C++ API Reference
Deprecated List
Member M3dView::beginGL ()
Use Viewport 2.0 APIs instead. See 'Viewport 2.0' chapter of the 'API Guide' for alternatives.
Member M3dView::beginProjMatrixOverride (MMatrix &projectionMatrix)
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member M3dView::colorMask (bool &r, bool &g, bool &b, bool &a)
Use MHWRender::MUIDrawManager instead.
Member M3dView::drawText (const MString &text, const MPoint position, TextPosition textPosition=kLeft)
Use MHWRender::MUIDrawManager in a MHWRender::MHUDRender operation instead.
Member M3dView::endGL ()
Use Viewport 2.0 APIs instead. See 'Viewport 2.0' chapter of the 'API Guide' for alternatives.
Member M3dView::endProjMatrixOverride ()
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member M3dView::multipleDrawPassCount ()
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member M3dView::readBufferTo2dTexture (unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
Use MHWRender::MRenderTargetManager instead.
Member M3dView::readColorBuffer (MImage &image, bool readRGBA=false)
Use MHWRender::MRenderTargetManager::acquireRenderTarget() instead.
Member M3dView::readDepthMap (unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *bufferPtr, DepthBufferFormat depthMapPrecision)
Use MHWRender::MRenderTargetManager::acquireRenderTarget() instead.
Member M3dView::setColorMask (bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a)
Use MHWRender::MUIDrawManager instead.
Member M3dView::setDrawColor (const MColor &color)
Use MUIDrawManager::setColor method instead.
Member M3dView::setDrawColor (unsigned int index, ColorTable table=kActiveColors)
Use MUIDrawManager::setColorIndex method instead.
Member M3dView::setDrawColorAndAlpha (const MColor &color)
Use MUIDrawManager::setColor method instead.
Member M3dView::setMultipleDrawEnable (bool enable)
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member M3dView::setMultipleDrawPassCount (unsigned count)
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member M3dView::writeColorBuffer (const MImage &image, signed short x=0, signed short y=0) const
Use MHWRender::MQuadRender operation inside MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MAngle::setInternalUnit (Unit internalUnit)
Changing the internal units is generally not a good idea and using the method may often produce unexpected results. It is recommended to just read the values and convert them to the units desired.
Member MAnimMessage::addAnimKeyframeEditedCallback (MObject &animNode, MMessage::MNodeObjArray func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MAnimMessage::addNodeAnimKeyframeEditedCallback instead.
Member MArrayDataBuilder::MArrayDataBuilder (const MObject &attribute, unsigned int numElements, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the other constructor instead.
Member MCacheSchema::reset ()
This function is deprecated, see warning.
Member MColorManagementUtilities::connectDependencyNodeToColorManagement (MObject &object)
Use MColorManagementNodes::connectDependencyNodeToColorManagement instead.
Member MDagMessage::addAllDagChangesCallback (MDagPath &node, MDagMessage::MMessageParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addAllDagChangesDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addChildAddedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addChildAddedDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addChildRemovedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addChildRemovedDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addChildReorderedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addChildReorderedDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addDagCallback (MDagPath &node, DagMessage msgType, MDagMessage::MMessageParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addDagDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addDagCallback (DagMessage msgType, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addDagCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addDagCallback (MDagPath &node, DagMessage msgType, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addDagDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addInstanceAddedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addDagCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addInstanceRemovedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addDagCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addParentAddedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addParentAddedDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagMessage::addParentRemovedCallback (MDagPath &node, MMessage::MParentChildFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MDagMessage::addParentRemovedDagPathCallback instead.
Member MDagPath::getAPathTo (const MObject &node, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr)
The function signature was inconsistent with the rest of the API. Please use the other MDagPath::getAPathTo method instead.
Member MDataHandle::asLong () const
Use MDataHandle::asInt instead.
Member MDataHandle::asLong2 () const
Use MDataHandle::asInt2 instead.
Member MDataHandle::asLong3 () const
Use MDataHandle::asInt3 instead.
Member MDGModifier::addAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, MFnDependencyNode::MAttrClass type)
Use the method MDGModifier::addAttribute( const MObject&, const MObject& ) instead
Member MDGModifier::removeAttribute (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, MFnDependencyNode::MAttrClass type)
Use MDGModifier::removeAttribute( const MObject&, const MObject& ) instead
Member MDistance::setInternalUnit (Unit internalUnit)
Changing the internal units is generally not a good idea and using the method may often produce unexpected results. It is recommended to just read the values and convert them to the units desired.
Member MDrawContext::numberOfActiveLights (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
Use numberOfActiveLights(LightFilter lightFilter, MStatus* ReturnStatus) instead.
