C++ API Reference

A 3-D view. More...

#include <M3dView.h>

Public Types

enum  DisplayStyle {
  kBoundingBox, kFlatShaded, kGouraudShaded, kWireFrame,
 Display styles for a 3D view. More...
enum  DisplayStatus {
  kActive, kLive, kDormant, kInvisible,
  kHilite, kTemplate, kActiveTemplate, kActiveComponent,
  kLead, kIntermediateObject, kActiveAffected, kNoStatus
 Drawing modes for individual objects. More...
enum  ColorTable { kActiveColors = kActive, kDormantColors = kDormant, kTemplateColor = kTemplate, kBackgroundColor }
 Reference to color palettes. More...
enum  TextPosition { kLeft, kCenter, kRight }
 Alignment values when drawing text. More...
enum  DisplayObjects {
  kDisplayEverything = ~0, kDisplayNurbsCurves = 1 << 0, kDisplayNurbsSurfaces = 1 << 1, kDisplayMeshes = 1 << 2,
  kDisplayPlanes = 1 << 3, kDisplayLights = 1 << 4, kDisplayCameras = 1 << 5, kDisplayJoints = 1 << 6,
  kDisplayIkHandles = 1 << 7, kDisplayDeformers = 1 << 8, kDisplayDynamics = 1 << 9, kDisplayParticleInstancers = 1 << 10,
  kDisplayLocators = 1 << 11, kDisplayDimensions = 1 << 12, kDisplaySelectHandles = 1 << 13, kDisplayPivots = 1 << 14,
  kDisplayTextures = 1 << 15, kDisplayGrid = 1 << 16, kDisplayCVs = 1 << 17, kDisplayHulls = 1 << 18,
  kDisplayStrokes = 1 << 19, kDisplaySubdivSurfaces = 1 << 20, kDisplayFluids = 1 << 21, kDisplayFollicles = 1 << 22,
  kDisplayHairSystems = 1 << 23, kDisplayImagePlane = 1 << 24, kDisplayNCloths = 1 << 25, kDisplayNRigids = 1 << 26,
  kDisplayDynamicConstraints = 1 << 27, kDisplayManipulators = 1 << 28, kDisplayNParticles = 1 << 29, kExcludeMotionTrails = 1 << 30,
  kExcludePluginShapes = 1 << 31
 Display modes Bit masks used in combination with the return value of the dirtyMask() method to determine which portions of the geometry are dirty. More...
enum  LightingMode {
  kLightAll, kLightSelected, kLightActive, kLightDefault,
  kUnused1, kLightNone
 Lighting mode used in this 3D view. More...
enum  RendererName { kDefaultQualityRenderer, kHighQualityRenderer, kViewport2Renderer, kExternalRenderer }
 Current hardware rendering engine used in this view. More...
enum  DepthBufferFormat { kDepth_8, kDepth_Float }
 Possible depth buffer formats to read into. More...
enum  LineStipplePattern { kStippleNone, kStippleDashed }
 Line stipple pattern. More...

