To Define the Display of Grid Numbering When Inserting the Grid

You can define for which grid side to display the labels during insertion. You can insert a grid with partial or no grid numbering, but later add grid numbering to it.

  1. Click Home tab Build panel Column Grid drop-down Enhanced Custom Grid.

    Alternatively, you can select the Enhanced Custom Column Grid tool on the Design Tool Palette.

  2. Define the grid properties.
  3. Under Bubble Parameters, click Generate Bubbles to activate the generation of grid bubbles.
  4. Turn the grid labeling selectively on and off for different grid axes and directions with the four individual check boxes.
    Note: You can switch off the grid labels fully or partially during insertion of the grid, but switch them back on later.
  5. Click Advanced Settings, and set the following parameters:
    • Under Bubble Extension, define the extension of the labels from the grid.
    • Under Grid Extension, define the extension of the grid lines beyond the grid.
    • Under Grid End Space, define how far a grid line that does not extend in this direction should be removed from the grid extents.
  6. If needed, set further properties for your grid.
  7. Press Enter and add the grid to the drawing.