Labeling Strategies

A labeling rule contains settings for the content, the layout and the label arrangement.

An essential part of the automatic drawing design is the labeling of model objects in detail views. A labeling rule contains settings for the content, the layout and the label arrangement. Labeling strategies can be shared by different styles and can be managed separately.

The automatic detailing labels placed on objects come from a set of pre-configured rules inside the Drawing Style configuration. An individual labeling strategy is applied for each different type of detailed object. The configuration is located in the view Object presentation tab and presents a table with object rules assigning a presentation and a labeling strategy.

For example, a beam can be detailed with:

The object presentation also requires a certain order in which the lines are defined, allowing for a certain level of control over which objects are detailed on the sheet, and what labeling strategies they are using. When the list is used to create the drawing, Advance Steel goes from top to bottom in the list. When a rule matches a certain object type in detail, it uses that first match and ignores any other rules that apply to the same object.