Public Member Functions

MStatus makeSharedContextCurrent ()
 makes the shared context current. More...
MGLContext display (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Mac OS X and Windows. More...
void getScreenPosition (int &x, int &y, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the current position of this view window in screen coordinates. More...
QWidget * widget (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the view's Qt widget. More...
MNativeWindowHdl window (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the native window for this view. More...
int portWidth (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the width of the current viewport. More...
int portHeight (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the height of the current viewport. More...
bool isVisible (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns true if this viewport is visible. More...
int playblastPortWidth (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the port width of current playblast. More...
int playblastPortHeight (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the port height of current playblast. More...
MStatus pushViewport (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Set the current viewport dimensions. More...
MStatus popViewport ()
 Pop the current viewport off of the viewport stack. More...
MStatus viewport (unsigned int &x, unsigned int &y, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) const
 Get the current viewport dimensions. More...
MStatus beginGL ()
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus endGL ()
 This method is obsolete. More...
void beginSelect (GLuint *buffer=NULL, GLsizei size=0)
 Start selecting. More...
GLint endSelect ()
 Finish a selection sequence. More...
bool selectMode () const
 Tells if this M3dView is in selection mode. More...
bool textureMode () const
 Tells if this M3dView is in texture mode. More...
void loadName (GLuint name)
 Replace the top of the name stack with the given name. More...
void pushName (GLuint name)
 Push a new name on the name stack. More...
void popName ()
 Removes the top of the name stack. More...
void initNames ()
 Reset the name stack. More...
MStatus beginXorDrawing (bool drawOrthographic=true, bool disableDepthTesting=true, float lineWidth=1.0f, LineStipplePattern stipplePattern=kStippleNone, const MColor &lineColor=MColor(1, 1, 1))
 Setup the context for exclusive-or (XOR) drawing. More...
MStatus endXorDrawing ()
 Reset the context to non-exclusive-or (non-XOR) screen drawing. More...
MStatus setDrawColor (unsigned int index, ColorTable table=kActiveColors)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus setDrawColor (const MColor &color)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus setDrawColorAndAlpha (const MColor &color)
 This method is obsolete. More...
unsigned int numDormantColors (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the number of dormant object colors in the internal application color table. More...
unsigned int numActiveColors (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the number of active object colors in the internal application color table. More...
unsigned int numUserDefinedColors (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the number of user defined colors in the internal application color table. More...
MStatus setUserDefinedColor (unsigned int index, const MColor &color)
 Sets the user defined color at the given index. More...
unsigned int userDefinedColorIndex (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the index for the given user-defined color. More...
MColor colorAtIndex (unsigned int index, ColorTable table=kActiveColors, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the value of the color at the given index in the application's color table. More...
MStatus getColorIndexAndTable (unsigned int glindex, unsigned int &index, ColorTable &table) const
 Returns the color table and index representing the given OpenGL color-index value. More...
MStatus colorMask (bool &r, bool &g, bool &b, bool &a)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus setColorMask (bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus drawText (const MString &text, const MPoint position, TextPosition textPosition=kLeft)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus getCamera (MDagPath &camera)
 Get the camera for this view. More...
MStatus setCamera (MDagPath &camera)
 Set the camera for this view. More...
MStatus scheduleRefresh ()
 Schedule a forced refresh for this 3d-view. More...
MStatus refresh (bool all=false, bool force=false)
 Refresh the this view. More...
MStatus refresh (bool all, bool force, bool offscreen)
 Refresh the this view. More...
MStatus refresh (MPxGlBuffer &buffer)
 Refresh the this view into the GL buffer buffer. More...
MStatus refresh (MPxGlBuffer &buffer, bool offscreen)
 Refresh the this view into the GL buffer buffer. More...
MStatus refresh (MPxGlBuffer &buffer, bool offscreen, const MMatrix &projectionMatrix)
 Refresh the this view into the GL buffer buffer. More...
MStatus getLightCount (unsigned int &count, bool visible=true)
 Get the number of lights for the view. More...
MStatus getLightingMode (LightingMode &mode)
 Get the current lighting mode for the view. More...
MStatus getLightPath (unsigned int lightNumber, MDagPath &light)
 Get the path to a certain light. More...
MStatus isLightVisible (unsigned int lightNumber, bool &visible)
 Find out if a light is visible in the view. More...
MStatus getLightIndex (unsigned int lightNumber, unsigned int &lightIndex)
 Get the internal light index for a given light number. More...
MStatus viewToWorld (short x_pos, short y_pos, MPoint &worldPt, MVector &worldVector) const
 Takes a point in port coordinates and returns a corresponding ray in world coordinates. More...
MStatus viewToWorld (short x_pos, short y_pos, MPoint &nearClipPt, MPoint &farClipPt) const
 Takes a point in port coordinates and returns a point on the near and far clipping planes. More...
MStatus viewToObjectSpace (short x_pos, short y_pos, const MMatrix &localMatrixInverse, MPoint &oPt, MVector &oVector) const
 Takes a point in port coordinates and returns a corresponding ray in object coordinates. More...
bool worldToView (const MPoint &worldPt, short &x_pos, short &y_pos, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 converts a point in world space to port space. More...
MStatus projectionMatrix (MMatrix &projectionMatrix) const
 Returns the projection matrix currently being used by OpenGL in the current view. More...
MStatus modelViewMatrix (MMatrix &modelViewMatrix) const
 Returns the modelview matrix currently being used by OpenGL in the current view. More...
MString viewSelectedPrefix (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
 Returns the Returns the prefix used when displaying the camera name in the heads up display when view selected in on. More...
MStatus setViewSelectedPrefix (const MString &prefix)
 Sets the prefix for the camera name as displayed in the heads up display when view selected is enabled. More...
bool showViewSelectedChildren (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
 Returns turn if view selected shows all of the children of the obejcts that are flagged for view selected. More...
MStatus setShowViewSelectedChildren (bool)
 This method changes the way that view selected works. More...
DisplayStyle displayStyle (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Return the display style for this 3d view. More...
bool isShadeActiveOnly (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns true if this view's display style is shaded for objects that are active and wireframe otherwise. More...
MStatus setDisplayStyle (DisplayStyle style, bool activeOnly=false)
 Sets the display style for this view. More...
MStatus setObjectDisplay (unsigned int displayMask)
 It is assumed in the below accessor methods that M3dView::DisplayObjects enum values can be cast to and from TexcludeObjectDisplay values impicitly, but that is not enforced elsewhere. More...
unsigned int objectDisplay (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns a display object mask that indicates which object types are drawn in the current view. More...
MStatus setPluginObjectDisplay (const MString &pluginDisplayFilter, bool on)
 Enables or disables a user-defined display filter (i.e. More...
bool pluginObjectDisplay (const MString &pluginDisplayFilter, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns true if the plugin display filter specified by the pluginDisplayFilter is enabled in the current view. More...
RendererName getRendererName (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
 Get the name of the current renderer being used for drawing to this view. More...
MString rendererString (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Get the string name of the current renderer being used for drawing to this view. More...
bool wireframeOnlyInShadedMode (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
 Return whether we are in shaded mode, but that only non shaded drawing should occur (wireframe). More...
bool wireframeOnShaded (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Return whether we draw wireframe in shaded mode. More...
bool xray (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Return true if the X-Ray mode is enabled. More...
bool xrayJoints (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Return true if the X-Ray Joints mode is enabled. More...
bool twoSidedLighting (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Return true if the Two-sided lighting mode is enabled. More...
MStatus readColorBuffer (MImage &image, bool readRGBA=false)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus writeColorBuffer (const MImage &image, signed short x=0, signed short y=0) const
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus readDepthMap (unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *bufferPtr, DepthBufferFormat depthMapPrecision)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus readBufferTo2dTexture (unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 This method is obsolete. More...
bool usingMipmappedTextures () const
 Returns if the view is using mipmapped texture display. More...
bool usingDefaultMaterial () const
 Returns true if the view is currently displaying objects using the default material. More...
MStatus setDisallowPolygonOffset (bool v)
 Certain Maya actions will use glPolygonOffset to offset polygons drawing into the depth buffer. More...
bool disallowPolygonOffset () const
 Returns the current state of the disallow polygon offset bit. More...
MStatus updateViewingParameters ()
 This method tells the camera to set the view's transformation matrix. More...
bool multipleDrawEnabled () const
 This method returns the multiple draw enable state for this view. More...
void setMultipleDrawEnable (bool enable)
 This method is obsolete. More...
unsigned multipleDrawPassCount ()
 This method is obsolete. More...
void setMultipleDrawPassCount (unsigned count)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus beginProjMatrixOverride (MMatrix &projectionMatrix)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus endProjMatrixOverride ()
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus setRenderOverrideName (const MString &name)
 Set the name of a render override (MHWRender::MRenderOverride) to use. More...
MString renderOverrideName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Get the current render override name. More...
MStatus setObjectListFilterName (const MString &name)
 Set the name of the object list filter (MObjectListFilter) to use. More...
MString objectListFilterName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Get the current object list filter name. More...
MStatus setShowObjectFilterNameInHUD (bool show)
 Sets whether or not to display the object filter UI name in the heads up display when an object filter is active. More...
bool showObjectFilterNameInHUD (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
 Returns whether the object filter UI name is shown in the heads up display when an object filter is active. More...
bool viewIsFiltered (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the state of view filtering for this view. More...
MStatus filteredObjectList (MSelectionList &list) const
 Returns a selection list containing all of the objects that remain after filtering is applied to the view. More...
MStatus getRendererString (MString &stringName) const
 This method is not available in Python. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static M3dView active3dView (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the active view in the form of a class (M3dView) that can operate on it. More...
static unsigned int numberOf3dViews ()
 Returns the number of 3D views currently in existance. More...
static MStatus get3dView (const unsigned int index, M3dView &view)
 Returns the 3D view at the given index. More...
static DisplayStatus displayStatus (const MDagPath &path, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the display status of the given DAG path. More...
static MNativeWindowHdl applicationShell (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the native handle for Maya's main window. More...
static bool isBackgroundGradient (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns whether a gradient is being used as the background color. More...
static MColor templateColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the value of the template color. More...
static MColor backgroundColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the value of the background color. More...
static MColor backgroundColorTop (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the value of the background gradient top color. More...
static MColor backgroundColorBottom (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the value of the background gradient bottom color. More...
static MColor liveColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the color for live objects. More...
static MColor referenceLayerColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the color for objects which belong to a display layer whose display type is Reference. More...
static MColor activeTemplateColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the color for active template objects. More...
static MColor leadColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the color for lead objects. More...
static MColor hiliteColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the color for hilited objects. More...
static MColor activeAffectedColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the color for active affected objects. More...
static MStatus scheduleRefreshAllViews ()
 Schedule a forced refresh for all 3d-views. More...
static MStatus getM3dViewFromModelPanel (const MString &modelPaneName, M3dView &view)
 Given the name of a model panel, get the M3dView used by that panel. More...
static MStatus getM3dViewFromModelEditor (const MString &modelPaneName, M3dView &view)
 Given the name of a model editor, get the M3dView used by that editor. More...
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Detailed Description

