C++ API Reference

Anim Curve Function Set. More...

#include <MFnAnimCurve.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MFnAnimCurve:

Public Types

enum  AnimCurveType {
  kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL, kAnimCurveTT, kAnimCurveTU,
  kAnimCurveUA, kAnimCurveUL, kAnimCurveUT, kAnimCurveUU,
 Defines the input and output type of the animation curve. More...
enum  TangentType {
  kTangentGlobal, kTangentFixed, kTangentLinear, kTangentFlat,
  kTangentSmooth, kTangentStep, kTangentSlow, kTangentFast,
  kTangentClamped, kTangentPlateau, kTangentStepNext, kTangentAuto ,
  kTangentAutoMix, kTangentAutoEase, kTangentAutoCustom
 Defines the type of the tangent. More...
enum  InfinityType {
  kConstant = 0, kLinear = 1, kCycle = 3, kCycleRelative = 4,
  kOscillate = 5
 Defines the type of the infinity. More...
typedef double TangentValue
 Defines the value type of the tangent.
- Public Types inherited from MFnDependencyNode
enum  MAttrClass { kLocalDynamicAttr = 1, kNormalAttr, kExtensionAttr, kInvalidAttr }
 Specifies the scope of the attribute. More...
enum  MdgTimerState { kTimerOff, kTimerOn, kTimerUninitialized, kTimerInvalidState }
 Possible states for the node's timer. More...
enum  MdgTimerMetric {
  kTimerMetric_callback, kTimerMetric_compute, kTimerMetric_dirty, kTimerMetric_draw,
  kTimerMetric_fetch, kTimerMetric_callbackViaAPI, kTimerMetric_callbackNotViaAPI, kTimerMetric_computeDuringCallback,
  kTimerMetric_computeNotDuringCallback, kTimerMetrics
 The different timer metrics which can be queried. More...
enum  MdgTimerType { kTimerType_self, kTimerType_inclusive, kTimerType_count, kTimerTypes }
 The types of timers which can be queried. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual MFn::Type type () const
 Function set type. More...
virtual ~MFnAnimCurve ()
 MFnAnimCurve ()
 Default constructor.
 MFnAnimCurve (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
 MFnAnimCurve (const MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Class constructor that initializes the function set to the single Anim Curve Node connected to the given MPlug. More...
MObject create (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, MDGModifier *modifier=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to an animatable Attribute on another DG Node. More...
MObject create (const MObject &node, const MObject &attribute, AnimCurveType animCurveType, MDGModifier *modifier=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to an animatable Attribute on another DG Node. More...
MObject create (const MPlug &plug, MDGModifier *modifier=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to the Plug on an animatable Attribute on another DG Node. More...
MObject create (const MPlug &plug, AnimCurveType animCurveType, MDGModifier *modifier=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to the Plug on an animatable Attribute on another DG Node. More...
MObject create (AnimCurveType animCurveType, MDGModifier *modifier=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) but does not attempt to connect the new Anim Curve Node. More...
AnimCurveType animCurveType (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the animCurve type. More...
AnimCurveType timedAnimCurveTypeForPlug (MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the timed animCurve type appropriate for the specified plug. More...
AnimCurveType unitlessAnimCurveTypeForPlug (MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the unitless animCurve type appropriate for the specified plug. More...
double evaluate (const MTime &atTime, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU at the specified time. More...
MStatus evaluate (const MTime &atTime, double &value) const
 Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU at the specified time. More...
MStatus evaluate (const MTime &atTime, MTime &timeValue) const
 Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTT at the specified time. More...
MStatus evaluate (const double &atUnitlessInput, double &value) const
 Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveUA, kAnimCurveUL and kAnimCurveUU at the specified unitless input. More...
MStatus evaluate (const double &atUnitlessInput, MTime &timeValue) const
 Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveUT at the specified unitless input. More...
bool isStatic (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether or not the animCurve is static. More...
unsigned int numKeyframes (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is obsolete. More...
unsigned int numKeys (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the number of keys on the Anim Curve Node. More...
MStatus remove (unsigned int index, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Removes the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus addKeyframe (const MTime &time, double value, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Adds a new key with the given value at the specified time. More...
MStatus addKeyframe (const MTime &time, double value, TangentType tangentInType, TangentType tangentOutType, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Adds a new key with the given value and tangent types at the specified time. More...
unsigned int addKey (const MTime &time, double value, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Adds a new key with the given value and tangent types at the specified time for curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU. More...
unsigned int addKey (const MTime &timeInput, const MTime &timeValue, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Adds a new key with the given output time value and tangent types at the specified input time for curves of type kAnimCurveTT. More...
unsigned int addKey (double unitlessInput, double value, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Adds a new key with the given value and tangent types at the specified unitless input for curves of type kAnimCurveUA, kAnimCurveUL and kAnimCurveUU. More...
unsigned int addKey (double unitlessInput, const MTime &time, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Adds a new key with the given output time value and tangent types at the specified unitless input for curves of type kAnimCurveUT. More...
MStatus addKeys (MTimeArray *timeArray, MDoubleArray *valueArray, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, bool keepExistingKeys=false, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Add a set of new keys with the given corresponding values and tangent types at the specified times. More...
MStatus addKeysWithTangents (MTimeArray *timeArray, MDoubleArray *valueArray, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, MIntArray *tangentInTypeArray=NULL, MIntArray *tangentOutTypeArray=NULL, MDoubleArray *tangentInXArray=NULL, MDoubleArray *tangentInYArray=NULL, MDoubleArray *tangentOutXArray=NULL, MDoubleArray *tangentOutYArray=NULL, MIntArray *tangentsLockedArray=NULL, MIntArray *weightsLockedArray=NULL, bool convertUnits=true, bool keepExistingKeys=false, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Add a set of new keys with the given corresponding values and tangent types at the specified times. More...
unsigned int insertKey (const MTime &time, bool breakdown=false, MAnimCurveChange *change=nullptr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr)
 Inserts a key at the specified time adjusting neighboring tangents to maintain curve shape. More...
bool find (const MTime &time, unsigned int &index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the index of the key which is set at the specified time. More...
bool find (double unitlessInput, unsigned int &index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the index of the key which is set at the specified unitless input value. More...
unsigned int findClosest (const MTime &time, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the index of the key which is set at the time closest to the specified time. More...
unsigned int findClosest (double unitlessInput, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the index of the key which is set at the time closest to the specified unitless input value. More...
MTime time (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the time of the key at the specified index. More...
double value (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the value of the key at the specified index. More...
double unitlessInput (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the unitless input value of the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setValue (unsigned int index, double value, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the value of the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setTime (unsigned int index, const MTime &time, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the time of the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setUnitlessInput (unsigned int index, double unitlessInput, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the value of the unitless input of the key at the specified index. More...
bool isTimeInput (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the input type of the animCurve. More...
bool isUnitlessInput (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the input type of the animCurve. More...
TangentType inTangentType (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the type of the tangent to the curve entering the current key. More...
TangentType outTangentType (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the type of the tangent to the curve leaving the current key. More...
MStatus setInTangentType (unsigned int index, TangentType tangentType, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the type of the tangent to the curve entering the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setOutTangentType (unsigned int index, TangentType tangentType, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the type of the tangent to the curve leaving the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setTangentTypes (MIntArray indexArray, TangentType tangentInType=kTangentGlobal, TangentType tangentOutType=kTangentGlobal, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the tangent types for multiple keys. More...
MStatus getTangent (unsigned int index, TangentValue &x, TangentValue &y, bool inTangent) const
 Determines the x,y value representing the vector of the in- or out-tangent (depending on the value of the inTangent parameter) to the curve for the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus getTangent (unsigned int index, MAngle &angle, double &weight, bool inTangent) const
 Determines the angle and weight of the in- or out-tangent to the curve for the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setTangent (unsigned int index, TangentValue x, TangentValue y, bool inTangent, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL, bool convertUnits=true)
 Sets the tangent for the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setTangent (unsigned int index, const MAngle &angle, double weight, bool inTangent, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL, bool convertUnits=true)
 Sets the tangent for the key at the specified index. More...
MStatus setAngle (unsigned int index, const MAngle &angle, bool inTangent, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Set the in- or out-angle of the tangent for the key at the given index. More...
MStatus setWeight (unsigned int index, double weight, bool inTangent, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Set the in- or out-weight of the tangent for the key at the given index. More...