Class MDrawData
Use MHWRender::MRenderItem and MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride instead for Viewport 2.0 support.
Class MDrawInfo
Use MHWRender::MRenderItem and MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride instead for Viewport 2.0 support.
Class MDrawRequest
Use MHWRender::MRenderItem and MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride instead for Viewport 2.0 support.
Class MDrawRequestQueue
Use MHWRender::MRenderItem and MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride instead for Viewport 2.0 support.
Class MDrawTraversal
Use MHWRender::MSceneRender and MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MEdit::setApplied (bool isApplied)
Does nothing but return success. Present for backward-compatibility purposes only. Since Maya fully manages the edits internally, this deprecated method is not meaningful anymore. Only Maya can determine whether an edit is applied or not.
Member MEdit::setFailed (bool failed)
Does nothing but return success. Present for backward-compatibility purposes only. Since Maya fully manages the edits internally, this deprecated method is not meaningful anymore. Only Maya can determine whether an edit has failed to apply or not.
Member MExternalContentInfoTable::addResolvedEntry (const MString &key, const MString &unresolvedLocation, const MString &resolvedLocation, const MStringArray &roles)
Context (owner Node full name) must be provided to the Maya resolver. Use the one with the contextNodeFullName input param.
Member MExternalContentInfoTable::addUnresolvedEntry (const MString &key, const MString &unresolvedLocation, const MStringArray &roles=MStringArray())
Context (owner Node full name) must be provided to the Maya resolver. Use the one with the contextNodeFullName input param.
Member MExternalContentInfoTable::getEntry (unsigned int index, MString &key, MString &unresolvedLocation, MString &resolvedLocation, MStringArray &roles) const
Use the one with the contextNodeFullName output param.
Member MExternalContentInfoTable::getInfo (const MString &key, MString &unresolvedLocation, MString &resolvedLocation, MStringArray &roles) const
Use the one with the contextNodeFullName output param.
Member MFileIO::import (const MString &fileName, const char *type=NULL, bool preserveReferences=false, const char *nameSpace=NULL)
Use the MFileIO::importFile method instead.
Member MFileObject::fullName () const
Use the methods MFileObject::expandedFullName or MFileObject::resolvedFullName instead.
Member MFileObject::name () const
Use the method MFileObject::resolvedName instead.
Member MFileObject::path () const
Use the methods MFileObject::expandedPath or MFileObject::resolvedPath instead.
Member MFileObject::setFullName (const MString &fileName)
Use the method MFileObject::setRawFullName instead.
Member MFileObject::setName (const MString &fileName)
Use the method MFileObject::setRawName instead.
Member MFn::kKeyframeDeltaScale
Not used. Maya instead uses kKeyframeDeltaMove and kKeyframe events.
Member MFnAnimCurve::numKeyframes (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MFnAnimCurve::numKeys instead.
Member MFnAssembly::getInitialRep (MStatus *status=NULL) const
Use the method MFnAssembly::getInitialRep(bool&, MStatus*) instead
Member MFnCamera::eyeOffset (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
Member MFnCamera::isParallelView (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
Member MFnCamera::isStereo (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
Member MFnCamera::setEyeOffset (double eyeOffset)
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
Member MFnCamera::setParallelView (bool parallelView)
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
Member MFnCamera::setStereo (bool stereo)
This is an obsolete method, only kept for backward compatibility reasons. It does not do anything.
Member MFnClip::getAbsolute (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the method MFnClip::getAbsoluteChannelSettings instead.
Member MFnClip::getCycle (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the method MFnClip::getPostCycle instead.
Member MFnClip::setAbsolute (bool abs, MDGModifier *mod=NULL)
Use the method MFnClip::setAbsoluteChannelSettings instead.
Member MFnClip::setCycle (double cycle, MDGModifier *mod=NULL)
Use the method MFnClip::setPostCycle instead.
Member MFnComponent::type (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MFnComponent::componentType method instead.
Member MFnDagNode::model (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
The model returned is an unknown type to the API and now the method always returns MObject::kNullObj.
Member MFnDagNode::objectColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MFnDagNode::objectColorIndex() and MFnDagNode::objectColorRGB() instead
Member MFnDagNode::setUseObjectColor (bool useObjectColor)
Use MFnDagNode::setObjectColorType() instead
Member MFnDagNode::usingObjectColor (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MFnDagNode::objectColorType() instead.
Member MFnDependencyNode::addAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type)
Use the MFnDependencyNode::addAttribute( const MObject& ) method instead.