A 3-D view.

M3dView provides methods for working with 3D model views. 3D views are based on OpenGL drawing areas.

Maya can operate in two different color modes, RGBA and color index. Color index mode is used to increase performance when shading is not required. Drawing in color index mode is more complicated, but this class provides methods to simplify color selection.

Maya has four color tables that can be used in RGBA, and that must be used in color index mode. These four color tables represent four sets of bit planes that are independent of each other. So, for example, it is possible to clear all active objects from the display and redraw them without redrawing the dormant and templated objects. The active and dormant color tables contain the same colors, but use different bitplanes.

The extra performance of color index mode comes at the cost of a limited number of colors. If this restriction causes difficulty, then it is possible for the user to force all displays into RGBA mode where any color may be used.

When an object is affected by another in the scene, it is drawn in a magenta colour by default. This is denoted in the DisplayStatus enum by kActiveAffected. These objects are drawn in the active planes even though they are dormant for performance reasons.

apiMeshShape/apiMeshSubSceneOverride.cpp, blast2Cmd/blast2Cmd.cpp, cgFx/cgfxShaderCmd.cpp, componentScaleManip/componentScaleManip.cpp, customAttrManip/customAttrManip.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, footPrintManip/footPrintManip.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.h, helixTool/helixTool.cpp, lassoTool/lassoTool.cpp, lensDistortionCallback/lensDistortionCallback.cpp, lensDistortionCallback/lensDistortionCallback.h, lineManip/lineManip.cpp, lineManip/lineManip.h, lineManipContainer/lineManipContainer.cpp, lineManipContainer/lineManipContainer.h, manipOverride/manipOverride.cpp, marqueeTool/marqueeTool.cpp, MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.h, moveNumericTool/moveNumericTool.cpp, moveTool/moveTool.cpp, pointManip/pointManip.cpp, pointManip/pointManip.h, rawfootPrintNode/rawfootPrintNode.cpp, renderViewRenderCmd/renderViewRenderCmd.cpp, renderViewRenderRegionCmd/renderViewRenderRegionCmd.cpp, simpleEmitter/simpleEmitter.cpp, simpleEmitter/simpleEmitter.h, squareScaleManip/squareScaleManip.cpp, squareScaleManip/squareScaleManip.h, squareScaleManipContext/squareScaleManipContext.cpp, squareScaleManipContext/squareScaleManipContext.h, surfaceBumpManip/surfaceBumpManip.cpp, swissArmyManip/swissArmyManip.cpp, tessellatedQuad/TessellatedQuadNode.cpp, tessellatedQuad/TessellatedQuadNode.h, torusField/torusField.cpp, torusField/torusField.h, viewCallbackTest/viewCallbackTest.cpp, viewCaptureCmd/viewCaptureCmd.cpp, viewDX11DeviceAccess/viewDX11DeviceAccess.cpp, viewImageBlitOverride/viewImageBlitOverride.cpp, viewObjectFilter/viewObjectFilter.cpp, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideUserOperation.cpp, viewRenderOverrideFrameCache/viewRenderOverrideFrameCacheMain.cpp, and viewRenderOverridePostColor/viewRenderOverridePostColorCmd.cpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Display styles for a 3D view.


Bounding box display.


Flat shaded display.


Gouraud shaded display.


Wire frame display.


Points only display.

Drawing modes for individual objects.


Object is active (selected).


Object is live (construction surface).


Object is dormant (not selected, no other drawing mode enabled).


Object is invisible (not drawn).


Object is hilited (has selectable components).


Object is templated (Not renderable).


Object is active and templated.


Object has active components.


Last selected object.


Construction object (not drawn).


Affected by active object(s).


Object does not have a valid display status.

enum ColorTable

Reference to color palettes.


Colors for active objects.


Colors for dormant objects.


Colors for templated objects.


Colors for background color.

Alignment values when drawing text.


Draw text to the left of the point.


Draw text centered around the point.


Draw text to the right of the point.

Display modes Bit masks used in combination with the return value of the dirtyMask() method to determine which portions of the geometry are dirty.


Show everything.


Show nurbs curves.


Show nurbs surfaces.


Show meshes.


Show planes.


Show lights.


Show camera.


Show joints.


Show IK handles.


Show deformers.


Show dynamics.


Show particle instancers.


Show locators.


Show dimensions.


Show selection handles.


Show pivots.


Show textures.


Show the grid.




Show NURBS hulls.


Show strokes.


Show subdivision surfaces.


Show fluids.


Show follicles.


Show hair systems.


Show image plane.


Show nCloths.


Show nRigids.


Show nDynamicConstraints.


Show Manipulators.


Show nParticles.


Show motion trails.


Show plugin shapes.

Lighting mode used in this 3D view.


All lights.


Selected lights.


Active lights.


Default light.


Not currently used in Maya.


No lights / lighting disabled.

Current hardware rendering engine used in this view.


Equivalent to when the renderer name is "base_OpenGL_Renderer" when queried from the "modelEditor" command.


Equivalent to when the renderer name is "hwRender_OpenGL_Renderer" when queried from the "modelEditor" command.


Equivalent to the viewport 2.0 renderer.


An externally defined renderer name has been set.

Possible depth buffer formats to read into.


8 bits.


Floating point.

Line stipple pattern.


No stipple.