bool weightsLocked (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether the weights are locked at the given key. More...
bool tangentsLocked (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether the tangents are locked at the given key. More...
MStatus setWeightsLocked (unsigned int index, bool locked, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Lock or unlock the weights at the given key. More...
MStatus setTangentsLocked (unsigned int index, bool locked, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Lock or unlock the tangents at the given key. More...
InfinityType preInfinityType (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring before the first key. More...
InfinityType postInfinityType (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring after the last key. More...
MStatus setPreInfinityType (InfinityType infinityType, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Set the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring before the first key. More...
MStatus setPostInfinityType (InfinityType infinityType, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Set the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring after the last key. More...
bool isWeighted (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether or not the curve has weighted tangents. More...
MStatus setIsWeighted (bool isWeighted, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets whether or not the curve has weighted tangents. More...
bool isBreakdown (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Determines whether or not a key is a breakdown. More...
MStatus setIsBreakdown (unsigned int index, bool isBreakdown, MAnimCurveChange *change=NULL)
 Sets the breakdown state of a key at a given index. More...
 MFnAnimCurve (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MFnDependencyNode
virtual ~MFnDependencyNode ()
 MFnDependencyNode ()
 Default constructor.
 MFnDependencyNode (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Constructor. More...
MObject create (const MTypeId &typeId, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More...
MObject create (const MTypeId &typeId, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More...
MObject create (const MString &type, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More...
MObject create (const MString &type, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More...
MTypeId typeId (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the type id of this node. More...
MString typeName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the type name of this node. More...
MString name (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the name of this node. More...
MString absoluteName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the absolute name of this node. More...
MString uniqueName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the unique name of this node. More...
MString pluginName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the name of the plug-in this MFnDependendencyNode was defined in. More...
MString setName (const MString &name, bool createNamespace=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Sets the name of this node. More...
MUuid uuid (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the node's UUID. More...
void setUuid (const MUuid &uuid, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Sets the node's UUID. More...
MStatus getConnections (MPlugArray &array) const
 Get all of the current connections to this node as an array of plugs. More...
unsigned int attributeCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the number of attributes that this node has. More...
MObject attribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Finds the attribute of this node at the given index. More...
MObject reorderedAttribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Some nodes, such as the various animCurve nodes, require that their attributes be set in a specific order for proper operation. More...
MObject attribute (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Finds the attribute of this node that has the given name. More...
MAttrClass attributeClass (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the class (normal, dynamic, extension) of the specified attribute. More...
MStatus getAffectedAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedAttributes) const
 Returns an array of attributes that are affected by the attribute passed in. More...
MStatus getAffectedByAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedByAttributes) const
 Returns an array of attributes that affect the attribute passed in, attr. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MObject &attr, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MString &attrName, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is obsolete. More...
MPlug findPlug (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &attr)
 Add a new dynamic attibute to this node. More...
MStatus removeAttribute (const MObject &attr)
 Remove a dynamic attribute from a node. More...
MPxNodeuserNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 If the function set's node is a plug-in node, then this method will extract the MPxNode pointer from it. More...
bool isFromReferencedFile (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node came from a referenced file. More...
bool isShared (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node is shared. More...
bool isTrackingEdits (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns whether or not edits on the given node are being tracked by the generalized edit system. More...
bool hasUniqueName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node's name is unique within the scene. More...
MString parentNamespace (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the name of the namespace in which this node resides. More...
bool isLocked (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node is locked. More...
MStatus setLocked (bool locked)
 Locks or unlocks this node. More...
bool isNewAttribute (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not the specified attribute was added to this node within the current scene. More...
MStatus setFlag (unsigned int flag, bool state)
 Sets the state of the specified flag for the node. More...
bool isFlagSet (unsigned int flag, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Retrieves the current state of the specified flag for a node. More...
bool isDefaultNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns true if the node is a default node. More...
MStatus setDoNotWrite (bool flag)
 Use this method to mark the "do not write" state of this node. More...
bool canBeWritten (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the do not write state of the node. More...
bool hasAttribute (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns true if the node already has an attribute with the given name. More...
MObject getAliasAttr (bool force, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the node's alias attribute, which is a special attribute used to store information about the node's attribute aliases. More...
bool setAlias (const MString &alias, const MString &name, const MPlug &plug, bool add=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Sets or removes an alias (i.e. More...
bool findAlias (const MString &alias, MObject &attrObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Retrieves the attribute with the given alias. More...
bool getAliasList (MStringArray &strArray, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns a list of all attribute aliases for this node. More...
MString plugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Returns the alias for the plug's attribute or the empty string if that attribute has no alias. More...
MStatus setIcon (const MString &filename)
 Associates a custom icon with the node for display in the Maya UI. More...
MString icon (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Returns the custom icon filename associated with the node. More...
MStatus getExternalContent (MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const
 Returns the external content (files) that this node depends on. More...
MStatus addExternalContentForFileAttr (MExternalContentInfoTable &table, const MObject &attr) const
 Adds content info to the specified table from a file path attribute. More...
MStatus setExternalContentForFileAttr (const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &table)
 Sets content info in the specified attribute from the table. More...
MStatus setExternalContent (const MExternalContentLocationTable &table)
 Changes the location of external content. More...
bool affectsAnimation (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 Indicates whether or not this node is allowed to animate. More...
MStatus setAffectsAnimation ()
 Define a node can affect animation. More...
MString setName (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus)
 This method is obsolete. More...
 MFnDependencyNode (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This method is not available in Python. More...
bool getPlugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MString &aliasName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual const adsk::Data::Associationsmetadata (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus setMetadata (const adsk::Data::Associations &)
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus deleteMetadata ()
 This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus validateMetadata (MString &errors) const
 This method is not available in Python. More...
MStatus dgTimerOn ()
 Indicates that this node should collect DG timing data whenever DG timing is enabled. More...
MStatus dgTimerOff ()
 Indicates that this node should no longer collect DG timing data when DG timing is enabled. More...
MdgTimerState dgTimerQueryState (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 The function returns the current on/off state of the node's timer. More...
MStatus dgTimerReset ()
 The function resets the dependency graph timers and counters for this node to zero. More...
double dgTimer (const MdgTimerMetric timerMetric, const MdgTimerType timerType, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
 The function returns the specified timer value for the current node. More...
MStatus dgCallbacks (const MdgTimerType type, MStringArray &callbackName, MDoubleArray &value)
 Node callbacks that occur when timing is enabled get logged with the node and can be queried via this method. More...
MStatus dgCallbackIds (const MdgTimerType type, const MString &callbackName, MCallbackIdArray &callbackId, MDoubleArray &value)
 This method provides a further breakdown of the per-callback time returned via dgCallbacks() by returning the data on a per-callbackId basis. More...
MStatus addAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type)
 This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus removeAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type)
 This method is obsolete. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MFnBase
virtual ~MFnBase ()
 Class Destructor. More...
bool hasObj (MFn::Type) const
 Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More...
bool hasObj (const MObject &) const
 Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More...
MObject object (MStatus *ReturnStatus=nullptr) const
 Returns the MObject that is attached to the Function Set. More...
virtual MStatus setObject (MObject &object)
 Attaches the Function Set to the specified Maya Object. More...
virtual MStatus setObject (const MObject &object)

