The Biped user interface is split up into “modes” of operation. You activate these modes by selecting the appropriate button in the Biped rollout on the Motion panel, which is visible when a biped is selected.
Four modes are available:
Figure mode is used to change the biped skeletal structure and to align the biped to a mesh.
Footstep mode is used to create and edit footstep animation.
Motion Flow mode is used to create scripts that combine motion files into longer animations.
Mixer mode is used to view, save, and load animation created with the Motion Mixer.
As with other parts of 3ds Max, the rollouts change depending on the mode character studio is in. When no modes are active, the following rollouts are displayed:
The Assign Controller, Biped Apps, and Biped rollouts are displayed during all modes. The remaining rollouts depend on the mode.
In Figure mode, Structure is the only additional rollout.
In Footstep Mode, the rollouts displayed are: Footstep Creation, Footstep Operations, and Dynamics & Adaptation.
In Motion Flow mode, Motion Flow is the only additional rollout displayed.
In Mixer mode, Mixer is the only rollout displayed.
When no modes are active, you can edit tracks and keys, set IK constraints, work with layers, and work with motion capture data. You can also create freeform animation without any of the modes active simply by turning on the Auto Key button and moving or rotating any part of the biped.