Functions related to rendering
ambientLight | The ambientLight command is used to edit the parameters of existing ambientLights, or to create new ones. |
assignViewportFactories | Sets viewport factories for displays as materials or textures. |
batchRender | The batchRender command is used to spawn off a separate rendering session of the current maya file. |
binMembership | Command to assign nodes to bins. |
camera | Create, edit, or query a camera with the specified properties. |
cameraSet | This command manages camera set nodes. |
cameraView | This command creates a preset view for a camera which is then independent of the camera. |
checkDefaultRenderGlobals | To query whether or not the defaultRenderGlobals node has been modified since the last file save, use ls -modified. |
convertIffToPsd | Converts iff file to PSD file of given size In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
convertSolidTx | Command to convert a texture on a surface to a file texture. |
convertTessellation | Command to translate the basic tessellation attributes to advanced. |
createLayeredPsdFile | Creates a layered PSD file with image names as input to individual layers |
createRenderLayer | Create a new render layer. |
createSurfaceShader | create a shader and shading group |
defaultLightListCheckBox | This command creates a checkBox that controls whether a shadingGroup is connected/disconnected from the defaultLightList. |
directionalLight | The directionalLight command is used to edit the parameters of existing directionalLights, or to create new ones. |
displacementToPoly | Command bakes geometry with displacement mapping into a polygonal object. |
doBlur | The doBlur command will invoke the blur2d, which is a Maya stand-alone application to do 2.5 motion blur given the color image and the motion vector file. |
dolly | The dolly command moves a camera along the viewing direction in the world space. |
editRenderLayerAdjustment | This command is used to create, edit, and query adjustments to render layers. |
editRenderLayerGlobals | Edit the parameter values common to all render layers. |
editRenderLayerMembers | This command is used to query and edit memberships to render layers. |
exclusiveLightCheckBox | This command creates a checkBox that controls a light’s exclusive non-exclusive status. |
frameBufferName | Returns the frame buffer name for a given renderPass renderLayer and camera combination. |
getRenderDependencies | Command to return dependencies of an image source. |
getRenderTasks | Command to return render tasks to render an image source. |
glRender | This command provides access to the Hardware Render Manager (HRM). |
glRenderEditor | Create a glRender view. |
hwReflectionMap | This command creates a hwReflectionMap node for having reflection on textured surfaces that currently have their boolean attribute displayHWEnvironment set to true. |
hwRender | Renders an image or a sequence using the hardware rendering engine |
hwRenderLoad | Empty command used to force the dynamic load of HR render |
imagePlane | The imagePlane command allows querying of various properties of an image plane and any movie in use by the image plane. |
iprEngine | Command to create or edit an iprEngine. |
layeredShaderPort | This command creates a 3dPort that displays an image representing the layered shader node specified. |
layeredTexturePort | This command creates a 3dPort that displays an image representing the layered texture node specified. |
lightList | Add/Remove a relationship between an object and the current light. |
lightlink | This command is used to make, break and query light linking relationships between lights/sets of lights and objects/sets of objects. |
listCameras | Command to list all cameras. |
lookThru | This command sets a particular camera to look through in a view. |
lsThroughFilter | List all objects in the world that pass a given filter. |
makebot | The makebot command takes an image file and produces a block ordered texture (BOT) file, to be used for texture caching. |
nodeIconButton | This control supports up to 3 icon images and 4 different display styles. |
nodePreset | Command to save and load preset settings for a node. |
ogsRender | Renders an image or a sequence using the OGS rendering engine |
orbit | The orbit command revolves the camera(s) horizontally and/or vertically in the perspective window. |
panZoom | The panZoom command pans/zooms the 2D film. |
perCameraVisibility | The perCameraVisibility command creates, queries and removes visibility relationships between DAG objects and cameras. |
pointLight | The pointLight command is used to edit the parameters of existing pointLights, or to create new ones. |
prepareRender | This command is used to register, manage and invoke render traversals. |
projectionManip | Various commands to set the manipulator to interesting positions. |
psdChannelOutliner | Create a psdChannelOutliner control which is capable of displaying a tree structure upto one level. |
psdEditTextureFile | Edits the existing PSD file. |
psdExport | Writes the Photoshop file layer set into different formats. |
psdTextureFile | Creates a Photoshop file with UVSnap shot image and the layer set names as the input. |
rampColorPort | This command creates a control that displays an image representing the ramp node specified, and supports editing of that node. |
render | The render command is used to start off a MayaSoftware rendering session of the currently active camera. |
renderGlobalsNode | The renderGlobalsNode creates a render globals node and registers it with the model. |
renderInfo | The renderInfo commands sets geometric properties of surfaces of the selected object. |
renderLayerPostProcess | Post process the results when rendering is done with. |
renderManip | This command creates manipulators for cameras or lights. |
renderPartition | Set or query the model’s current partition. |
renderPassRegistry | query information related with render passes. |
renderQualityNode | The renderQualityNode creates a render quality node and registers it with the model. |
renderSettings | Query interface to the common tab of the render settings |
renderThumbnailUpdate | Toggle the updating of object thumbnails. |
renderWindowEditor | Create a editor window that can receive the result of the rendering process |
renderer | Command to register renders. |
resolutionNode | The resolutionNode creates a render resolution node and registers it with the model. |
roll | The roll command rotates a camera about its viewing direction, a positive angle produces clockwise camera rotation, while a negative angle produces counter-clockwise camera rotation. |
sampleImage | The sampleImage command is used to control parameters of sample images, such as swatches in the multilister. |
setDefaultShadingGroup | The setDefaultShadingGroup command is used to change which shading group is considered the current default shading group. |
setRenderPassType | This command will set the passID of a renderPass node and create the custom attributes specified by the corresponding render pass definition. |
shadingConnection | Sets the connection state of a connection between nodes that are used in shading. |
shadingNetworkCompare | This command allows you to compare two shading networks. |
shadingNode | The shadingNode command classifies any DG node as a shader, texture light, post process, or utility so that it can be properly organized in the multi-lister. |
showShadingGroupAttrEditor | The showShadingGroupAttrEditor command opens up the attribute editor for the current object’s shading-group information. |
spotLight | The spotLight command is used to edit the parameters of existing spotLights, or to create new ones. |
spotLightPreviewPort | This command creates a 3dPort that displays an image representing the illumination provided by the spotLight. |
surfaceSampler | Maps surface detail from a source surface to a new texture map on a target surface. |
surfaceShaderList | Add/Remove a relationship between an object and the current shading group. |
swatchRefresh | The swatchRefreshcommand causes image source node swatches to be refreshed on screen. |
textureWindow | This command is used to create a UV Texture Editor and to query or edit the texture editor settings. |
track | The track command translates a camera horizontally or vertically in the world space. |
tumble | The tumble command revolves the camera(s) by varying the azimuth and elevation angles in the perspective window. |
uvLink | This command is used to make, break and query UV linking relationships between UV sets on objects and textures that use those UV sets. |
viewCamera | The viewCamera command is used to position a camera to look directly at the side or top of another camera. |
viewClipPlane | The viewClipPlane command can be used to query or set a camera’s clip planes. |
viewFit | The viewFit command positions the specified camera so its point-of-view contains all selected objects other than itself. |
viewHeadOn | The viewHeadOn command positions the specified camera so it is looking downthe normal of the live object, and fitted to the live object. |
viewLookAt | The viewLookAt command positions the specified camera so it is looking at the centroid of all selected objects. |
viewPlace | This command positions the camera as specified. |
viewSet | This command positions the camera to one of the pre-defined positions. |