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MFnDependencyNode
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
static MString classification (const MString &nodeTypeName)
 Retrieves the classification string for a node type. More...
static unsigned int allocateFlag (const MString pluginName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
 Allocates a node flag for sole use by the caller. More...
static MStatus deallocateFlag (const MString pluginName, unsigned int flag)
 Deallocates a node flag which was previously allocated by a call to allocateFlag. More...
static MStatus deallocateAllFlags (const MString pluginName)
 Deallocates all of the node flags which are currently allocated to the specified plugin. More...
static void enableDGTiming (bool enable)
 Globally enables or disables the DG node timing mechanism. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MFnBase
static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...
static const char * typeString (MFn::Type)
 Returns the type string for a given type. More...
static bool isValid (MFn::Type)
 Returns true if type is in the range of valid types. More...

Detailed Description

Anim Curve Function Set.

Create, query and edit Anim Curve Nodes and the keys internal to those Nodes.

Create an Anim Curve Node and connect its output to any animatable attribute on another Node.

Evaluate an Anim Curve at a particular time.

Determine the number of keys held by an Anim Curve.

Determine the time and value of individual keys, as well as the (angle,weight) or (x,y) values and type of key tangents. The in-tangent refers to the tangent entering the key. The out-tangent refers to the tangent leaving the key.

Find the index of the key at, or closest to a particular time.

Set the time and value of individual keys, as well as the type of the tangent to the curve entering (in-tangent) and leaving (out-tangent) the key, specify the tangent as either (angle,weight) or (x,y).

Add and remove keys from an Anim Curve. Anim Curves are implemented as Dependency Graph (DG) Nodes. Each Node can have indexed keys.

There are eight different types of Anim Curve nodes:

  • timeToAngular (animCurveTA)
  • timeToLinear (animCurveTL)
  • timeToTime (animCurveTT)
  • timeToUnitless (animCurveTU)
  • unitlessToAngular (animCurveUA)
  • unitlessToLinear (animCurveUL)
  • unitlessToTime (animCurveUT)
  • unitlessToUnitless (animCurveUU)

Specifying the correct AnimCurveType during creation will avoid implicit unit conversion nodes.

Use the Anim Curve Function Set to create Anim Curve Nodes and connect them to animatable attributes on DG Nodes, as well as to query and edit an Anim Curve Node and its keys.

On creation, an Anim Curve Function Set may be attached to a given Anim Curve or it may be unattached. The Function Set may be attached to a different Anim Curve Node using the setObject() methods inherited from the Base Function Set (MFnBase) or with the create() methods.

Use the create() methods of an Anim Curve Function Set to create a new Anim Curve Node, attach the Function Set to the new Node and connect the output of the Node to a specific animatable Attribute or Plug of another Node. Additionally, the output of an Anim Curve Node may be attached to an Attribute or Plug of another DG Node using the DG Modifier method MDGModifier::connect().

Use the evaluate() methods to determine the value of an Anim Curve at a particular time or a given unitless input.

Use the addKey() and remove() methods to add and remove keys to and from an Anim Curve.

The query and edit methods of the Anim Curve Function Set act on keys at a specific 0-based index. [Note that the numKeys() method returns a 1-based value]. Keys can be accessed either randomly (via a 0-based index) or serially (using the find() and findClosest() methods).

Use the find() or findClosest() methods to determine the index of a key at or closest to a specific time respectively.

Use the specific query methods to determine the time, value and tangent information for a key at a given index.

Use the specific edit methods to set the time, value and tangent information for a key at a given index.

There are methods for setting the x,y values for the in- and out-tangents, as well as setting their angles and weights.

Setting the time of a key will fail if the new time would require a re-ordering of the keys. Use the remove() and addKey() methods to re-order the keys. Or use the keyframe command from mel.

The Maya developer's kit ships with example code (animDemo) which demonstrates how to evaluate a Maya animation curve independent from Maya. The animation parameter curves in Maya are defined by a restricted set of cubic two-dimensional Bezier curves. It is defined by four points. P1 = (x1, y1) is the (key,value) pair for the first key. P2 = (x2, y2) is a point which defines the outgoing tangent direction at P1. P4 = (x4, y4) defines the second key and P3 = (x3, y3) is a point which defines the incoming tangent direction at P4. There are some basic restrictions for the x coordinates of these points: x1 <= x2 <= x3 <= x4.