Solid line


Dashed line stipple.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int numberOf3dViews ( )

Returns the number of 3D views currently in existance.

Number of 3D views.
gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, and viewObjectFilter/viewObjectFilter.cpp.
MStatus get3dView ( const unsigned int  index,
M3dView view 

Returns the 3D view at the given index.

[in]indexindex of the view to get
[out]viewstorage for the returned view
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Error getting the view
  • MS::kInvalidParameter index is out of range
gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, and viewObjectFilter/viewObjectFilter.cpp.
M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus ( const MDagPath path,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns the display status of the given DAG path.

[in]paththe DAG path to get.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus code.
Display status for the DAG
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure The DAG path is invalid
MStatus makeSharedContextCurrent ( )

makes the shared context current.

If in DirectX mode it does nothing.

Operation status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Method did not make context current
MGLContext display ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Mac OS X and Windows.

Returns the OpenGL context for this view.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The OpenGL context. On 32-bit OS X this is an AGLContext. On 64-bit OS X this is an NSOpenGLContext pointer. On Windows this is an HGLRC.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MNativeWindowHdl applicationShell ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the native handle for Maya's main window.

This is equivalent to MQtUtil::nativeWindow(MQtUtil::mainWindow()).

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The window handle.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Main window does not yet exist.
void getScreenPosition ( int &  x,
int &  y,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Returns the current position of this view window in screen coordinates.

This is useful for finding out the exact location of the window as it appears on the screen. These values are in UI coordinate space so the y value increases from bottom to top.

[out]x- x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the view
[out]y- y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the view
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
QWidget * widget ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Returns the view's Qt widget.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
A QWidget pointer to the Qt widget containing the view's drawing region, or NULL if the view's drawing region has not yet been created.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure There is no view associated with this M3dView instance.
MNativeWindowHdl window ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the native window for this view.

This is equivalent to MQtUtil::nativeWindow(view.widget()).

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The X window
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
int portWidth ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the width of the current viewport.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The width of this viewport
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, pointManip/pointManip.cpp, viewCallbackTest/viewCallbackTest.cpp, and viewCaptureCmd/viewCaptureCmd.cpp.
int portHeight ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the height of the current viewport.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The height of this viewport
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, pointManip/pointManip.cpp, viewCallbackTest/viewCallbackTest.cpp, and viewCaptureCmd/viewCaptureCmd.cpp.
bool isVisible ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns true if this viewport is visible.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
True if this viewport is visible
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
int playblastPortWidth ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the port width of current playblast.

Valid only when playblast command has been called. Otherwise, an invalid value 0 is returned.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The port width of current playblast.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
int playblastPortHeight ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the port height of current playblast.

Valid only when playblast command has been called. Otherwise, an invalid value 0 is returned.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The height of current playblast.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus pushViewport ( unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

Set the current viewport dimensions.

Will keep track of the last viewport dimensions on a stack. When finished with this viewport, the current dimensions should be removed from the top of stack using M3dView::popViewport().

[in]xLower left corner of viewport (x coordinate).
[in]yLower left corner of viewport (y coordinate).
[in]widthWidth of the viewport.
[in]heightHeight of the viewport.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus popViewport ( )

Pop the current viewport off of the viewport stack.

Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus viewport ( unsigned int &  x,
unsigned int &  y,
unsigned int &  width,
unsigned int &  height 
) const

Get the current viewport dimensions.

[out]xLower left corner of viewport (x coordinate).
[out]yLower left corner of viewport (y coordinate).
[out]widthWidth of the viewport.
[out]heightHeight of the viewport.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, and gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp.
MStatus beginGL ( )

This method is obsolete.

Setup port for native OpenGL drawing calls.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use Viewport 2.0 APIs instead. See 'Viewport 2.0' chapter of the 'API Guide' for alternatives.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
cgFx/cgfxShaderCmd.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, simpleEmitter/simpleEmitter.cpp, torusField/torusField.cpp, and viewCaptureCmd/viewCaptureCmd.cpp.
MStatus endGL ( )

This method is obsolete.

End OpenGL drawing.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use Viewport 2.0 APIs instead. See 'Viewport 2.0' chapter of the 'API Guide' for alternatives.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
cgFx/cgfxShaderCmd.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, simpleEmitter/simpleEmitter.cpp, torusField/torusField.cpp, and viewCaptureCmd/viewCaptureCmd.cpp.
void beginSelect ( GLuint *  buffer = NULL,
GLsizei  size = 0 

Start selecting.

The buffer passed is used to record selection hits. A selection hit consists of the following 4 items:

  • Number of names on selection stack when hit occurred.
  • Min Z window-coordinate of all vertices that intersected view volume since last recorded hit. The value (which lies in the range [0..1] is multiplied by 2^32 - 1 and rounded to the nearest unsigned integer.
  • Max Z window-coordinate. (computed as above)
  • Contents of name stack with bottommost element first. When multiple names are pushed on the stack, several GLuint values will be stored.
[in]bufferOpenGl pick buffer
[in]sizeBuffer size (number of GLint)
GLint endSelect ( )

Finish a selection sequence.

Result is stored in the buffer passed in the beginSelect call.

Number of hits.
bool selectMode ( ) const

Tells if this M3dView is in selection mode.

true between beginSelect and endSelect calls.
bool textureMode ( ) const

Tells if this M3dView is in texture mode.

true if this modelling view is in texture mode.
void loadName ( GLuint  name)

Replace the top of the name stack with the given name.

Valid only when beginSelect() has been called.

[in]nameName to be loaded onto the top of the stack.
void pushName ( GLuint  name)

Push a new name on the name stack.

Valid only when beginSelect() has been called.

[in]nameName to be loaded onto the top of the stack.
void popName ( )

Removes the top of the name stack.

Valid only when beginSelect() has been called.

void initNames ( )

Reset the name stack.

Valid only when beginSelect() has been called.

MStatus beginXorDrawing ( bool  drawOrthographic = true,
bool  disableDepthTesting = true,
float  lineWidth = 1.0f,
LineStipplePattern  stipplePattern = kStippleNone,
const MColor lineColor = MColor(1, 1, 1) 

Setup the context for exclusive-or (XOR) drawing.

In XOR drawing the color values of the pixels being drawn is exclusive-ored with the color values already present in the view. The advantage of this is that exclusive-oring the same pixels with the same color values a second time will restore the pixels to their original colors, making it possible to temporarily display and erase lines without having to redraw the entire view. This makes XOR drawing particularly useful for drawing guidelines for tools.

