Stabilizing and Tracking

Use the Stabilizer to remove camera instability and motion jitter, and to track reference points in your clips. You can also use the Stabilizer to produce 2D or, in the context of Action, 3D motion, anchor a surface to the clip's background or anchor the UV points of the surface to features of a clip. With tracking, a point or points on the clip are tracked as they move through the scene. You can then apply the resulting motion path to an object on another layer so that it follows the same path as the object you tracked.

Stabilizing is the inverse of tracking. With stabilizing, the motion path is used to shift the scene so that the point that is tracked remains fixed at one position.

Tracking and stabilizing are often processes of trial and error. It is recommended that you track or stabilize using the default settings. If the tracker box strays from its original point, you can fine-tune the analysis.