The 2-dimensional Bezier curve is defined as

F(u) = [ u^3 u^2 u 1 ] * B * | P1 | , 0 <= u <= 1
| P2 |
| P3 |
| P4 |
= [ B0(u) B1(u) B2(u) B3(u) ] * | x1 y1 |
| x2 y2 |
| x3 y3 |
| x4 y4 |
where B is the Bezier Basis matrix | -1 3 -3 1 |
| 3 -6 3 0 |
| -3 3 0 0 |
| 1 0 0 0 |

F(u) yields a vector of two cubic polynomials [ Fx(u) Fy(u) ] which define an (x, y) position on the parameter curve for some u in the range [0,1].

For an animation parameter curve, we are given the x position and want to know its corresponding y position. To do this we use x = Fx(u) and solve for u. Fx(u) is cubic and the restrictions on valid values for x2 and x3 guarantee there will be only one real root value for u. Once we know u, we can plug it into Fy(u) to get the y value.

One important note is how the outgoing and incoming tangents directions for a key are saved internally and in the Maya Ascii file format. Instead of being specified as points, the tangent directions are specified as vectors. The outgoing tangent direction at P1 is specified and saved as the vector 3*(P2 - P1) and the incoming tangent direction is specified and saved as the vector 3*(P4 - P3).

An animation curve is basically a restricted form of a bezier curve for which the keys serve as the control points and have tangent information embedded within them. There are two different methods for converting tangent information into the control points of the bezier hull and we have taken to calling the two methods weighted and non-weighted tangents.

The animation curve is evaluated in a piecewise manner, which means that each segment between two keys is evaluated on its own, without regards to any other segment. The only time keys outside of a segment are considered is when tangent values are calculated for the spline, clamped, plateau or auto tangent types.

When evaluating an animation curve, a two stage process is used:

  1. the evaluation time is examined to determine if it falls within the range of the animation curve, and if it does not evaluation is based upon the infinity settings for the animation curve.
  2. if the evaluation time falls within the range of the animation curve, the bezier parameters of the curve are computed and used as described below.

Animation curves may have either weighted or non-weighted tangents. With non-weighted tangents, tangents are implemented as vectors and P2 and P3 are internally adjusted to account for the time difference between P1 and P4.

When evaluating a time within a segment, the following algortithms are used:

For weighted tangents:
where x is the start of the segment
given the bezier x parameters a', b', c', d', find the parameter t
which satisfies the formula:
(time - x) = (t^3 * a') + (t^2 + b') + (t * c') + d'
with t (and the bezier y parameters a, b, c, d) compute the value as:
v = (t^3 * a) + (t^2 + b) + (t * c) + d
For non-weighted tangents:
where x is the start of the segment
compute the parameter t as time - x
with t (and the bezier y parameters a, b, c, d) compute the value as:
v = (t^3 * a) + (t^2 + b) + (t * c) + d
animExportUtil/animExportUtil.cpp, animExportUtil/animFileExport.cpp, animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp, atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.h, createClipCmd/createClipCmd.cpp, interpPlugins/interpFlat.cpp, interpPlugins/interpHalf.cpp, and spiralAnimCurveCmd/spiralAnimCurveCmd.cpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Defines the input and output type of the animation curve.

Animation curves in Maya support either time or unitless inputs. For example, curves set using setKeyframe have time inputs. Curves set using setDrivenKeyframe have unitless inputs. Maya supports four types of outputs: angular, linear, time and unitless. Time, angular and linear outputs work according to the units specified in user preferences and convert units when the preferences are changes. Unitless outputs are not sensitive to user preferences.


Time to Angular.


Time to Linear.


Time to Time.


Time to Unitless.


Unitless to Angular.


Unitless to Linear.


Unitless to Time.


Unitless to Unitless.


Unknown type.

Defines the type of the tangent.














OBSOLETE kTangentSlow should not be used.

Using this tangent type may produce unwanted and unexpected results.


OBSOLETE kTangentFast should not be used.

Using this tangent type may produce unwanted and unexpected results.















Defines the type of the infinity.

The infinity controls the shape of the animation curve in the regions before the first key and after the last key.








Cycle relative.



Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MFnAnimCurve ( MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in]objectThe MObject to attach the function set to
[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess if the function set is successfully attached
  • MS::kInvalidParameter if the MObject does not represent a valid Maya object or if the function set is not allowed to attach to this MObject
MFnAnimCurve ( const MPlug plug,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Class constructor that initializes the function set to the single Anim Curve Node connected to the given MPlug.

It is possible for a plug to be connected to more than one Anim Curve Node (for example the plug may be connected to a choice node and then several Anim Curves may be connected to the choice node). In this case the function set will attach to one of the Anim Curve Nodes and return MS::kNotImplemented.

[in]plugthe MPlug to find a single Anim Curve Node
[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess if the function set is successfully attached
  • MS::kInvalidParameter if the MPlug does not represent a valid Maya object or if the function set is not allowed to attach to the Anim Curve Node
  • MS::kNotFound if the MPlug is not connected to an Anim Curve Node
  • MS::kNotImplemented if the MPlug is connected to more than one Anim Curve Node. The function set will be attached to one of the Anim Curve Nodes.
MFnAnimCurve ( const MObject object,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 


Class constructor that initializes the function set to the given MObject.

[in]objectThe MObject to attach the function set to
[out]ReturnStatusthe return status
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess if the function set is successfully attached
  • MS::kInvalidParameter if the MObject does not represent a valid Maya object or if the function set is not allowed to attach to this MObject

Member Function Documentation

MFn::Type type ( ) const

Function set type.

Return the class type : MFn::kAnimCurve.

the class type.

Reimplemented from MFnDependencyNode.

OPENMAYA_MAJOR_NAMESPACE_OPEN const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

Return the class name : "MFnAnimCurve".

Name of this class.
MObject create ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute,
MDGModifier modifier = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to an animatable Attribute on another DG Node.

This method will fail if the target Attribute is not animatable, or if a connection to the target Attribute already exists.

Once the new Anim Curve Node has been created, the create() method finds the Plug associated with the target Attribute, makes sure the Attribute is animatable and then makes the connection.

The creation and connection of DG Nodes are DG operations. Operations on the DG are performed by DG Modifiers (MDGModifier). A DG Modifier provides methods for editing the DG, however, the operations are not performed immediately. DG operations must be undoable, therefore, the DG Modifier maintains a queue of pending DG operations which are performed when the MDGModifer::doIt() method is invoked. Subsequently, the queue of DG operations becomes the undo queue. When the MDGModifier::undoIt() method is invoked all of the operations on the queue are undone. DG operations on the queue can be done and undone as often as required as long as the Modifier exists and no other changes to the DG make the operations invalid. Once the Modifier holding the queue is destroyed, the queue is lost.

