To Insert Bookends Components

Use this procedure to insert detail components, such as louvers and vents, that consist of a pattern repeated as a linear array but bounded by unique items at each end. In this example, the tool for inserting louvers has the View property set to Section, which is the only view available for this type of component.

  1. Activate the detail component insertion tool for a particular component.
  2. Click a start point in the drawing area to insert the component at the default orientation, or select one of the following options:
    If you want to… Then…
    flip the component along its X axis enter x (for Xflip), and then click to specify the starting point for the component.
    flip the component along its Y axis enter y (for Yflip), and then click to specify the starting point for the component.
  3. Specify the desired endpoint to insert the component.

    Bookends component inserted in section view