boundary curves that form a closed region.
plane The command creates a sketch plane (also known as a construction plane) in space.
pointCurveConstraint The command enables direct manipulation of a NURBS curve.
pointOnCurve This command returns information for a point on a NURBS curve.
pointOnSurface This command returns information for a point on a surface.
pointPosition This command returns the world or local space position for any type of point object.
polyAppend Appends a new face to the selected polygonal object.
polyAppendVertex Appends a new face to the selected polygonal object.
polyAutoProjection Projects a map onto an object, using several orthogonal projections simultaneously.
polyAverageNormal Set normals of vertices or vertex-faces to an average value when the vertices within a given threshold.
polyAverageVertex Moves the selected vertices of a polygonal object to round its shape.
polyBevel Bevel edges.
polyBlendColor Takes two color sets and blends them together into a third specified color set.
polyBlindData Command creates blindData types (basically creates an instance of TdnPolyBlindData).
polyBoolOp This command creates a new poly as the result of a boolean operation on input polys : union, intersection, difference.
polyBridgeEdge Bridges two sets of edges.
polyCBoolOp This command creates a new poly as the result of a boolean operation on input polys : union, intersection, difference.
polyCacheMonitor When the cacheInput attribute has a positive value the midModifier node caches the output mesh improving performance in computations of downstream nodes.
polyCheck Dumps a description of internal memory representation of poly objects.
polyChipOff Extract facets.
polyClipboard The command allows the user to copy and paste certain polygonal attributes to a clipboard.
polyCloseBorder Closes open borders of objects.
polyCollapseEdge Turns each selected edge into a point.
polyCollapseFacet Turns each selected facet into a point.
polyColorBlindData This command applies false color to the selected polygonal components and objects, depending on whether or not blind data exists for the selected components (or, in the case of poly objects, dynamic attributes), and, depending on the color mode indicated, what the values are.
polyColorDel Deletes color from selected components.
polyColorMod Modifies the attributes of a poly color set.
polyColorPerVertex Command associates color(rgb and alpha) with vertices on polygonal objects.
polyColorSet Command to do the following to color sets: - delete an existing color set.
polyCompare Compares two Polygonal Geometry objects with a fine control on what to compare.
polyCone The cone command creates a new polygonal cone.
polyConnectComponents Splits polygon edges according to the selected components.
polyCopyUV Copy some UVs from a UV set into another.
polyCrease Command to set the crease values on the edges or vertices of a poly.
polyCreateFacet Create a new polygonal object with the specified face, which will be closed.
polyCube The cube command creates a new polygonal cube.
polyCut This command splits a mesh, or a set of poly faces, along a plane.
polyCylinder The cylinder command creates a new polygonal cylinder.
polyCylindricalProjection Projects a cylindrical map onto an object.
polyDelEdge Deletes selected edges, and merges neighboring faces.
polyDelFacet Deletes faces.
polyDelVertex Deletes vertices.
polyDuplicateAndConnect This command duplicates the input polygonal object, connects up the outMesh attribute of the original polygonal shape to the inMesh attribute of the newly created duplicate shape and copies over the shader assignments from the original shape to the new duplicated shape.
polyDuplicateEdge Duplicates a series of connected edges (edgeLoop)
polyEditEdgeFlow Edit edges of a polygonal object to respect surface curvature.
polyEditUV Command edits uvs on polygonal objects.
polyEditUVShell Command edits uv shells on polygonal objects.
polyEvaluate Returns the required counts on the specified objects.
polyExtrudeEdge Extrude edges separately or together.
polyExtrudeFacet Extrude faces.
polyExtrudeVertex Command that extrudes selected vertices outwards.
polyFlipEdge Command to flip the edges shared by 2 adjacent triangles.
polyFlipUV Flip (mirror) the UVs (in texture space) of input polyFaces, about either the U or V axis..
polyForceUV A set of functionalities can be called through this command.
polyGeoSampler This command performs a render sampling of surface color and transparency for each selected vertex or face and stores the sampled data as either the color value, or uses the sampled data to displace the affected vertices or faces by a sampled data value.
polyHelix The polyHelix command creates a new polygonal helix.
polyHole Command to set and clear holes on given faces.
polyInfo Command query’s topological information on polygonal objects and components.
polyInstallAction Installs/uninstalls several things to help the user to perform the specified action : PickmaskInternal selection
polyLayoutUV Move UVs in the texture plane to avoid overlaps.
