Arrange details created by drawing processes based on the properties of the detailed elements.
You can arrange the details based on the following properties of the detailed elements:
- Name (corresponding token used in database: NAME) - sorts the details based on the section name of the element.
- Coating (corresponding token used in database: COATING) - sorts the details based on the coating of the element.
- Lot/Phase (corresponding token used in database: ASSEMBLY) - sorts the details based on the Lot/Phase property of the element.
- All 10 User attributes (corresponding tokens used in database: USERATTR1, USERATTR2, USERATTR3, USERATTR4, USERATTR5, USERATTR6, USERATTR7, USERATTR8, USERATTR9, USERATTR_10 ) - sort the details based on the user attribute of the element.
Use these element properties for the following sorting options:
- "by lot/phase ascending, then position ascending" - the elements are arranged in an ascending order depending on the "Lot/Phase" property, the elements with the same "Lot/Phase" are arranged in an ascending order based on their position.
- "by lot/phase descending, then position ascending"
- "by material ascending, then position ascending" - the elements are arranged in an ascending order depending on the "Material" property, the elements with the same "Material"are arranged in an ascending order based on their position.
- "by material descending, then position ascending"
- "by coating ascending, then position ascending" - the elements are arranged in an ascending order depending on the "Coating" property, the elements with the same "Coating" are arranged in an ascending order based on their position.
- "by coating descending, then position ascending"
- "by name ascending, then position ascending" - the elements are arranged in an ascending order depending on the element section name, the elements with the same section name are arranged in an ascending order based on their position.
- "by name descending, then position ascending"
- "by user attribute 1 to 10 ascending"
- "by user attribute 1 to 10 ascending, then position ascending" - the elements are arranged in an ascending order depending on the user attribute, the elements with the same user attribute are arranged in an ascending order based on the next user attribute. If there are elements with the same user attributes (1 to 10), they are arranged in an ascending order based on their position number.
Using the element properties (tokens) supported for detail arrangement order, you can create new sorting rules and add them in the Main Definition tab Selection/Arrangement order drop-down list of the
Drawing Process Manager.