About Soft Terrain

After you create a proposed toposurface for use with Site Designer, use its Soft Terrain tools to grade the surface and to create soft terrain features, including building pads, berms, and swales.

To create soft terrain, use the general workflow described in Create Site Elements. For more specific details and an example, see Create and Modify Soft Terrain.

After creating host lines with the Revit Model Line or Detail Line tools, use the Locate Soft Terrain tool, and select a Site Designer family for the type of terrain you want to create: mass grading, building pads, berms, ditches, or swales. Select a family type to define the slope, and specify elevation parameters. These settings are applied to the selected host line.

Family parameters control the following:

To adjust these family parameters, use the Site Designer Family Manager for soft terrain.

Master plans and grading

Site Designer provides Mass Grading families that enable you to perform large-scale grading of the site. Typically, you define the area to be graded using a closed loop on the toposurface.

However, you can also use open lines to indicate grading areas. These host lines serve as the center line of the graded area. From the center line, the surface is graded using the specified slope.

After you perform mass grading, calculate cut-and-fill volumes. Make adjustments to the toposurface to achieve a net cut/fill value as close to zero as possible. Re-check the cut-and-fill volumes after adding other site elements.

Building pads

When creating building pads, use the following guidelines:

Berms, swales, and detention ponds

When creating these soft terrain features, use the following guidelines:

After creating the feature, use the Modify Soft Terrain tool to adjust elevations at either end of the host line, or its midpoint.