polyListComponentConversion This command converts poly components from one or more types to another one or more types, and returns the list of the conversion.
polyMapCut Cut along edges of the texture mapping.
polyMapDel Deletes texture coordinates (UVs) from selected faces.
polyMapSew Sew border edges in texture space.
polyMapSewMove This command can be used to Move and Sew together separate UV pieces along geometric edges.
polyMergeEdge Sews two border edges together.The new edge is located either on the first, last, or between both selected edges, depending on the mode.
polyMergeFacet The second face becomes a hole in the first face.The new holed face is located either on the first, last, or between both selected faces, depending on the mode.
polyMergeUV Merge UVs of an object based on their distance.
polyMergeVertex Merge vertices within a given threshold.Since this allows merging any vertices that lie on the same object it is possible for the resulting geometry to be non-manifold.First, perform comparison of pairs of selected vertices.
polyMirrorFace Mirror all the faces of the selected object.
polyMoveEdge Modifies edges of a polygonal object.
polyMoveFacet Modifies facet of a polygonal object.
polyMoveFacetUV Modifies the map by moving all UV values associated with the selected face(s).
polyMoveUV Moves selected UV coordinates in 2D space.
polyMoveVertex Modifies vertices of a polygonal object.
polyMultiLayoutUV place the UVs of the selected polygonal objects so that they do not overlap.
polyNormal Control the normals of an object.
polyNormalPerVertex Command associates normal(x, y, z) with vertices on polygonal objects.
polyNormalizeUV Normalizes the UVs of input polyFaces.
polyOptUvs Optimizes selected UVs.
polyOptions Changes the global display polygonal attributes.
polyOutput Dumps a description of internal memory representation of poly objects.
polyPipe The polyPipe command creates a new polygonal pipe.
polyPlanarProjection Projects a map onto an object, using an orthogonal projection.
polyPlane The mesh command creates a new polygonal plane.
polyPlatonicSolid The polyPlatonicSolid command creates a new polygonal platonic solid.
polyPoke Introduces a new vertex in the middle of the selected face, and connects it to the rest of the vertices of the face.
polyPrimitive Create a polygon primative
polyPrism The prism command creates a new polygonal prism.
polyProjectCurve The polyProjectCurve command creates curves by projecting a selected curve onto a selected poly mesh.
polyProjection Creates a mapping on the selected polygonal faces.
polyPyramid The pyramid command creates a new polygonal pyramid.
polyQuad Merges selected triangles of a polygonal object into four-sided faces.
polyQueryBlindData Command query’s blindData associated with particular polygonal components.
polyReduce Simplify a polygonal object by reducing geometry while preserving the overall shape of the mesh.
polySelect This command makes different types of poly component selections.
polySelectConstraint Changes the global polygonal selection constraints.
polySelectConstraintMonitor Manage the window to display/edit the polygonal selection constraint parameters
polySeparate This command creates new objects from the given poly.
polySetToFaceNormal This command takes selected polygonal vertices or vertex-faces and changes their normals.
polySewEdge Merge border edges within a given threshold.Perform pair-wise comparison of selected edges.
polySlideEdge Moves an edge loop selection along the edges connected to the sides of its vertices.
polySmooth Smooth a polygonal object.
polySoftEdge Selectively makes edges soft or hard.
polySphere The sphere command creates a new polygonal sphere.
polySphericalProjection Projects a spherical map onto an object.
polySplit Split facets/edges of a polygonal object.
polySplitEdge Split Edges.There are two operations for this command depending on the value of the -operation flag.
polySplitRing Splits a series of ring edges of connected quads and inserts connecting edges between them.
polySplitVertex Use this command to split one or more vertices.A mesh is made up of one or more faces.
polyStraightenUVBorder Move border UVs along a simple curve.
polySubdivideEdge Subdivides an edge into two or more subedges.
polySubdivideFacet Subdivides a face into quads or triangles.
polyToSubdiv This command converts a polygon and produces a subd surface.
polyTorus The torus command creates a new polygonal torus.
polyTransfer Transfer information from one polygonal object to another one.
polyTriangulate Triangulation breaks polygons down into triangles, ensuring that all faces are planar and non-holed.
polyUVRectangle Given two vertices, does one of the following: 1) If the vertices define opposite corners of a rectangular area of quads, assigns a grid of UVs spanning the 0-1 area to that rectangle.
polyUVSet Command to do the following to uv sets: - delete an existing uv set.