If a DG Modifier is passed as a parameter to this create() method, then that Modifier will be invoked to perform the creation and connection operations. At the completion of the create() method, the Modifier holds the necessary information to undo the operations, therefore, the caller of the create() method can undo the creation and connection if necessary.

If no Modifier is passed in, the create() method instantiates its own Modifier, uses it to perform the DG operations and then destroys the Modifier. The creation and connection, in this case, are not undoable by the caller.

[in]nodeDG Node to which the output of the new Anim Curve Node is to be connected
[in]attributeAttribute on the given node to which the output of the new Anim Curve Node is to be connected
[in]modifierModifier to be used so undo capability is retained by caller
[in]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The new Anim Curve Node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed for node and/or attribute - Node and/or Attribute inaccessible or non-existent, Attribute already connected as destination (fan-in not allowed), or Attribute is not animatable.
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory Insufficient memory to create new Node or temporary DG Modifier
  • MS::kLicenseFailure Application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kFailure Could not modify DG
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp, createClipCmd/createClipCmd.cpp, and spiralAnimCurveCmd/spiralAnimCurveCmd.cpp.
MObject create ( const MObject node,
const MObject attribute,
AnimCurveType  animCurveType,
MDGModifier modifier = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to an animatable Attribute on another DG Node.

This method will fail if the target Attribute is not animatable, or if a connection to the target Attribute already exists.

Once the new Anim Curve Node has been created, the create() method finds the Plug associated with the target Attribute, makes sure the Attribute is animatable and then makes the connection.

The creation and connection of DG Nodes are DG operations. Operations on the DG are performed by DG Modifiers (MDGModifier). A DG Modifier provides methods for editing the DG, however, the operations are not performed immediately. DG operations must be undoable, therefore, the DG Modifier maintains a queue of pending DG operations which are performed when the MDGModifer::doIt() method is invoked. Subsequently, the queue of DG operations becomes the undo queue. When the MDGModifier::undoIt() method is invoked all of the operations on the queue are undone. DG operations on the queue can be done and undone as often as required as long as the Modifier exists and no other changes to the DG make the operations invalid. Once the Modifier holding the queue is destroyed, the queue is lost.

If a DG Modifier is passed as a parameter to this create() method, then that Modifier will be invoked to perform the creation and connection operations. At the completion of the create() method, the Modifier holds the necessary information to undo the operations, therefore, the caller of the create() method can undo the creation and connection if necessary.

If no Modifier is passed in, the create() method instantiates its own Modifier, uses it to perform the DG operations and then destroys the Modifier. The creation and connection, in this case, are not undoable by the caller.

[in]nodeDG Node to which the output of the new Anim Curve Node is to be connected
[in]attributeAttribute on the given node to which the output of the new Anim Curve Node is to be connected
[in]animCurveTypeThe animCurve Type to be created
[in]modifierModifier to be used so undo capability is retained by caller
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The new Anim Curve Node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed for node and/or attribute - Node and/or Attribute inaccessible or non-existent, Attribute already connected as destination (fan-in not allowed), or Attribute is not animatable.
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory Insufficient memory to create new Node or temporary DG Modifier
  • MS::kLicenseFailure Application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kFailure Could not modify DG
MObject create ( const MPlug plug,
MDGModifier modifier = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to the Plug on an animatable Attribute on another DG Node.

This method will fail if the target Attribute is not animatable, or if a connection to the target Attribute already exists.

If a DG Modifier is passed as a parameter to this create() method, then that Modifier will be invoked to perform the creation and connection operations. At the completion of the create() method, the Modifier holds the necessary information to undo the operations, therefore, the caller of the create() method can undo the creation and connection if necessary.

If no Modifier is passed in, the create() method instantiates its own Modifier, uses it to perform the DG operations and then destroys the Modifier. The creation and connection, in this case, are not undoable by the caller.

[in]plugPlug to which the output of the new Anim Curve Node is to be connected
[in]modifierModifier to be used so undo capability is retained by caller
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The new Anim Curve Node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed for plug - Attribute already connected as destination (fan-in not allowed), or Attribute is not animatable.
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory Insufficient memory to create new Node or temporary DG Modifier
  • MS::kLicenseFailure Application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kFailure Could not modify DG
MObject create ( const MPlug plug,
AnimCurveType  animCurveType,
MDGModifier modifier = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) and connects the output of the new Anim Curve Node to the Plug on an animatable Attribute on another DG Node.

This method will fail if the target Attribute is not animatable, or if a connection to the target Attribute already exists.

If a DG Modifier is passed as a parameter to this create() method, then that Modifier will be invoked to perform the creation and connection operations. At the completion of the create() method, the Modifier holds the necessary information to undo the operations, therefore, the caller of the create() method can undo the creation and connection if necessary.

If no Modifier is passed in, the create() method instantiates its own Modifier, uses it to perform the DG operations and then destroys the Modifier. The creation and connection, in this case, are not undoable by the caller.

[in]plugPlug to which the output of the new Anim Curve Node is to be connected
[in]animCurveTypeThe animCurve type to be created
[in]modifierModifier to be used so undo capability is retained by caller
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The new Anim Curve Node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed for plug - Attribute already connected as destination (fan-in not allowed), or Attribute is not animatable.
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory Insufficient memory to create new Node or temporary DG Modifier
  • MS::kLicenseFailure Application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kFailure Could not modify DG
MObject create ( AnimCurveType  animCurveType,
MDGModifier modifier = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Creates a new Anim Curve Node, attaches the Function Set to the new Node (detaching from the current Node) but does not attempt to connect the new Anim Curve Node.

If a DG Modifier is passed as a parameter to this create() method, then that Modifier will be invoked to perform the creation and connection operations. At the completion of the create() method, the Modifier holds the necessary information to undo the operations, therefore, the caller of the create() method can undo the creation and connection if necessary.

If no Modifier is passed in, the create() method instantiates its own Modifier, uses it to perform the DG operations and then destroys the Modifier. The creation and connection, in this case, are not undoable by the caller.

[in]animCurveTypeThe type of Anim Curve to be created
[in]modifierModifier to be used so undo capability is retained by caller
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The new Anim Curve Node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInsufficientMemory Insufficient memory to create new Node or temporary DG Modifier
  • MS::kLicenseFailure Application not licensed for attempted operation
  • MS::kFailure Could not modify DG
MFnAnimCurve::AnimCurveType animCurveType ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Returns the animCurve type.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The animCurve type.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess the animCurve type was returned successfully
  • MS::kFailure the animCurve type was not returned successfully
MFnAnimCurve::AnimCurveType timedAnimCurveTypeForPlug ( MPlug plug,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Returns the timed animCurve type appropriate for the specified plug.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The animCurve type.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess the animCurve type was returned successfully
  • MS::kFailure the animCurve type was not returned successfully
MFnAnimCurve::AnimCurveType unitlessAnimCurveTypeForPlug ( MPlug plug,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Returns the unitless animCurve type appropriate for the specified plug.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
The animCurve type.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess the animCurve type was returned successfully
  • MS::kFailure the animCurve type was not returned successfully
double evaluate ( const MTime atTime,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU at the specified time.

[in]atTimeTime at which the Anim Curve is to be evaluated
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Interpolated value of Anim Curve at specified time
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus evaluate ( const MTime atTime,
double &  value 
) const

Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU at the specified time.

[in]atTimeTime at which the Anim Curve is to be evaluated
[out]valueInterpolated value of Anim Curve at specified time
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus evaluate ( const MTime atTime,
MTime timeValue 
) const

Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTT at the specified time.

[in]atTimeTime at which the Anim Curve is to be evaluated
[out]timeValueInterpolated output time of Anim Curve at specified time
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus evaluate ( const double &  atUnitlessInput,
double &  value 
) const

Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveUA, kAnimCurveUL and kAnimCurveUU at the specified unitless input.

[in]atUnitlessInputInput value at which the Anim Curve is to be evaluated
[out]valueInterpolated output value of Anim Curve at specified input value
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus evaluate ( const double &  atUnitlessInput,
MTime timeValue 
) const

Determines the interpolated output value of Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveUT at the specified unitless input.

[in]atUnitlessInputInput value at which the Anim Curve is to be evaluated
[out]timeValueInterpolated output time of Anim Curve at specified time
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
bool isStatic ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines whether or not the animCurve is static.

The animCurve is considered to be static if it would return the same value regardless of the evaluation time. This basically means that the values of all the keys are the same and the y component of all the tangents is 0.

For efficiency reasons, the isStatic flag is conservative. If the flag is true, the curve is guaranteed to be static. Since Maya assumes a recently edited curve may be edited again, the application defers certain analysis of the curve to determine if it's static. Therefore, isStatic may return false when edit operations convert the curve from non-static to static. It is possible to manually trigger curve analysis operations using the dgValidateCurve command.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the curve is static, false otherwise
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
unsigned int numKeyframes ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

This method is obsolete.

[from before Maya 2016]

Use MFnAnimCurve::numKeys instead.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Number of keys on the Anim Curve Node
unsigned int numKeys ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines the number of keys on the Anim Curve Node.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Number of keys on the Anim Curve Node
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus remove ( unsigned int  index,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Removes the key at the specified index.

If this method is called from within an MItKeyframe iterator, the results are undefined (i.e., it is likely that the incorrect key will be removed). This is because keys are automatically sorted (i.e., assigned new index values) everytime time they are modified in such a manner that could cause them to change order (e.g., they are moved, keys are inserted or removed, etc.).

[in]indexIndex of the key to be removed
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
MStatus addKeyframe ( const MTime time,
double  value,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Adds a new key with the given value at the specified time.

Tangent types are set to kTangentGlobal. If you immediately query this key for its tangent type (after it is added), it will not be kTangentGlobal, rather it will be the specific type referred to by kTangentGlobal.

[in]timeTime at which the key is to be added
[in]valueValue to which the key is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp, createClipCmd/createClipCmd.cpp, and spiralAnimCurveCmd/spiralAnimCurveCmd.cpp.
MStatus addKeyframe ( const MTime time,
double  value,
TangentType  tangentInType,
TangentType  tangentOutType,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Adds a new key with the given value and tangent types at the specified time.

[in]timeTime at which the key is to be added
[in]valueValue to which the key is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for the key
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for the key
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
unsigned int addKey ( const MTime time,
double  value,
TangentType  tangentInType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  tangentOutType = kTangentGlobal,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Adds a new key with the given value and tangent types at the specified time for curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU.

[in]timeTime at which the key is to be added
[in]valueValue to which the key is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for the key
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for the key
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Index of the added key
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
unsigned int addKey ( const MTime timeInput,
const MTime timeValue,
TangentType  tangentInType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  tangentOutType = kTangentGlobal,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Adds a new key with the given output time value and tangent types at the specified input time for curves of type kAnimCurveTT.

[in]timeInputTime at which the key is to be added
[in]timeValueValue to which the key is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for the key
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for the key
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Index of the added key
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
unsigned int addKey ( double  unitlessInput,
double  value,
TangentType  tangentInType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  tangentOutType = kTangentGlobal,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Adds a new key with the given value and tangent types at the specified unitless input for curves of type kAnimCurveUA, kAnimCurveUL and kAnimCurveUU.

[in]unitlessInputUnitless input at which the key is to be added
[in]valueValue to which the key is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for the key
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for the key
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Index of added key
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
unsigned int addKey ( double  unitlessInput,
const MTime timeValue,
TangentType  tangentInType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  tangentOutType = kTangentGlobal,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 

Adds a new key with the given output time value and tangent types at the specified unitless input for curves of type kAnimCurveUT.

[in]unitlessInputUnitless input at which the key is to be added
[in]timeValueValue to which the key is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for the key
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for the key
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Index of added key
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
MStatus addKeys ( MTimeArray timeArray,
MDoubleArray valueArray,
TangentType  tangentInType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  tangentOutType = kTangentGlobal,
bool  keepExistingKeys = false,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Add a set of new keys with the given corresponding values and tangent types at the specified times.

This method only works for Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU.

This method is tuned to provide best performance when:

  • - the plug-in application pre-cuts the keys in the time range where the new keys are to be added
  • - keepExistingKeys is set to false
  • - change is NULL (i.e. the operation is not undoable)

These optimisations are geared towards motion capture plug-ins where a large numbers of keys must be added to a curve in a single operation.

Note: The timeArray and valueArray arrays are owned by the calling function. This method will copy those arrays to internal structures for use. As such, It is up to the caller to ensure that the memory allocated for the above arrays are deallocated appropriately.

[in]timeArrayTimes at which keys are to be added
[in]valueArrayValues to which the keys is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for all the added keys
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for all the added keys
[in]keepExistingKeysSpecifies whether the new keys should be merged with existing keys, or if they should be cut prior to adding the new keys
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
MStatus addKeysWithTangents ( MTimeArray timeArray,
MDoubleArray valueArray,
TangentType  tangentInType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  tangentOutType = kTangentGlobal,
MIntArray tangentInTypeArray = NULL,
MIntArray tangentOutTypeArray = NULL,
MDoubleArray tangentInXArray = NULL,
MDoubleArray tangentInYArray = NULL,
MDoubleArray tangentOutXArray = NULL,
MDoubleArray tangentOutYArray = NULL,
MIntArray tangentsLockedArray = NULL,
MIntArray weightsLockedArray = NULL,
bool  convertUnits = true,
bool  keepExistingKeys = false,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Add a set of new keys with the given corresponding values and tangent types at the specified times.