One disadvantage of XOR drawing is that the final color after the exclusive-or will not match your drawing color, except when the original color of the pixel was black. For example, XORing a white line across a red background will result in a cyan line and XORing it across a changing background will result in a line of changing colors. However in most situations where you would use XOR drawing the color of the lines is irrelevant just so long as they are visible.

It is an error to call beginXorDrawing() again before calling endXorDrawing() first.

[in]drawOrthographicDraw using orthographic projection. Default is true.
[in]disableDepthTestingDisable depth testing during draw. Default is true.
[in]lineWidthSet up line width. Default is 1.
[in]stipplePatternLine stipple pattern. Default is kStippleNone.
[in]lineColorLine color. Default is white (1,1,1).
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus endXorDrawing ( )

Reset the context to non-exclusive-or (non-XOR) screen drawing.

If endXorDrawing() is called without first calling beginXorDrawing() an error will result.

Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setDrawColor ( unsigned int  index,
ColorTable  table = kActiveColors 

This method is obsolete.

Set the color to draw in.

[from before Maya 2015]

Use MUIDrawManager::setColorIndex method instead.

The index argument is an index into the application's color tables. Valid values range between zero and the size of the table minus one. The size of the active and dormant color tables can be found using methods of this class. The background and template color tables are both of size one.

These indices do not directly correspond to those of the underlying OpenGL color index mode. Using the glIndex call directly is not recommended and may cause unpredictable results. This method should be used instead.

Note that this method will work in either RGBA mode or color index mode.

[in]indexindex of the color to draw in
[in]tablecolor table to index into
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Index is out of range
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setDrawColor ( const MColor color)

This method is obsolete.

Set the color to draw in.

[from before Maya 2015]

Use MUIDrawManager::setColor method instead.

It is a convenient replacement for glColor3.

[in]colorcolor to draw in
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setDrawColorAndAlpha ( const MColor color)

This method is obsolete.

Set the color to draw in.

[from before Maya 2015]

Use MUIDrawManager::setColor method instead.

It is a convenient replacement for glColor4.

[in]colorcolor to draw in
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
unsigned int numDormantColors ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the number of dormant object colors in the internal application color table.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The number of dormant colors
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
unsigned int numActiveColors ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the number of active object colors in the internal application color table.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The number of active colors
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
unsigned int numUserDefinedColors ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the number of user defined colors in the internal application color table.

These colors may be changed by the user and assigned to specific objects. See the methods of MFnDagNode for information on assigning user defined colors to individual objects.

The user defined colors are not a color table of their own. They exist in the active and dormant color tables.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The number of user defined colors
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MStatus setUserDefinedColor ( unsigned int  index,
const MColor color 

Sets the user defined color at the given index.

Valid indices range between zero and the number of user defined colors.

[in]indexindex into the user defined color
[in]colorcolor to set to
An index into the application's color table
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Index is out of range
unsigned int userDefinedColorIndex ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns the index for the given user-defined color.

Valid values for the index argument range between zero and the number of user-defined colors minus one.

The index returned gives the location of the specified color inside the active and dormant color tables (the index is the same in both tables).

[in]indexIndex into user-defined colors
[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
Index of user-defined color into the active and dormant tables
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor colorAtIndex ( unsigned int  index,
ColorTable  table = kActiveColors,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns the value of the color at the given index in the application's color table.

[in]indexIndex of the color to retrieve
[in]tableTable to index into
[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Index is out of range
MStatus getColorIndexAndTable ( unsigned int  glindex,
unsigned int &  index,
ColorTable table 
) const

Returns the color table and index representing the given OpenGL color-index value.

This method is useful when converting color indices obtained from glReadPixels(GL_COLOR_INDEX) to Maya color-index values suitable for use with the colorAtIndex and setDrawColor methods.

[in]glindexValue of the OpenGL color-index to retrieve
[out]indexReturned ColorTable index
[out]tableReturned ColorTable
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Index is out of range
MStatus colorMask ( bool &  r,
bool &  g,
bool &  b,
bool &  a 

This method is obsolete.

Get the current color mask.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MUIDrawManager instead.
[out]rRed color mask flag.
[out]gGreen color mask flag.
[out]bBlue color mask flag.
[out]aAlpha color mask flag.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setColorMask ( bool  r,
bool  g,
bool  b,
bool  a 

This method is obsolete.

Set the current color mask.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MUIDrawManager instead.
[in]rRed color mask flag.
[in]gGreen color mask flag.
[in]bBlue color mask flag.
[in]aAlpha color mask flag.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool isBackgroundGradient ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns whether a gradient is being used as the background color.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
  • true background is a color gradient
  • false background is a solid color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor templateColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the value of the template color.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The template color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor backgroundColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the value of the background color.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The background color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor backgroundColorTop ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the value of the background gradient top color.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The background gradient top color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor backgroundColorBottom ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the value of the background gradient bottom color.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The background gradient bottom color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor liveColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the color for live objects.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The live color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor referenceLayerColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the color for objects which belong to a display layer whose display type is Reference.

This color is also used for objects whose display override is set to Reference.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The reference layer color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor activeTemplateColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the color for active template objects.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The active template color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor leadColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the color for lead objects.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The lead color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor hiliteColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the color for hilited objects.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The hilite color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MColor activeAffectedColor ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns the color for active affected objects.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The active affected color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
MStatus drawText ( const MString text,
const MPoint  position,
M3dView::TextPosition  textPosition = kLeft 

This method is obsolete.

Draws the given text at the given spot in the default font.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MUIDrawManager in a MHWRender::MHUDRender operation instead.

This method is provided as a convienient way to draw OpenGL text.

[in]textText to draw
[in]positionPosition in space to draw at
[in]textPositionText position relative to the point
The color
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, viewCallbackTest/viewCallbackTest.cpp, and viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideUserOperation.cpp.
MStatus setCamera ( MDagPath camera)

Set the camera for this view.

[in]cameraDag path of the camera for this view
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus scheduleRefreshAllViews ( )

Schedule a forced refresh for all 3d-views.

This method may be called safely at any time from any thread. The refresh will occur on the main thread when Maya next becomes idle. If a refresh has already been scheduled but has not yet occurred then this method will do nothing.

Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus scheduleRefresh ( )

Schedule a forced refresh for this 3d-view.

This method may be called safely at any time from any thread. The refresh will occur on the main thread when Maya next becomes idle. If a refresh has already been scheduled for this view but has not yet occurred then this method will do nothing.

Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus refresh ( bool  all = false,
bool  force = false 

Refresh the this view.

