This Function Publishing Interface is exposed by various components of 3ds Max CAT.
Contains the number of arbitrary bones in the CATRig.
Contains the node the controller is assigned to.
Contains the address of the bone.
Get/set the Setup Transformation Matrix.
Contains the Bone's Dimensions (Length, Widht and Height).
REMOVED in 3ds Max 2015: Get/set the Stretchy property of the Bone in versions prior to
3ds Max 2015. Replaced by the two methods below:
.SetupStretchy : boolean : Read|Write
Get/set the Stretchy property of the Bone for setup mode. Available in 3ds Max 2015 and higher.
.AnimationStretchy : boolean : Read|Write
Get/set the Stretchy property of the Bone for animation mode. Available in 3ds Max 2015 and higher.
Get/set whether changes to the Bone will affect the hierarchy or not.
Get/set whether to apply transforms to the Bone.
Contains the number of LayerFloat Controllers.
Get/set the bitarry of Setup Mode Locks.
Get/set the bitarry of Animation Locks.
Adds an arbitrary Bone to the Rig.
Returns the new Bone's CATNodeControlFPInterface Interface since 3ds Max 2013. In previous versions, it used to return the bone's ArbBone controller
You can use the Interface's .Node property to access the actual node of the new arbitrary Bone (see top of this page).
The AsNewGroup: optional argument can be set to True to add the bone to a new group since 3ds Max 2015. It defaults to False.
Returns the CATNodeControlFPInterface Interface of the indexed Arbitrary Bone since 3ds Max 2013. In previous versions, it used to return the bone's ArbBone controller.
<control>CreateLayerMatrix3 AsNewGroup:<boolean> AsNewGroup default value: false
Creates and returns a new LayerMatrix3 Controller.
The AsNewGroup: optional argument can be set to True to add the controller to a new group since 3ds Max 2015. It defaults to False.
Creates and returns a new LayerFloat Controller.
CATBoneDataMatrix3Controller : Matrix3Controller
CATBoneSegTrans : Matrix3Controller
CATCollarBone : Matrix3Controller
CATDigitSegTrans : Matrix3Controller
CATFootTrans2 : Matrix3Controller
CATSpineTrans2 : Matrix3Controller
IKTargTrans : Matrix3Controller