polyUnite This command creates a new poly as an union of a list of polys If no objects are specified in the command line, then the objects from the active list are used.
polyWedgeFace Extrude faces about an axis.
projectCurve The projectCurve command creates curves on surface where all selected curves project onto the selected surfaces.
projectTangent The project tangent command is used to align (for tangents) a curve to two other curves or a surface.
propMove Performs a proportional translate, scale or rotate operation on any number of objects.
querySubdiv Queries a subdivision surface based on a set of query parameters and updates the selection list with the results.
rebuildCurve This command rebuilds a curve by modifying its parameterization.
rebuildSurface This command rebuilds a surface by modifying its parameterization.
refineSubdivSelectionList Refines a subdivision surface set of components based on the selection list.
reverseCurve The reverseCurve command reverses the direction of a curve or curve-on-surface.
reverseSurface The reverseSurface command reverses one or both directions of a surface or can be used to swapthe U and V directions (this creates the effect of reversing the surface normal).
revolve This command creates a revolved surface by revolving the given profile curve about an axis.
roundConstantRadius This command generates constant radius NURBS fillets and NURBS corner surfaces for matching edge pairs on NURBS surfaces.
setXformManip This command changes some of the settings of the xform manip, to control its appearance.
singleProfileBirailSurface This cmd creates a railed surface by sweeping the profile curve along the two rail curves.
smoothCurve The smooth command smooths the curve at the given control points.
smoothTangentSurface The smoothTangentSurface command smooths the surface along an isoparm at each parameter value.
sphere The sphere command creates a new sphere.
squareSurface This command produces a square surface given 3 or 4 curves.
stitchSurface The stitchSurface command aligns two surfaces together to be G(0) and/or G(1) continuous by ajusting only the Control Vertices of the surfaces.
stitchSurfacePoints The stitchSurfacePoints command aligns two or more surface points along the boundaries together to a single point.
subdAutoProjection Projects a texture map onto an object, using several orthogonal projections simultaneously.
subdCleanTopology Command cleans topology of subdiv surfaces - at all levels.
subdCollapse This command converts a takes a subdivision surface, passed as the argument, and produces a subdivision surface with a number of hierarchy levels removed.
subdDuplicateAndConnect This command duplicates the input subdivision surface object, connects up the outSubdiv attribute of the original subd shape to the create attribute of the newly created duplicate shape and copies over the shader assignments from the original shape to the new duplicated shape.
subdEditUV Command edits uvs on subdivision surfaces.
subdLayoutUV Move UVs in the texture plane to avoid overlaps.
subdListComponentConversion This command converts subdivision surface components from one or more types to another one or more types, and returns the list of the conversion.
subdMapCut Cut along edges of the texture mapping.
subdMapSewMove This command can be used to Move and Sew together separate UV pieces along geometric edges.
subdMatchTopology Command matches topology across multiple subdiv surfaces - at all levels.
subdMirror This command takes a subdivision surface, passed as the argument, and produces a subdivision surface that is a mirror.
subdPlanarProjection Projects a map onto an object, using an orthogonal projection.
subdToBlind The subdivision surface hierarchical edits will get copied into blind data on the given polygon.
subdToPoly This command tessellates a subdivision surface and produces polygon.
subdTransferUVsToCache The subdivision surface finer level uvs will get copied to the polygonToSubd node sent in as argument.
subdiv Provides useful information about the selected subdiv or components, such as the deepest subdivided level, the children or parents of the currently selected components, etc.
subdivCrease Set the creasing on subdivision mesh edges or mesh points that are on the selection list.
subdivDisplaySmoothness Sets or querys the display smoothness of subdivision surfaces on the selection list or of all subdivision surfaces if the -all option is set.
surface The cmd creates a NURBS spline surface (rational or non rational).
textCurves The textCurves command creates NURBS curves from a text string using the specified font.
tolerance This command sets tolerances used by modelling operations that require a tolerance, such as surface fillet.
torus The torus command creates a new torus and/or a dependency node that creates one, and returns their names.
transferAttributes Samples the attributes of a source surface (first argument) and transfers them onto a target surface (second argument).
transferShadingSets Command to transfer shading set assignments between meshes.
trim This command trims a surface to its curves on surface by first splitting the surface and then selecting which regions to keep or discard.
unfold None
untangleUV This command will aid in the creation of non-overlapping regions (i.e.
untrim Untrim the surface.
uvSnapshot Builds an image containg the UVs of the selected objects.

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