Member MFnDependencyNode::findPlug (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use the MFnDependencyNode::findPlug( const MObject&, bool, MStatus* ) method instead.
Member MFnDependencyNode::findPlug (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use the MFnDependencyNode::findPlug( const MString&, bool, MStatus* ) method instead.
Member MFnDependencyNode::removeAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type)
Use the MFnDependencyNode::removeAttribute( const MObject& ) method instead.
Member MFnDependencyNode::setName (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
This function is obsolete, please use the other 'setName' instead
Member MFnGenericAttribute::addAccept (MFnData::Type newType)
Use the MFnGenericAttribute::addDataAccept method instead.
Member MFnGenericAttribute::addAccept (MFnNumericData::Type newType)
Use the MFnGenericAttribute::addNumericDataAccept method instead.
Member MFnGenericAttribute::removeAccept (MFnData::Type oldType)
Use the MFnGenericAttribute::removeDataAccept method instead.
Member MFnGenericAttribute::removeAccept (MFnNumericData::Type oldType)
Use the MFnGenericAttribute::removeNumericDataAccept method instead.
Class MFnKeyframeDeltaScale
Not used. Maya instead generates MFnKeyframeDeltaMove and MFnKeyframeDeltaTangent events when a group of keys is scaled.
Member MFnMesh::addPolygon (MPointArray &vertexArray, double polyTolerance, bool mergeVertices=true, double pointTolerance=kMFnMeshPointTolerance, bool forceGeometry=true, MObject parentOrOwner=MObject::kNullObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the other MFnMesh::addPolygon method.
Member MFnMesh::booleanOp (BoolOperation op, MFnMesh &mesh1, MFnMesh &mesh2)
This method uses Maya's legacy boolean algorithm. Use MFnMesh::booleanOps instead to choose between Maya's newer boolean algorithm and the legacy algorithm.
Member MFnMesh::createColorSetWithName (const MString &colorSetName, MDGModifier *modifier, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
Use createColorSetWithName(const MString &, MDGModifier *, const MUintArray *, MStatus *)
Member MFnMesh::currentColorSetName (MStatus *ReturnStatus) const
Use MFnMesh::currentColorSetName(int, MStatus*) instead.
Member MFnMesh::generateSmoothMesh (MObject parentOrOwner, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
Use generateSmoothMesh(MObject, MMeshSmoothOptions * , MStatus *) instead.
Member MFnMesh::getBinaryBlindData (int compID, MFn::Type compType, int blindDataId, MString attrName, MString &data) const
Use MFnMesh::binaryBlindDataComponentId instead.
Member MFnMesh::getStringBlindData (int compID, MFn::Type compType, int blindDataId, MString attrName, MString &data) const
Use MFnMesh::stringBlindDataComponentId instead.
Member MFnMesh::getVertexNormal (int vertexId, MVector &normal, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
Use getVertexNormal(int, bool, MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead.
Member MFnMesh::hasBlindData (int compID, MFn::Type compType, int blindDataId, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MFnMesh::hasBlindDataComponentId instead.
Member MFnMesh::hasBlindData (int compID, MFn::Type compType, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MFnMesh::hasBlindDataComponentId instead.
Member MFnMesh::intersect (MPoint &raySource, MVector &rayDirection, MPointArray &points, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use the other MFnMesh::intersect method.
Member MFnMesh::intersect (const MPoint &raySource, const MVector &rayDirection, MPointArray &points, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use the other MFnMesh::intersect method.
Member MFnNurbsSurface::getParamAtPoint (const MPoint &atThisPoint, double &paramU, double &paramV, MSpace::Space space=MSpace::kObject) const
This method is obsolete and simply calls the overloaded MFnNurbsSurface::getParamAtPoint method with ignoreTrimBoundaries set to false.
Member MFnNurbsSurface::tesselate (MTesselationParams &parms, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
Use tesselate( MTesselationParams & parms, MObject parentOrOwner, MStatus * ReturnStatus ) instead.
Member MFnPlugin::addMenuItem (const MString &menuItemName, const MString &parentName, const MString &commandName, const MString &commandParams, bool needOptionBox=false, const MString *optBoxFunction=nullptr, MStatus *retStatus=nullptr, const MString *extraMenuItemParams=nullptr)
This call does not support non-ASCII labels, use the alternative.
Member MFnPlugin::registerEvaluator (const MString &evaluatorName, unsigned int uniquePriority, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction)
Use the type-safe version of registerEvaluator instead.
Member MFnPlugin::registerTopologyEvaluator (const MString &evaluatorName, unsigned int uniquePriority, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction)
Use the type-safe version of registerTopologyEvaluator instead.