If all is set to true then all of the 3d-view will be refreshed.

If force is set to true, then the views will be refreshed even if they do not require it. This option should be used with extreme care because extra refreshes will greatly degrade application performance. In almost all cases it is better to use the default behavior where the view is only refreshed if it is required.

[in]allIf true then refresh all views, otherwise refresh this view.
[in]forceIf true then force views to refresh even if they do not require it.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
blast2Cmd/blast2Cmd.cpp, dx11Shader/dx11Shader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, pointManip/pointManip.cpp, viewCaptureCmd/viewCaptureCmd.cpp, and viewRenderOverridePostColor/viewRenderOverridePostColorCmd.cpp.
MStatus refresh ( bool  all,
bool  force,
bool  offscreen 

Refresh the this view.

If all is set to true then all of the 3d-view will be refreshed.

If force is set to true, then the views will be refreshed even if they do not require it. This option should be used with extreme care because extra refreshes will greatly degrade application performance. In almost all cases it is better to use the default behavior where the view is only refreshed if it is required.

[in]allIf true then refresh all views, otherwise refresh this view.
[in]forceIf true then force views to refresh even if they do not require it.
[in]offscreenShould the buffer be redrawn if it's offscreen?
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus refresh ( MPxGlBuffer buffer)

Refresh the this view into the GL buffer buffer.

This refresh function always forces an update and always only draws the this view. The buffer argument should refer to a buffer that has been configured with the correct depth, color, z-buffer, etc. This configuration normally occurs in the constructor of the MPxGlBuffer and the behavior is undefined. If a buffer is configured for one view configuration and then is used for a different configuration. This may occur when Maya switches from wireframe to shaded mode since it also changes from color index to RGB mode.

If the MPxGlBuffer is double buffered, drawing always is done to the back buffer and swapping is left to the user.

[in]bufferThe MPxGlBuffer in which to draw the view.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus refresh ( MPxGlBuffer buffer,
bool  offscreen 

Refresh the this view into the GL buffer buffer.

This refresh function always forces an update and always only draws the this view. The buffer argument should refer to a buffer that has been configured with the correct depth, color, z-buffer, etc. This configuration normally occurs in the constructor of the MPxGlBuffer and the behavior is undefined. If a buffer is configured for one view configuration and then is used for a different configuration. This may occur when Maya switches from wireframe to shaded mode since it also changes from color index to RGB mode.

[in]bufferThe MPxGlBuffer in which to draw the view.
[in]offscreenShould the buffer be redrawn if it's offscreen?
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus refresh ( MPxGlBuffer buffer,
bool  offscreen,
const MMatrix projMatrix 

Refresh the this view into the GL buffer buffer.

This refresh function always forces an update and always only draws the this view. The buffer argument should refer to a buffer that has been configured with the correct depth, color, z-buffer, etc. This configuration normally occurs in the constructor of the MPxGlBuffer and the behavior is undefined. If a buffer is configured for one view configuration and then is used for a different configuration. This may occur when Maya switches from wireframe to shaded mode since it also changes from color index to RGB mode.

[in]bufferThe MPxGlBuffer in which to draw the view.
[in]offscreenShould the buffer be redrawn if it's offscreen?
[in]projMatrixProjection matrix to provide to openGL before drawing
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus getLightCount ( unsigned int &  count,
bool  visible = true 

Get the number of lights for the view.

[out]countThe number of visible lights for the view.
[in]visibleSpecify whether to count visible lights only. By Default this is set true.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus getLightingMode ( M3dView::LightingMode mode)

Get the current lighting mode for the view.

[out]modeThe lighting mode for the view.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus getLightPath ( unsigned int  lightNumber,
MDagPath lightPath 

Get the path to a certain light.

[in]lightNumberNumber of the light interested in
[out]lightPathPath to light.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus isLightVisible ( unsigned int  lightNumber,
bool &  visible 

Find out if a light is visible in the view.

[in]lightNumberThe number of the light to check.
[out]visibleWhether the light is visible or not.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus getLightIndex ( unsigned int  lightNumber,
unsigned int &  lightIndex 

Get the internal light index for a given light number.

[in]lightNumberThe number of the light to check.
[out]lightIndexThe internal light index (returned)
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus viewToWorld ( short  x_pos,
short  y_pos,
MPoint worldPt,
MVector worldVector 
) const

Takes a point in port coordinates and returns a corresponding ray in world coordinates.

[in]x_posthe x position of the point in port coordinates
[in]y_posthe y position of the point in port coordinates
[out]worldPt(returned) the source of the ray
[out]worldVector(returned) the direction of the ray
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, MayaPluginForSpreticle/spReticleLoc.cpp, and pointManip/pointManip.cpp.
MStatus viewToWorld ( short  x_pos,
short  y_pos,
MPoint nearClipPt,
MPoint farClipPt 
) const

Takes a point in port coordinates and returns a point on the near and far clipping planes.

[in]x_posthe x position of the point in port coordinates
[in]y_posthe y position of the point in port coordinates
[out]nearClipPt(returned) point on near clipping plane
[out]farClipPt(returned) point on far clipping plane
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus viewToObjectSpace ( short  x_pos,
short  y_pos,
const MMatrix localMatrixInverse,
MPoint oPt,
MVector oVector 
) const

Takes a point in port coordinates and returns a corresponding ray in object coordinates.

[in]x_posthe x position of the point in port coordinates
[in]y_posthe y position of the point in port coordinates
[in]localMatrixInversethe inclusive matrix inverse of the object in question
[out]oPt(returned) the source of the ray in object space
[out]oVector(returned) the direction of the ray in object space
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool worldToView ( const MPoint worldPt,
short &  x_pos,
short &  y_pos,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

converts a point in world space to port space.

The return value indicates if the point is not clipped.

[in]worldPtthe point to world space
[out]x_pos(returned) The x coordinate of the world point in port space.
[out]y_pos(returned) The y coordinate of the world point in port space.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
  • true point is not clipped
  • false point is undefined or outside frustum
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus projectionMatrix ( MMatrix projMat) const

Returns the projection matrix currently being used by OpenGL in the current view.

[out]projMatA place to store the projection matrix
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, and gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp.
MStatus modelViewMatrix ( MMatrix modelViewMatrix) const

Returns the modelview matrix currently being used by OpenGL in the current view.