This method only works for Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveTA, kAnimCurveTL and kAnimCurveTU.

(Optional) Specify the tangent types for keys in tangentInTypeArray and tangentOutTypeArray. When an INT_MAX is found, the method will use the tangent types from tangentInType and tangentOutType parameters.

(Optional) Specify the tangents for keys in tangentInXArray, tangentInYArray, tangentOutXArray and tangentOutYArray. When a DBL_MAX is found, the method will leave tangents unchanged.

(Optional) Specify whether the tangents should be locked before the method returns in tangentsLockedArray. When an INT_MAX is found, the tangent lock is unchanged.

(Optional) Specify whether the weights should be locked before the method returns in weightsLockedArray. When an INT_MAX is found, the weight lock is unchanged.

This method is tuned to provide best performance when:

  • - the plug-in application pre-cuts the keys in the time range where the new keys are to be added
  • - keepExistingKeys is set to false
  • - change is NULL (i.e. the operation is not undoable)

These optimisations are geared towards motion capture plug-ins where a large numbers of keys must be added to a curve in a single operation.

Note: All arrays are owned by the calling function. This method will copy those arrays to internal structures for use. As such, It is up to the caller to ensure that the memory allocated for the above arrays are deallocated appropriately.

[in]timeArrayTimes at which keys are to be added
[in]valueArrayValues to which the keys is to be set
[in]tangentInTypeIn tangent type for all the added keys
[in]tangentOutTypeOut tangent type for all the added keys
[in]tangentInTypeArrayIn tangent types for individual added keys
[in]tangentOutTypeArrayOut tangent types for individual added keys
[in]tangentInXArrayAbsolute x value of the slope of in tangent
[in]tangentInYArrayAbsolute y value of the slope of in tangent
[in]tangentOutXArrayAbsolute x value of the slope of out tangent
[in]tangentOutYArrayAbsolute y value of the slope of out tangent
[in]tangentsLockedArrayLock or unlock the tangents
[in]weightsLockedArrayLock or unlock the weights
[in]convertUnitsWhether to convert to UI units before setting
[in]keepExistingKeysSpecifies whether the new keys should be merged with existing keys, or if they should be cut prior to adding the new keys
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
unsigned int insertKey ( const MTime time,
bool  breakdown = false,
MAnimCurveChange change = nullptr,
MStatus ReturnStatus = nullptr 

Inserts a key at the specified time adjusting neighboring tangents to maintain curve shape.

This method is the API equivalent to setKeyframe -insert.

[in]timeTime to insert the key
[in]breakdownWhether the new key is a breakdown key
[in]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
bool find ( const MTime time,
unsigned int &  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the index of the key which is set at the specified time.

[in]timeTime for which a key index is required
[in]indexKey index at the specified time (implicit return)
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Boolean value: true if the index is found false otherwise
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
bool find ( double  unitlessInput,
unsigned int &  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the index of the key which is set at the specified unitless input value.

[in]unitlessInputValue for which a key index is required
[in]indexKey index at the specified time (implicit return)
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code
Boolean value: true if the index is found false otherwise
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
unsigned int findClosest ( const MTime time,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the index of the key which is set at the time closest to the specified time.

[in]timeTime for which a key index is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Key index closest to the specified time
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
unsigned int findClosest ( double  unitlessInput,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the index of the key which is set at the time closest to the specified unitless input value.

[in]unitlessInputInput value for which a key index is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Key index closest to the specified time
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MTime time ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the time of the key at the specified index.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the time is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Time of the key at the given index. The unit defaults to MTime::kFilm (i.e., 24 frames/second)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
double value ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the value of the key at the specified index.

This method should only be used on Anim Curves of type kAnimCurve*A, kAnimCurve*L or kAnimCurve*U.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the value is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Value of the key
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
double unitlessInput ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the unitless input value of the key at the specified index.

This method should only be used on Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveU*.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the input value is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Input value at which the key is set
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setValue ( unsigned int  index,
double  value,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the value of the key at the specified index.

This method should only be used on Anim Curves of type kAnimCurve*A, kAnimCurve*L or kAnimCurve*U.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the value is to be set
[in]valueValue to which the key is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus setTime ( unsigned int  index,
const MTime time,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the time of the key at the specified index.

This will fail if setting the time would require re-ordering of the keys. This method should only be used on Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveT*.

Tangents may be changed so that the curve remains monotonic with respect to time.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the time is to be set
[in]timeTime to which the indexed key time is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed for time - time out of range and/or re-ordering of keys required
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus setUnitlessInput ( unsigned int  index,
double  unitlessInput,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the value of the unitless input of the key at the specified index.

This will fail if setting the value would require re-ordering of the keys. This method should only be used on Anim Curves of type kAnimCurveU*.

Tangents may be changed so that the curve remains monotonic with respect to the unitless input.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the unitless input value is to be set
[in]unitlessInputValue to which the indexed key unitless input value is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed for time - time out of range and/or re-ordering of keys required
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
bool isTimeInput ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines the input type of the animCurve.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the curve takes time as input false otherwise.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
bool isUnitlessInput ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines the input type of the animCurve.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the curve takes a unitless value as input, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MFnAnimCurve::TangentType inTangentType ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the type of the tangent to the curve entering the current key.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent type is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Type of the tangent
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MFnAnimCurve::TangentType outTangentType ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines the type of the tangent to the curve leaving the current key.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent type is required
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Type of the tangent
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setInTangentType ( unsigned int  index,
TangentType  tangentType,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the type of the tangent to the curve entering the key at the specified index.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent type is to be set
[in]tangentTypeType to which the tangent is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
MStatus setOutTangentType ( unsigned int  index,
TangentType  tangentType,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the type of the tangent to the curve leaving the key at the specified index.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent type is to be set
[in]tangentTypeType to which the tangent is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
MStatus setTangentTypes ( MIntArray  indexArray,
TangentType  inTangentType = kTangentGlobal,
TangentType  outTangentType = kTangentGlobal,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the tangent types for multiple keys.

[in]indexArrayIndices of the key for which the tangent type is to be set
[in]inTangentTypeType to which the in tangent is to be set
[in]outTangentTypeType to which the out tangent is to be set
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvalidParameter Index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible
MStatus getTangent ( unsigned int  index,
TangentValue x,
TangentValue y,
bool  inTangent 
) const

Determines the x,y value representing the vector of the in- or out-tangent (depending on the value of the inTangent parameter) to the curve for the key at the specified index.