Member MFnPlugin::registerTransform (const MString &typeName, const MTypeId &typeId, MCreatorFunction creatorFunction, MInitializeFunction initFunction, MCreatorFunction xformCreatorFunction, const MTypeId &xformId, const MString *classification=nullptr)
Use the other version of registerTransform instead.
Member MFnSubdNames::baseFaceIdFromLong (long base)
Use MFnSubdNames::baseFaceIdFromIndex instead.
Member MFnSubdNames::baseFaceIndex (MUint64 id)
Use MFnSubdNames::baseFaceIndexFromId instead.
Member MFnSubdNames::levelOneFaceAsLong (MUint64 id)
Use MFnSubdNames::levelOneFaceIdFromIndex instead.
Member MFnSubdNames::levelOneFaceIdFromLong (long one)
Use MFnSubdNames::levelOneFaceIdFromIndex instead.
Member MFnTransform::getRotation (double[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder &order, MSpace::Space space) const
Use getRotation(double[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder&) instead.
Member MFnTransform::setRotation (const double[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder, MSpace::Space space)
Use setRotation(const double[3], MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder) instead.
Member MFnTransform::translation (MSpace::Space, MStatus *=nullptr) const
Use getTranslation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead.
Member MFnTypedAttribute::create (const MString &fullName, const MString &briefName, MFnData::Type type, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
Use the other MFnTypedAttribute::create method instead.
Member MGeometryExtractor::MGeometryExtractor (const MHWRender::MGeometryRequirements &requirements, const MDagPath &path, const bool sharing=true, MStatus *status=NULL)
Use MGeometryExtractor(const MGeometryRequirements&, const MDagPath&, ::MHWRender::MPolyGeomOptions, MStatus*) instead.
Member MGlobal::getOptionVarValue (const MString &name, int &value)
Use MGlobal::optionVarIntValue instead.
Member MGlobal::getOptionVarValue (const MString &name, double &value)
Use MGlobal::optionVarDoubleValue instead.
Member MGlobal::getOptionVarValue (const MString &name, MString &value)
Use MGlobal::optionVarStringValue instead.
Member MGlobal::select (MDagPath &object, const MObject &component, ListAdjustment=kAddToList)
Use the version of MGlobal::select which takes a constant reference to an MDagPath as its first parameter.
Member MGlobal::unselect (MDagPath &object, const MObject &component)
Use the version of MGlobal::unselect which takes a constant reference to an MDagPath as its first parameter.
Member MHardwareRenderer::addDrawProcedure (const MString &backEndString, MDrawProcedureBase *drawProcedureptr, CallLocation location)
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::backEndString () const
Use the Viewport 2.0 backend independent MHWRender interfaces instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::dereferenceGeometry (MGeometryData *pGeomData, unsigned int numberOfData)
Use MHWRender::MGeometryUtilities::releaseReferenceGeometry() instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::findDrawProcedure (const MString &backEndString, CallLocation location, const MString &procName) const
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::getBufferSize (const MString &backEndString, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) const
Use MHWRender::MRenderTarget and MHWRender::MRenderTargetDescription instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::getColorBufferPixelFormat (const MString &backEndString, BufferPixelFormat &fmt) const
Use MHWRender::MRenderTarget and MHWRender::MRenderTargetDescription instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::getDepthBufferPixelFormat (const MString &backEndString, BufferPixelFormat &fmt) const
Use MHWRender::MRenderTarget and MHWRender::MRenderTargetDescription instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::getDrawProcedureCount (const MString &backEndString, CallLocation location, unsigned int &count) const
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::getDrawProcedureListNames (const MString &backEndString, CallLocation location, MStringArray &namesOfProcs) const
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::glFunctionTable () const
Use the Viewport 2.0 device independent MHWRender interfaces instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::insertDrawProcedure (const MString &backEndString, MDrawProcedureBase *drawProcedurePtr, CallLocation location, unsigned int listIndex, bool moveExistingItem=false)
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::makeResourceContextCurrent (const MString &backEndString)
Use the Viewport 2.0 device independent MHWRender interfaces instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::referenceDefaultGeometry (MHardwareRenderer::GeometricShape geomShape, unsigned int &numberOfData, unsigned int *&pIndexing, unsigned int &indexLength)
Use MHWRender::MGeometryUtilities::acquireReferenceGeometry() instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::removeDrawProcedure (const MString &backEndString, MDrawProcedureBase *drawProcedureptr, CallLocation location)
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::restoreCurrent (const MString &backEndString) const
Use the Viewport 2.0 device independent MHWRender interfaces instead.