[out]modelViewMatrixA place to store the modelview matrix
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, and gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp.
MString viewSelectedPrefix ( MStatus ReturnStatus) const

Returns the Returns the prefix used when displaying the camera name in the heads up display when view selected in on.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
The prefix.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
MStatus setViewSelectedPrefix ( const MString prefix)

Sets the prefix for the camera name as displayed in the heads up display when view selected is enabled.

The prefix is concatenated with the camera name.

The default value is "isolate: "

[in]prefixThe prefix to use.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
bool showViewSelectedChildren ( MStatus ReturnStatus) const

Returns turn if view selected shows all of the children of the obejcts that are flagged for view selected.

[out]ReturnStatusThe return status
true if the children of view selected objects are drawn.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Operation failed
MStatus setShowViewSelectedChildren ( bool  show)

This method changes the way that view selected works.

By default, view selected with show all of the children of the objects in the view selected set. If false is passed to this method, then only the obejcts in the view selected set and their shapes will be drawn.

[in]showtrue if all of the children of view selected objects should be displayed. true is the default behavior for view selected.
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kSuccess Operation failed
MStatus getM3dViewFromModelPanel ( const MString name,
M3dView view 

Given the name of a model panel, get the M3dView used by that panel.

If this fails, then a panel with the given name could not be located.

[in]nameThe name of the model panel.
[out]viewThe M3dView from the model panel.
Return Status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kSuccess Operation failed
apiMeshShape/apiMeshSubSceneOverride.cpp, lensDistortionCallback/lensDistortionCallback.cpp, rawfootPrintNode/rawfootPrintNode.cpp, viewCallbackTest/viewCallbackTest.cpp, viewDX11DeviceAccess/viewDX11DeviceAccess.cpp, viewImageBlitOverride/viewImageBlitOverride.cpp, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideUserOperation.cpp, and viewRenderOverrideFrameCache/viewRenderOverrideFrameCacheMain.cpp.
MStatus getM3dViewFromModelEditor ( const MString name,
M3dView view 

Given the name of a model editor, get the M3dView used by that editor.

If this fails, then a editor with the given name could not be located.

[in]nameThe name of the model editor.
[out]viewThe M3dView from the model editor.
Return Status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kSuccess Operation failed
M3dView::DisplayStyle displayStyle ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Return the display style for this 3d view.

The display style can be wireframe, flat-shaded, or smooth-shaded.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
The display style for this view
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
viewImageBlitOverride/viewImageBlitOverride.cpp, and viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp.
bool isShadeActiveOnly ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Returns true if this view's display style is shaded for objects that are active and wireframe otherwise.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code
  • true Only active objects are shaded if this view is in shaded mode
  • false All objects are shaded if this view is in shaded mode
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setDisplayStyle ( DisplayStyle  style,
bool  activeOnly = false 

Sets the display style for this view.

The display style can be wireframe, flat-shaded, or smooth-shaded.

[in]styleThe display style to be set for this view
[in]activeOnlySpecifies whether only active objects are to be shaded in shaded mode.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
viewImageBlitOverride/viewImageBlitOverride.cpp, and viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp.
MStatus setObjectDisplay ( unsigned int  displayMask)

It is assumed in the below accessor methods that M3dView::DisplayObjects enum values can be cast to and from TexcludeObjectDisplay values impicitly, but that is not enforced elsewhere.

Sets a display object mask that indicates which object types are drawn in the current view. By default everything is displayed.

[in]displayMaskThe display object mask made with M3dView::DisplayObjects enum
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
unsigned int objectDisplay ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL)

Returns a display object mask that indicates which object types are drawn in the current view.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
The display object mask which can be bit 'AND'ed against the M3dView::DisplayObjects enum.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setPluginObjectDisplay ( const MString pluginDisplayFilter,
bool  on 

Enables or disables a user-defined display filter (i.e.

one which was registered using MFnPlugin::registerDisplayFilter() or the 'pluginDisplayFilter' command).

In Default Viewport, the plug-in will have to check the state of the user-defined display filter in the node's draw code. In Viewport 2.0, nodes will be filtered automatically based on the classification associated with the filter. During selection/snapping, the plugin will have to check the state of the filter in the node's select/snap code.

[in]pluginDisplayFilterThe name of the plugin display filter.
[in]onEnable or disable the plugin display filter.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool pluginObjectDisplay ( const MString pluginDisplayFilter,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Returns true if the plugin display filter specified by the pluginDisplayFilter is enabled in the current view.

[in]pluginDisplayFilterThe name of the plugin display filter.
[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
true if the plugin display filter is enabled
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
M3dView::RendererName getRendererName ( MStatus ReturnStatus) const

Get the name of the current renderer being used for drawing to this view.

The current possible return values are:

kDefaultQualityRenderer : This is equivalent to when the renderer name is "base_OpenGL_Renderer" when queried from the "modelEditor" command kHighQualityRenderer : This is equivalent to when the renderer name is "hwRender_OpenGL_Renderer" when queried from the "modelEditor" command kViewport2Renderer : This is equivalent to the viewport 2.0 renderer.

Note that the latter is not supported on platforms running the IRIX operating system.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
The name of the current renderer.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
MString rendererString ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Get the string name of the current renderer being used for drawing to this view.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus code (see below)
String name
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool wireframeOnlyInShadedMode ( MStatus ReturnStatus) const

Return whether we are in shaded mode, but that only non shaded drawing should occur (wireframe).

In general it will return true only when the current renderer is "hwRender_OpenGL_Renderer". See the M3dView::getRendererString() method for more details.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
true if we are in this mode.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
bool wireframeOnShaded ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Return whether we draw wireframe in shaded mode.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
true if we draw wireframe in shaded mode.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
bool xray ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Return true if the X-Ray mode is enabled.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
true if the X-Ray mode is enabled.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool xrayJoints ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Return true if the X-Ray Joints mode is enabled.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
true if the X-Ray Joints mode is enabled.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool twoSidedLighting ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Return true if the Two-sided lighting mode is enabled.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
true if the Two-sided lighting mode is enabled.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus readColorBuffer ( MImage image,
bool  readRGBA = false 

This method is obsolete.

Read the RGB values from the frame buffer for a given view.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderTargetManager::acquireRenderTarget() instead.

The buffer is read in a pixel format which is BGRA by default, such that each channel is one byte in size.

[in]imageThe image contains the frame buffer pixels.
[in]readRGBARead the image back in RGBA format. By default the format is BGRA.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus writeColorBuffer ( const MImage image,
signed short  x = 0,
signed short  y = 0 
) const

This method is obsolete.

Overwrite the RGB values for the frame buffer for a given view.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MQuadRender operation inside MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.

Expected input is a block of RGBA, such that each channel is one byte in size.

[in]imageThe image containing the block of pixels to write
[in]xThe location in screen space of the lower left corner (X) of the image to write. The default value is 0.
[in]yThe location in screen space of the lower left corner (Y) of the image to write. The default value is 0.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus readDepthMap ( unsigned short  x,
unsigned short  y,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height,
unsigned char *  bufferPtr,
DepthBufferFormat  depthMapPrecision 

This method is obsolete.

Read the depth values from the frame buffer for a given view.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderTargetManager::acquireRenderTarget() instead.

The buffer is read into a block of data as defined as an argument. The data block size must be large enough to accomodate ( view width * view height * depth map precision ) bytes of data.

[in]xStart position x to read.
[in]yStart position y to read.
[in]widthNumber of pixels in x to read.
[in]heightNumber of pixels in y to read.
[in]bufferPtrPointer to depth data allocated by the caller.
[in]depthMapPrecisionEnumerated depth precision.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
pointManip/pointManip.cpp, and viewCallbackTest/viewCallbackTest.cpp.
MStatus readBufferTo2dTexture ( unsigned short  x,
unsigned short  y,
unsigned int  width,
unsigned int  height 

This method is obsolete.

Read the depth values from the frame buffer for a given view into a predefined OpenGL 2d texture.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderTargetManager instead.

It is assumed that such a texture has been created and bound before making this call.

[in]xStart position x to read.
[in]yStart position y to read.
[in]widthNumber of pixels in x to read.
[in]heightNumber of pixels in y to read.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool usingMipmappedTextures ( ) const

Returns if the view is using mipmapped texture display.

Mipmap texture display state.
bool usingDefaultMaterial ( ) const

Returns true if the view is currently displaying objects using the default material.

The default material state.
MStatus setDisallowPolygonOffset ( bool  v)

Certain Maya actions will use glPolygonOffset to offset polygons drawing into the depth buffer.

This method controls this behavior. When true, it prevents Maya from altering the polygon offset parameters.

[in]venable/disable the polygon offset
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool disallowPolygonOffset ( ) const

Returns the current state of the disallow polygon offset bit.

See setDisallowPolygonOffset for more information.

True if Maya currently is disallowing the use of glPolygonOffset.
MStatus updateViewingParameters ( )

This method tells the camera to set the view's transformation matrix.

Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool multipleDrawEnabled ( ) const

This method returns the multiple draw enable state for this view.

  • true if multiple draw is enabled.
void setMultipleDrawEnable ( bool  enable)

This method is obsolete.

This method enables/disables multiple camera drawing for this view.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.

If multiple draw is disabled, then this view will behave like a normal Maya view.

[in]enableIf true, then multiple draw is enabled.
unsigned multipleDrawPassCount ( )

This method is obsolete.

This method returns the number of multiple draw passes that are going to be made.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.

By default a 1 is returned.

  • The number of multiple draw passes that will be made.
void setMultipleDrawPassCount ( unsigned  count)

This method is obsolete.

This method sets the number of multiple draw passes when multiple draw is enabled.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
[in]countThe number of multiple draw passes.

NOTE: This method is designed to be used for default model view only, that means this method can not used in MPx3dModelView derived custom model view.

This method must be called in a pre-render callback that added by MUIMessage::add3dViewPreRenderMsgCallback().

By setting setMultipleDrawPassCount() in the pre-render callback, pre/post multiple draw pass callbacks that are added by MUIMessage::add3dViewPreMultipleDrawPassMsgCallback() and MUIMessage::add3dViewPreMultipleDrawPassMsgCallback() are called.

Note that setMultipleDrawPassCount value should be restored in the post-render callback that is added by MUIMessage::add3dViewPostRenderMsgCallback().

See following example code.

		view.setMultipleDrawEnable( true )
		view.setMultipleDrawPassCount( 2 )
		view.setMultipleDrawEnable( false )
		view.setMultipleDrawPassCount( 1 )
MStatus beginProjMatrixOverride ( MMatrix projectionMatrix)

This method is obsolete.

Begin overriding the projection matrix used in openGL drawing.

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.

This override is enabled until endProjMatrixOverride() is called.

[in]projectionMatrixProjection matrix used in openGL drawing
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus endProjMatrixOverride ( )

This method is obsolete.

End projection matrix override enabled by beginProjMatrixOverride().

[as of Maya 2019]

Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
MStatus setRenderOverrideName ( const MString name)

Set the name of a render override (MHWRender::MRenderOverride) to use.

The override must be registered before it can be used.

The override cannot be set unless the view is set to be using the Viewport 2.0 renderer.

If the override name is an empty string then the any existing override will be removed.

[in]nameName of the override.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The override was set.
  • MS::kFailure The override could not be set.
MString renderOverrideName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Get the current render override name.

If none then an empty string will be returned.

[out]ReturnStatusreturn status.
Override name.
MStatus setObjectListFilterName ( const MString name)

Set the name of the object list filter (MObjectListFilter) to use.

The filter must be registered before it can be used.

If the name is an empty string then any existing filter will be removed.

Any previously set filter will be replaced with the new one.

[in]nameName of the filter.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The filter was set.
  • MS::kFailure The filter could not be set.
MString objectListFilterName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Get the current object list filter name.

If none then an empty string will be returned.

Filter name.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess An object filter name can be returned
  • MS::kFailure No object filter can be returned
MStatus setShowObjectFilterNameInHUD ( bool  show)

Sets whether or not to display the object filter UI name in the heads up display when an object filter is active.

This string is concatenated with the camera name.

[in]showIf true, show the filter UI name in the HUD
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool showObjectFilterNameInHUD ( MStatus ReturnStatus) const

Returns whether the object filter UI name is shown in the heads up display when an object filter is active.

[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
True if the filter UI name is shown
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
bool viewIsFiltered ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Returns the state of view filtering for this view.

[out]ReturnStatusreturn status
True if the view is filtered.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Operation failed
MStatus filteredObjectList ( MSelectionList list) const

Returns a selection list containing all of the objects that remain after filtering is applied to the view.

[out]listThe list of objects left after filtering.
Return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Operation successful
  • MS::kFailure Operation failed
MStatus getRendererString ( MString stringName) const

This method is not available in Python.

Get the string name of the current renderer being used for drawing to this view.

Python Notes

This method is not supported in Python. See the version which returns a string.

[out]stringNamestring name (returned).
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Method was successful
  • MS::kFailure Object error
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

The name of this class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: