To Create Graphic Subdivisions for 2D and 3D Elevations

Use this procedure to define subdivisions that are created within the elevation when you generate it. Each subdivision is specified as a distance from elevation line.

You can view the location of a subdivision by viewing the elevation line with its boundary in an isometric view. In this view, you can use grips to relocate a subdivision.

An elevation line with graphic subdivisions

You can control the lineweight and other display properties of the subdivisions to add different levels of depth to elevation.

  1. Double-click the elevation line you want to change.
  2. On the Properties palette, expand Basic, and expand Dimensions.
  3. Click the setting for Subdivisions, and then add or modify subdivisions:
    If you want to… Then…
    create a subdivision click . To change the default distance from the elevation line, select the subdivision, click the value, and enter a new value.
    change the length of a subdivision select the subdivision, click its value, and enter a new value.
    delete a subdivision select the subdivision, and click .
  4. Click OK.