Modify Site Elements

The workflow to modify elements with Site Designer is different from the typical workflow in Revit.

The following is a general outline of the steps to modify elements in Site Designer. Use this workflow to make the following types of changes to site elements: move, rotate, change elevation, change type, change a boundary (add/delete vertices), and change view scale. Some site elements allow additional types of changes.

To modify a site element

  1. Click Site Designer tabModify panel, and click the tool for the element to modify.
  2. In the view, select the site element to modify: Use the cursor to point to a boundary edge or the host line of the site element, and press Tab until the status bar indicates that you have selected the line (not the Topography: Surface); then click to select it.
  3. In the Modify dialog, select the desired tool.

    The following image shows the Modify Street dialog. The Modify dialog for some Site Designer tools is slightly different.

  4. In the view, manipulate the site element to make the desired changes.
  5. To save the changes:
    1. Right-click in the view, and click Cancel.
    2. In the Modify dialog, click Apply.

Site Designer updates the site elements as appropriate. Check a 3D view and a section view to understand the results of the changes.