Raster Menu

All AutoCAD Raster Design toolset menu options are located on the Raster menu. The following chart outlines the functions you can access through this menu, and provides cross-references to sections in this book for more information.

Menu Option Function
New Displays the New Image dialog box, where you can define the frame and properties for an image you want to create.

See Creating a New Image.

Insert Displays the Insert Image dialog box that is used to insert images into your current AutoCAD drawing. Also provides access to the correlation function for precise placement of an image.

See Inserting Images.

Save, Save As Saves an image to another file name, location, or file type, saves an image without saving the drawing.

See Saving Images.

Export Exports an image to a different file format, or exports correlation data associated with the image.

See Exporting Images.

Image Embed Saves a bitonal image within the drawing to simplify file management.

See Saving Images.

Capture Saves the current displayed version of image data, producing an image of convenient size.

See Saving Images.

Correlate Correlates your image by matching, moving, scaling, or rubbersheeting.

See Correlating Images.

Manage Displays the Image Manager, which shows information about insertions, images, and color maps. You can do many tasks here, such as insert new images, change the display order of insertions, erase an image, zoom to an image, assign a different color map, and review metadata.

See Image Manager.

Cleanup Fixes problems with documents that have been damaged or distorted by reproduction processes. You can deskew, despeckle, invert, mirror, touchup, or adjust the bias of an image.

See Correcting Images.

Image Processing Enhances the appearance of your image, removes defects, converts an image to a different type, adjusts colors, and assigns color palettes.

See Correcting Images.

Raster Entity Manipulation Edits bitonal, color, and grayscale raster data. Options are provided to select raster entities and then vectorize, edit, or remove them.

See Manipulating Raster Entities.

Mask Creates a mask, which is a selected area within the image.

In this manual, see Masking Images.

Crop Crops an image to remove unwanted areas. Options are provided for cropping a line or regions of various shapes.

See Rubbing and Cropping Images.

Remove Erases or rubs raster entities, such as lines, circles, arcs, or rectangles.

See Rubbing and Cropping Images.

Merge Merges images or vector data, and selects raster pen widths.

See Merging Vectors into Raster.

Vectorization Tools Converts raster arcs, circles, texts, lines, polylines, rectangles, or contours to vector format.

See Vectorizing Raster Entities.

Text Recognition Converts raster text to AutoCAD text.

See Converting Raster Text.

Raster Snap Sets the snapping mode, which controls whether your cursor moving within an image automatically jumps to raster entity endpoints, intersections, or other significant points.

See Snapping to Raster Entities.

Toggle Frames Changes the visibility of the image frame.
Toggle Quick Bar Changes the visibility of the Quick Bar.
Raster Data Query Displays the Raster Data Query dialog box, which interactively displays data about the pixel under the cursor.
Options Displays the Raster Design Options dialog box where you can configure AutoCAD Raster Design toolset.

See Configuring AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset.

Raster Design Home Page Opens the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset home page on the Internet, if you have an internet connection and browser: https://www.autodesk.com/rasterdesignuser
Help Displays the AutoCAD Raster Design toolset User Guide in Help.
About AutoCAD Raster Design Displays AutoCAD Raster Design toolset licensing information.