The values returned will be in Maya's internal units (seconds for time, centimeters for linear, radians for angles). The following examples demonstrates how to convert from internal units of seconds into the current user time unit.

double x,y;
MTime convert(1.0, MTime::kSeconds);
x *= convert.as(MTime::uiUnit());
[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent x,y value is required
[out]xThe x value of the slope of the tangent in seconds
[out]yAbsolute y value of the slope of the tangent
[in]inTangentIf true, the in-tangent is returned, else, the out-tangent is returned
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus getTangent ( unsigned int  index,
MAngle angle,
double &  weight,
bool  inTangent 
) const

Determines the angle and weight of the in- or out-tangent to the curve for the key at the specified index.

Recall that tangents are stored as vectors internally and in the Maya Ascii file format. This means that the returned angle and weight will be converted from an (x,y) pair to represent the vector according to the following formula:

angle = atan(y/x)
weight = x/(3*cos(angle))

where x is in seconds and y is in centimeters for linear units and radians for angular units.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent x,y value is required
[out]angleThe tangent angle
[out]weightThe tangent weight
[in]inTangentIf true, the inTangent is returned, else, the outTangent is returned
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
MStatus setTangent ( unsigned int  index,
TangentValue  x,
TangentValue  y,
bool  inTangent,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL,
bool  convertUnits = true 

Sets the tangent for the key at the specified index.

If convertUnits is true (the default) the x value will be scaled by the current UI time units and the y value will be scaled by the relevant UI units for the output type of the animation curve (i.e. linear units for a curve that outputs linear data, and so on).

Note that if this method is called on a locked tangent (which they are by default), the corresponding out- or in-tangent will be modified as well (i.e., they will both be set to fixed). To prevent this from occurring, you must first unlock the tangent, make your modifications and then restore the lock setting for the tangent afterwards.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent type is to be set
[in]xAbsolute x value of the slope of the tangent
[in]yAbsolute y value of the slope of the tangent
[in]inTangentIf true, the inTangent is modified, else, the outTangent is modified
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[in]convertUnitsWhether to convert to UI units before setting
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setTangent ( unsigned int  index,
const MAngle angle,
double  weight,
bool  inTangent,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL,
bool  convertUnits = true 

Sets the tangent for the key at the specified index.

If convertUnits is true (the default) the x value will be scaled by the current UI time units and the y value will be scaled by the relevant UI units for the output type of the animation curve (i.e. linear units for a curve that outputs linear data, and so on).

Recall that tangents are stored as vectors internally and in the Maya Ascii file format. This means that the provided angle and weight will be converted into an (x,y) pair to represent the vector according to the following formula:

x = 3 * weight * cos(angle)
y = 3 * weight * sin(angle)

Note that if this method is called on a locked tangent (which they are by default), the corresponding out- or in-tangent will be modified as well (i.e., they will both be set to fixed). To prevent this from occurring, you must first unlock the tangent, make your modifications and then restore the lock setting for the tangent afterwards.

[in]indexIndex of the key for which the tangent type is to be set
[in]angleThe angle to set the tangent
[in]weightThe weight to set the tangent
[in]inTangentIf true, the inTangent is modified, else, the outTangent is modified
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
[in]convertUnitsWhether to convert to UI units before setting
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
MStatus setAngle ( unsigned int  index,
const MAngle angle,
bool  inTangent,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Set the in- or out-angle of the tangent for the key at the given index.

Note that if this method is called on a locked tangent (which they are by default), the corresponding out- or in-tangent will be modified as well (i.e., they will both be set to fixed). To prevent this from occurring, you must first unlock the tangent, make your modifications and then restore the lock setting for the tangent afterwards.

[in]indexIndex of the key
[in]angleThe new in- or out-angle for the key's tangent
[in]inTangentIf true, set the in-tangent, else out-tangent
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
MStatus setWeight ( unsigned int  index,
double  weight,
bool  inTangent,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Set the in- or out-weight of the tangent for the key at the given index.

Note that if this method is called on a locked weight (which they are by default), the corresponding out- or in-weight will be modified as well. To prevent this from occurring, you must first unlock the weight, make your modifications and then restore the lock setting for the weight afterwards.

[in]indexIndex of the key
[in]weightThe new in- or out-weight for the key's tangent
[in]inTangentIf true, set the in-tangent, else set out-tangent
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
bool weightsLocked ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines whether the weights are locked at the given key.

[in]indexIndex of the key to check for locked weights
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the weights are locked, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
bool tangentsLocked ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines whether the tangents are locked at the given key.

[in]indexIndex of the key to check for locked tangents
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the tangents are locked, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setWeightsLocked ( unsigned int  index,
bool  locked,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Lock or unlock the weights at the given key.

[in]indexIndex of the key at which to set/unset the locks
[in]lockedtrue if the weights are to be locked, false otherwise
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setTangentsLocked ( unsigned int  index,
bool  locked,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Lock or unlock the tangents at the given key.

[in]indexIndex of the key at which to set/unset the locks
[in]lockedtrue if the tangents are to be locked, false otherwise
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MFnAnimCurve::InfinityType preInfinityType ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring before the first key.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
The current preInfinityType for the curve
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MFnAnimCurve::InfinityType postInfinityType ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring after the last key.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
The current postInfinityType for the curve
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setPreInfinityType ( MFnAnimCurve::InfinityType  infinityType,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Set the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring before the first key.

[in]infinityTypeThe infinity type to be set.
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setPostInfinityType ( MFnAnimCurve::InfinityType  infinityType,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Set the behaviour of the curve for the range occurring after the last key.

[in]infinityTypeThe infinity type to be set.
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or key does not exist or is not accessible, or index is invalid
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
bool isWeighted ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL) const

Determines whether or not the curve has weighted tangents.

[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the curve has weighted tangents, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setIsWeighted ( bool  isWeighted,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets whether or not the curve has weighted tangents.

[in]isWeightedWhether or not the curve should have weighted tangents
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
bool isBreakdown ( unsigned int  index,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL 
) const

Determines whether or not a key is a breakdown.

[in]indexThe key's index
[out]ReturnStatusStatus Code .
Boolean value: true if the key is a breakdown, false otherwise.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure querying Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.
MStatus setIsBreakdown ( unsigned int  index,
bool  isBreakdown,
MAnimCurveChange change = NULL 

Sets the breakdown state of a key at a given index.

[in]indexIndex of the key whose breakdown state is to be modified
[in]isBreakdownThe new breakdown state for the key.
[out]changeOptional cache to store undo/redo information.
Status Code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kIndexOutOfRange Invalid parameter passed for index - index out of range (index >= numKeys)
  • MS::kFailure Failure editing Node - Node does not exist or is not accessible, or change could not be cached
animImportExport/animFileUtils.cpp, and atomImportExport/atomFileUtils.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: