Learn how to make a generic configuration to a drawing with basic changes to its overall settings and how to modify the way objects are detailed and labeled.
The example is based on the following requirement: Objects that have a different role in the model should be printed with a different line-type, and also have a different labeling strategy.
Using this workflow it is possible to plot two beams detailed as visible, but with different structural roles and with two different line types. This configuration does not apply to the DWG file (where the difference is only the used color). The configuration applies when sending to any type of plotting (PDF, paper), the CTB file will control the line type.
Sample model and drawing style: an elevation view on a support beam and a railing.
Add a new rule: when adding a new object presentation to an existing drawing style, the style itself is modified. At this point you can either change the default style - but you might risk changing another drawing style that uses the same shared settings, or you can create a copy of the necessary settings, and obtain a new drawing style that still shares settings with other styles, but has individual settings specifically targeting the areas of interest. In this example, a new drawing style is created, and the shared settings that need to be cloned are the view and the object presentation.
Model object: This option will control what object from your model will be detailed by this specific line. Part of this configuration is to match specific model roles - those model objects need to be selected to match the object type (beam, plate, etc) and the model role. Search through the list and select the required model role. The out-of-the-box Advance Steel provides a wide series of pre-configured model objects. The model object for beams with the Beam model role exists and it is named Mp - Beam (model role).
The SingleLine object presentation will detail both elements using a single line, with the default red color.
In order to control the color of the two rules, you need two new object presentation rules, based on the SingleLIne rule - but using different colors.
Once an object is detailed by a line, then it will not be detailed by other lines after it - even if the rule matches the object. For example, if at position 20 you have a rule detailing all beams, regardless of their numbering type or model role, then the rule we configured at position 40 to detail the beams with the Beams model role and a blue single line will be ignored. However, if you move the new rule ahead of the 20th line, then Advance Steel will detail all beams with the model role Beams, using the dedicated presentation rule, and when it reaches position 20 it will detail the rest of the beams (that don't have the Beam model role) with the respective object presentation.
In this case, the two new object presentations should be moved at positions 3 and 4.
When plotting an Advance Steel drawing using the AutoCAD plot functionality, the way each line is plotted is controlled independently from the way the drawing looks when it is open in Advance Steel through the CTB file - a plotter assigned set of rules, which can be edited, saved and reused as needed.
Advance Steel comes with a default ctb file called AdvanceSteel.ctb, found in...\ProgramData\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2022\[INSTALLATION LANGUAGE EXTENSION]\Shared\Support\
Change the plotting strategy
On the left side of the dialog, under Plot styles, all the colors that can be assigned are listed. New colors from the DWG can be detected as well, if used.
On the right side there are the properties of how the respective color line will be plotted. By default, almost all the colors are configured to be plotted with the Linetype set on Use object linetype - so the linetype will be read from the DWG, but if needed, the linetype can be controlled and a dashed single line from the drawing can be plotted with a continuous line, for example.
Add more color values to the object presentation configuration table
You can add more color values to the object presentation rule configuration, by editing a database as follows:
After making the modifications, make sure to restart Advance Steel for the settings to apply in the Drawing Style Manager.
Change the labeling strategy for the two new lines
In the object presentation page, for each line associated to a model object - the filter that has the role to detail a specific object from the model - with an object presentation - the style, line-type and color used by Advance Steel to detail the object, there is also a column that can be associated to a labeling strategy.
The labeling strategy handles the rules that Advance Steel uses to create a label on the respective object, with the content of the label using real information about the object, the graphic appearance and the orientation/positioning on the drawing.
You can assign a labeling strategy using the combo-box available when clicking on the cell. Advance Steel comes with a large variety of preconfigured labeling strategies that can be reused at any point.
Because at the previous step, a new object presentation rule was created, changing and reusing existing labeling strategies will not affect any existing drawing style configurations and it will only apply to the newly configured drawing style.
Modify or create a new labeling strategy
It is often required to make small modifications to existing labeling strategies, or create new ones. For any required modification, you need to follow a certain number of steps to ensure that the change is well recognized and used only where it is intended. As the labeling strategies are shared, making a modification to one of them will transfer to any other drawing style that uses the respective labeling strategy. Because of this, there are two scenarios:
In this case, the shared functionality of Advance Steel labeling strategies is very efficient, as the change in font type can be done only once - and automatically transferred and used by any drawing style.
For this case, a new labeling strategy needs to be created. The labeling strategy tab is split into two parts - so depending on which part needs to be modified, the workflow is different:
The first half of the page contains generic information about the leader line, text direction and orientation. These settings are part of the labeling strategy itself, and are not connected to the content of the label.
Create a new labeling strategy by using the
(New) button.
Once created, use drag and drop (click it, hold the left mouse button and move) to move the newly created labeling strategy to a different category, if needed.
Create a new label content rule, using the
(New) button
The content of label rules does not have categories; the label rules will be listed in the combo-box alphabetically.
Set the Used for object option according to the object where the label will be used. There is an All Object setting as well for a more generic rule.
Make the content configuration change according to the requirements, using the label editor - change the label format, use tokens to display updated information about the object parameters, format the text.
Label arrangement rules
The last point on the label strategy page is the label arrangement. This is separated from the label content, and it's under the label strategy - so when a change is needed only for this part, the label strategy needs to be copied as described at the first point.