Member MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer ()
Use the Viewport 2.0 device independent MHWRender interfaces instead.
Member MIndexBuffer::acquire (unsigned int size)
Use MIndexBuffer::acquire(unsigned int size, bool writeOnly) instead.
Member MItCurveCV::cv (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MItCurveCV::currentItem instead.
Member MItDag::item (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MItDag::currentItem method instead.
Member MItDependencyGraph::thisNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MItDependencyGraph::currentItem instead.
Member MItDependencyNodes::item (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use the method MItDependencyNodes::thisNode instead.
Member MItGeometry::component (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MItGeometry::currentItem instead.
Member MItMeshEdge::cleanupSmoothing ()
This method is no longer required in Maya3.0 and later versions. (In previous versions, this method was needed to clean up the geometry after setSmoothing has been done on one or more edges).
Member MItMeshEdge::edge (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MItMeshEdge::currentItem instead.
Member MItMeshFaceVertex::faceVertex (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MItMeshFaceVertex::currentItem instead.
Member MItMeshPolygon::polygon (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MItMeshPolygon::currentItem method.
Member MItMeshVertex::vertex (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use MItMeshVertex::currentItem instead.
Member MItSurfaceCV::cv (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MItSurfaceCV::currentItem instead.
Class MMaterial
Use MHWRender::MShaderInstance or MHWRender::MFragmentManager instead.
Member MMaterial::evaluateTextureTransformation ()
Use evaluateTexture() instead.
Member MMaterial::getTextureTransformation (float &scaleU, float &scaleV, float &translateU, float &translateV, float &rotate)
Use the non-deprecated overloads of the getTextureTransformation() member function instead.
Member MMessage::nodeCallbacks (MObject &node, MIntArray &ids)
Use MMessage::nodeCallbacks(MObject& node, MCallbackIdArray& ids) instead.
Member MMessage::removeCallbacks (MIntArray &ids)
Use MMessage::removeCallbacks(MCallbackIdArray &idList) instead.
Class MMutexLock
Use std::mutex directly
Member MNodeMessage::addNameChangedCallback (MObject &node, MMessage::MNodeFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the version which takes a callback function of type MMessage::MNodeStringFunction instead.
Member MNodeMessage::addNodeAboutToDeleteCallback (MObject &node, MMessage::MModifierFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the version which takes a callback function of type MMessage::MNodeModifierFunction instead.
Member MNodeMessage::addNodeDirtyCallback (MObject &node, MMessage::MBasicFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the version which takes a callback function of type MMessage::MNodeFunction instead.
Member MNodeMessage::addNodeDirtyCallback (MObject &node, MMessage::MNodePlugFunction func, void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MNodeMessage::addNodeDirtyPlugCallback method instead.
Member MPlug::asBool (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asBool(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asChar (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asChar(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asDouble (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asDouble(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asFloat (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asFloat(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asInt (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asInt(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asInt64 (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asInt64(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asMAngle (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asMAngle(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asMDataHandle (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asMDataHandle(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asMDistance (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asMDistance(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asMObject (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asMObject(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asMTime (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asMTime(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asShort (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asShort(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::asString (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
Use asString(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MObject &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MObject&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MDataHandle &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MDataHandle&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (double &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(double&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (float &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(float&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MInt64 &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MInt64&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (short &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(short&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (bool &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(bool&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MDistance &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MDistance&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MAngle &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MAngle&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MTime &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MTime&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (char &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(char&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (MString &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(MString&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPlug::getValue (int &, MDGContext &) const
Use getValue(int&) to get the value in the current evaluation context. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MProfiler::addCategory (const char *categoryName)
Call addCategory(const char*, const char*) instead.
Member MProfiler::getAllCategories (MStringArray &categoryNames)
Call getAllCategories(MStringArray&, MStringArray&) instead.
Class MPx3dModelView
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MPxAssembly::getInitialRep (const MObject &assembly, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MPxAssembly::getInitialRep(const MObject&, bool& , MStatus* ) instead.
Member MPxAssembly::setMPSafe (bool flag) override
Override schedulingType() to set thread safety instead.
Member MPxCommand::setUndoable (bool state)
This method has no effect any more on the undoability of a command.
Member MPxConstraintCommand::connectTarget (void *opaqueTarget, int index)
Use MPxConstraintCommand::connectTarget(MDagPath &targetPath, int index) instead.
Member MPxConstraintCommand::connectTargetAttribute (void *opaqueTarget, int index, MObject &constraintAttr)
Use MPxConstraintCommand::connectTargetAttribute(MDagPath &targetPath, int index) instead.
Member MPxConstraintCommand::handleNewTargets (MObject &dagObject)
Use MPxConstraintCommand::handleNewTargets( MDagpath& dagObject ) instead.
Member MPxDragAndDropBehavior::MPxDragAndDropBehavior (void *init)
Use the default constructor instead.
Member MPxDrawOverride::userSelect (MSelectionInfo &selectInfo, const MDrawContext &context, MPoint &hitPoint, const MUserData *data)
Use the other userSelect() method instead.
Class MPxGlBuffer
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride and MHWRender::MRenderTarget instead.
Member MPxHardwareShader::renderImage (const MPxHardwareShader::ShaderContext &context, const MString &imageName, floatRegion region, int &imageWidth, int &imageHeight)
Use renderImage() that provides RenderParameters instead.
Member MPxHwShaderNode::geometry (const MDrawRequest &request, M3dView &view, int prim, unsigned int writable, int indexCount, const unsigned int *indexArray, int vertexCount, const int *vertexIDs, const float *vertexArray, int normalCount, floatArrayPtr normalArrays, int colorCount, floatArrayPtr colorArrays, int texCoordCount, floatArrayPtr texCoordArrays)
Use the version MPxHwShaderNode::geometry() with the faceIDs argument instead.
Member MPxHwShaderNode::glGeometry (const MDagPath &shapePath, int glPrim, unsigned int writeMask, int indexCount, const unsigned int *indexArray, int vertexCount, const int *vertexIDs, const float *vertexArray, int normalCount, floatArrayPtr normalArrays, int colorCount, floatArrayPtr colorArrays, int texCoordCount, floatArrayPtr texCoordArrays)
Use the version MPxHwShaderNode::glGeometry() with the faceIDs argument instead.
Member MPxHwShaderNode::renderImage (const MString &imageName, floatRegion region, int &imageWidth, int &imageHeight)
Use renderImage() that provides RenderParameters instead.
Class MPxIkSolver
This class is obsolete and will be removed in a future version of Maya. It has been replaced with the MPxIkSolverNode class.
Member MPxIkSolverNode::groupHandlesByTopology () const
Defaults to a false return.
Member MPxIkSolverNode::hasJointLimitSupport () const
Defaults to a false return.
Member MPxIkSolverNode::hasUniqueSolution () const
Defaults to a false return.
Member MPxIkSolverNode::isPositionOnly () const
Defaults to a false return.
Member MPxManipulatorNode::shouldDrawHandleAsSelected (unsigned int name, bool &useSelectedColor) const
This function is obsolete, please use 'setHandleColor' instead
Class MPxModelEditorCommand
Use MHWRender::MRenderOverride instead.
Member MPxNode::_forceCache (const MDGContext &)
Use the method _forceCache() instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxNode::_setMPSafe (bool isMPSafe)
Override schedulingType() to set thread safety instead.
Member MPxNode::forceCache (const MDGContext &)
Use the method forceCache() instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuardto switch the context.
Member MPxNode::getInternalValueInContext (const MPlug &, MDataHandle &, MDGContext &)
Use the method getInternalValue(const MPlug&, MDataHandle&) instead. If needed, use MDGContext::current() to get the context.
Member MPxNode::internalArrayCount (const MPlug &, const MDGContext &) const
Use the method internalArrayCount(const MPlug&) instead.
Member MPxNode::setInternalValueInContext (const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &, MDGContext &)
Use the method setInternalValue(const MPlug&, const MDataHandle&) instead. If needed, use MDGContext::current() to get the context.
Member MPxNode::setMPSafe (bool isMPSafe)
Override schedulingType() to set thread safety instead.
Member MPxShaderOverride::activateKey (MDrawContext &context)
Use the activateKey(MDrawContext&, const MString&) version instead.
Member MPxShaderOverride::initialize (const MInitContext &initContext, MInitFeedback &initFeedback)
Please use initialize(const MInitContext&, MSharedPtr<MUserData>&) instead.
Member MPxShaderOverride::shaderInstance () const
Use the shaderInstance(MDrawContext&) version instead.
Member MPxShaderOverride::terminateKey (MDrawContext &context)
Use the terminateKey(MDrawContext&, const MString&) version instead.
Member MPxSurfaceShapeUI::draw (const MDrawRequest &, M3dView &view) const
Please use MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride, MHWRender::MPxSubSceneOverride, or MHWRender::MPxDrawOverride instead.
Member MPxSurfaceShapeUI::getDrawData (const void *geom, MDrawData &)
Please use MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride, MHWRender::MPxSubSceneOverride, or MHWRender::MPxDrawOverride instead.
Member MPxSurfaceShapeUI::getDrawRequests (const MDrawInfo &, bool objectAndActiveOnly, MDrawRequestQueue &requests)
Please use MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride, MHWRender::MPxSubSceneOverride, or MHWRender::MPxDrawOverride instead.
Member MPxTransform::baseTransformationMatrix
This member is not valid during background evaluation. Use transformationMatrixPtr() instead.
Member MPxTransform::getEulerRotation (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getEulerRotation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getMatrix (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Call getMatrix(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getMatrixInverse (const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Call getMatrixInverse(MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getRotateOrientation (MSpace::Space apiSpace, const MDGContext &apiContext, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getRotateOrientation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getRotatePivot (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getRotatePivot(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getRotatePivotTranslation (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getRotatePivotTranslation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getRotation (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getRotation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getRotationOrder (const MDGContext &)
Use getRotationOrder() instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getScale (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getScale(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getScalePivot (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getScalePivot(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getScalePivotTranslation (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getScalePivotTranslation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getShear (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getShear(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::getTranslation (MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use getTranslation(MSpace::Space, MStatus*) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::MPxTransform (MPxTransformationMatrix *)
Use default-constructor instead, Maya will manage the creation of MPxTransformationMatrix on demand.
Member MPxTransform::rotateBy (const MEulerRotation &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use rotateBy(const MEulerRotation&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::rotateBy (const MQuaternion &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use rotateBy(const MQuaternion&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::rotateTo (const MQuaternion &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use rotateTo(const MQuaternion&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::rotateTo (const MEulerRotation &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use rotateTo(const MEulerRotation&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::scaleBy (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use scaleBy(const MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::scaleTo (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use scaleTo(const MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::setRotateOrientation (const MQuaternion &q, MSpace::Space, bool balance, const MDGContext &)
Use setRotateOrientation(const MQuaternion&, MSpace::Space, bool balance) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::setRotatePivot (const MPoint &, MSpace::Space, bool balance, const MDGContext &)
Use setRotatePivot(const MPoint &, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::setRotatePivotTranslation (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use setRotatePivotTranslation(const MVector &, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::setRotationOrder (MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder, bool reorder, const MDGContext &)
Use setRotationOrder(MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder, bool reorder) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::setScalePivot (const MPoint &, MSpace::Space, bool balance, const MDGContext &)
Use setScalePivot(const MPoint &, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::setScalePivotTranslation (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use setScalePivotTranslation(const MVector &, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::shearBy (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use shearBy(const MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::shearTo (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use shearTo(const MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::translateBy (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use translateBy(const MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::translateTo (const MVector &, MSpace::Space, const MDGContext &)
Use translateTo(const MVector&, MSpace::Space) instead. If needed, use MDGContextGuard to switch the context.
Member MPxTransform::updateMatrixAttrs (const MDGContext &)
Call updateMatrixAttrs() instead.
Member MPxTransform::updateMatrixAttrs (MObject &attr, const MDGContext &)
Call updateMatrixAttrs(MObject &) instead.
Member MPxTransform::validateAndSetValue (const MPlug &, const MDataHandle &, const MDGContext &)
Override validateAndSetValue(const MPlug&, const MDataHandle&) instead. If needed, use MDGContext::current() to get the context.
Member MPxTransformationMatrix::convertRotationOrder (MEulerRotation::RotationOrder, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MPxTransformationMatrix::convertEulerRotationOrder() method instead.
Member MPxTransformationMatrix::convertRotationOrder (MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MPxTransformationMatrix::convertTransformationRotationOrder() method instead.
Member MRampAttribute::getColorAtPosition (float position, MColor &color, MStatus *ReturnStatus, MDGContext &)
Call getColorAtPosition(float, MColor&, MStatus*) instead. Use MDGContextGuard to switch the context if needed.
Member MRampAttribute::getValueAtPosition (float position, float &value, MStatus *ReturnStatus, MDGContext &)
Call getValueAtPosition(float, float&, MStatus*) instead. Use MDGContextGuard to switch the context if needed.
Member MRampAttribute::sampleColorRamp (unsigned int numberOfSamples, MColorArray &colors, MStatus *ReturnStatus, MDGContext &)
Call sampleColorRamp(unsigned int, MColorArray&, MStatus*) instead. Use MDGContextGuard to switch the context if needed.
Member MRampAttribute::sampleValueRamp (unsigned int numberOfSamples, MFloatArray &values, MStatus *ReturnStatus, MDGContext &)
Call sampleValueRamp(unsigned int, MFloatArray&, MStatus*) instead. Use MDGContextGuard to switch the context if needed.
Member MRenderItem::Create (const MString &name, MGeometry::Primitive primitive, MGeometry::DrawMode mode, bool raiseAboveShaded)
Please use the other MRenderItem::Create() method now.
Member MRenderItem::customData () const
Please use getCustomData() which returns MSharedPtr<MUserData> instead.
Member MRenderItem::setCustomData (MUserData *userData)
Please use setCustomData(MSharedPtr<MUserData> userData) instead.
Member MRenderItem::setShaderFromNode (const MObject &shaderNode, const MDagPath &shapePath, LinkLostCallback=NULL, MUserData *linkLostUserData=NULL, bool nonTextured=false)
Please use setShaderFromNode2
Member MRenderItem::setWantSubSceneConsolidation (bool state)
Please use MRenderItem::setWantConsolidation().
Member MRenderItem::wantSubSceneConsolidation () const
Please use MRenderItem::wantConsolidation().
Member MRenderUtil::exactFileTextureName (const MString &baseName, bool useFrameExt, const MString &currentFrameExt, MString &exactName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Context (owner Node full name) must be provided to the Maya resolver. Use the one with the contextNodeFullName input param.
Member MRenderUtil::exactFileTextureName (const MString &baseName, bool useFrameExt, const MString &currentFrameExt, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Context (owner Node full name) must be provided to the Maya resolver. Use the one with the contextNodeFullName input param.
Member MSceneMessage::addCallback (Message, void(*func)(const MStringArray &, void *), void *clientData, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
Use the MSceneMessage::addStringArrayCallback() method instead.
Member MSceneMessage::addCallback (Message, void(*func)(bool *retCode, MFileObject &file, void *clientData), void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MSceneMessage::addCheckFileCallback() method instead.
Member MSceneMessage::addCallback (Message, void(*func)(bool *retCode, void *clientData), void *clientData=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
Use the MSceneMessage::addCheckCallback() method instead.
Member MSceneRender::objectTypeExclusions ()
Please use getObjectTypeExclusions() instead.
Member MTextureManager::acquireTexture (const MString &filePath, int mipmapLevels=0, bool useExposureControl=true, const MString &layerName=MString(), int alphaChannelIdx=-1)
Use the one with the contextNodeFullName input parameter instead.
Member MThreadUtils::syncNumOpenMPThreads ()
Does nothing. Present for backward-compatibility purposes only.
Member MTime::kFilm
Use k24FPS instead.
Member MTime::kGames
Use k15FPS instead.
Member MTime::kNTSCField
Use k60FPS instead.
Member MTime::kNTSCFrame
Use k30FPS instead.
Member MTime::kPALField
Use k50FPS instead.
Member MTime::kPALFrame
Use k25FPS instead.
Member MTime::kShowScan
Use k48FPS instead.
Member MTimerMessage::setSleepCallback (sleepCallbackPtr sleepFunc)
The sleep callback is no longer necessary. It is only provided now for backwards compatibility.
Member MTimerMessage::sleepCallback ()
The sleep callback is no longer necessary. It is only provided now for backwards compatibility.
Member MTransformationMatrix::getRotation (double[3], RotationOrder &order, MSpace::Space) const
Use the other MTransformationMatrix::getRotation method instead.
Member MTransformationMatrix::getRotationQuaternion (double &x, double &y, double &z, double &w, MSpace::Space) const
Use the other MTransformationMatrix::getRotationQuaternion method instead.
Member MTransformationMatrix::setRotation (const double rotation[3], RotationOrder order, MSpace::Space)
Use the other MTransformationMatrix::setRotation method instead.
Member MTransformationMatrix::setRotationQuaternion (double x, double y, double z, double w, MSpace::Space)
Use the other MTransformationMatrix::setRotationQuaternion method instead.
Member MTransformationMatrix::translation (MSpace::Space, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
Use MTransformationMatrix::getTranslation method instead.
Member MUIDrawManager::beginDrawable (unsigned int name, bool nameIsPickable)
Use the one with selectability and selection name parameters instead.
Member MUserData::deleteAfterUse ()
Deallocation after use should be managed via MSharedPtr<MUserData>.
Member MUserData::MUserData (bool deleteAfterUse)
Please use MUserData() instead. MUserData should be managed with MSharedPtr<MUserData>.
Member MUserData::setDeleteAfterUse (bool shouldDelete)
Deallocation after use should be managed via MSharedPtr<MUserData>.
Member MVertexBuffer::acquire (unsigned int size)
Use MVertexBuffer::acquire(unsigned int size, bool writeOnly) instead.