3ds Max C++ API Reference
MaxSDK::Graphics Namespace Reference




class  AtomicRefCounter
 this class contains an integer which is initialized to zero. More...
class  BaseMaterialHandle
 This is base graphics material class. More...
class  BaseRasterHandle
 This is our base graphics raster resource class. More...
class  CustomRenderItemHandle
 CustomRenderItemHandle is a wrapper of ICustomRenderItem. More...
class  CustomRenderStageHandle
 CustomRenderStageHandle is the base wrapper class of the custom render stage. More...
struct  DeviceCaps
 This struct is used to store some device related information. More...
class  DisplayCallbackContext
 This class contains context which can be queried in IDisplayCallback. More...
class  DrawContext
 Typically ICustomRenderItem::Draw() and ICustomRenderItem::HitTest() bring instance of this class as parameter. More...
class  EffectHandle
 EffectHandle is a class provides features similar as Effect in Direct3D This class is used for viewport display and Quicksilver. More...
class  EffectInstanceHandle
 EffectInstanceHandle is a class which stores values of parameters in an effect. More...
class  ConnectionPoint
 ConnectionPoint is the base class that manages the connections between view fragments. More...
class  Input
 Class that stores input information for a fragment. More...
class  Output
 Class that stores output information for a fragment. More...
struct  FragmentMessageParameter
 Message parameters. More...
class  Fragment
 Fragment is the base computation unit in the view system. More...
class  FragmentGraph
 FragmentGraph is a graph consisting of fragment nodes. More...
class  IVariableDictionary
 IVariableDictionary is a map structure that contains key/variable pairs. More...
class  Variable
 Variable is a simple class that stores certain data that a developer can decide at runtime. More...
class  ViewFragment
 Base class of all viewport fragment. More...
class  GenerateMeshRenderItemsContext
 This class contains all information that will be passed to Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems() to update its display data. More...
class  GeometryRenderItemHandle
 This is a special render item which used only by Mesh/MNMesh. More...
class  HitTestContext
 This is a hit test context class. More...
class  HLSLMaterialHandle
 HLSLMaterialHandle is a material class to support HLSL custom material. More...
class  ICamera
 The interface of a render camera for nitrous viewport. More...
class  IConsolidationKey
 This class is used as a key for a hash table. More...
class  IConsolidationRenderItem
 This class defines a consolidation render item, which is used to improve rendering performance by batching similar render items together. More...
class  IConsolidationStrategy
 This class defines a strategy to consolidate one type of consolidation key. More...
class  ICustomRenderItem
 This class is used to customize the behavior of a render item. More...
class  IDisplayCallback
 A developer would implement this interface to allow immediate mode drawing of primitives, text and markers. More...
class  IDisplayManager
 A core interface for accessing properties of the graphics library introduced in 3ds Max 2012. More...
class  IDisposable
class  IHLSLMaterialTranslator
 Facilitates translation of material parameter values to their shaders representation. More...
class  IMeshDisplay2
 Use this interface to query the per node related render items from a mesh or mnesh. More...
class  ImmediateFragment
 ImmediateFragment is a class which let application render primitives outside the render loop. More...
class  ImmediateRenderItemHandle
 This class is used to wrap user defined IDisplayCallback class. More...
class  IndexBufferHandle
 IndexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain index data. More...
class  IObjectDisplay2
 To give object plugins better control of display, now object plugins can expose IObjectDisplay2 interface. More...
class  IParameterTranslator
 Facilitates translation of material and texture map parameter values to their shaders representation. More...
struct  TextureCoordStream
 This structure is used to define vertex's texture coordinate information. More...
struct  SimpleVertexStream
 Used by DrawPrimitive and DrawIndexedPrimitive for vertex data. More...
class  IPrimitiveRenderer
 This class is used to draw simple primitives, markers, text with given material and transformations. More...
class  AutoRestoreWorldMatrix
class  IRefObject
 This class is similar to IUnknown in COM. More...
class  ARefObject
 This class implemented IRefObject interfaces. More...
class  SafeReferenceObjectProxy
 This class is internally used for preventing the AddRef and Release of a pointer returned by RefPtr::operator -> from being called. More...
class  DefaultLifeTimePolicy
class  RefPtr
 This template class act similar as CComPtr. More...
class  IRenderGeometry
 IRenderGeometry is a representation of a geometry. More...
class  IRenderItemContainer
 A render item container, it provides various methods to access the contained render items. More...
class  IRenderStateManager
 IRenderStateManager controls primitive renderer's current render style. More...
class  IShaderManager
 Represents the programmable shader associated with a material or texture map plug-in. More...
class  IShaderManagerCreator
 Factory class for IShaderManager objects. More...
class  ISimpleMaterial
 ISimpleMaterial provides any material or texture plugin the ability to display itself in the new Viewport Display system in 3ds Max 2012. More...
class  ISimpleMaterialExt
 ISimpleMaterialExt extends ISimpleMaterial to support more textures. More...
class  DisplayTextureHelper
 Used for creating texture handles (TexHandle) and updating texture data managed by the viewport display system. More...
class  DisplayTextureHelperExt
 DisplayTextureHelperExt extends DisplayTextureHelper to support more textures Used for creating stage texture handles (TexHandle) and updating texture data managed by the viewport display system. More...
class  ITextureDisplay
 This interface enables material and texture map plugins to display textures in the new viewport display system in 3ds Max 2012. More...
class  IViewportViewSetting
 Viewport Setting For The Nitrous Graphics Viewport. More...
class  IViewportViewSetting2
 Viewport Setting For The Nitrous Graphics Viewport. More...
class  IVirtualDevice
 This class provides low level access to the GPU device. More...
struct  MaterialRequiredStreamElement
 This struct describes a single stream element that will be used by the hardware shader of a material. More...
class  MaterialRequiredStreams
 This class is used for describing the mesh stream requirements of a material. More...
class  Matrix44
class  MemoryTargetHandle
 Application can use this class to create a render target in memory which can be a target input/output for a fragment node. More...
class  MeshElementDescription
 This class describes a single mesh element(which corresponds to a render item) required to be generated by calling Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems() from the specified mesh(or mnmesh). More...
class  INormalMappingManager
 This interface manages the normal mapping modes that can affect how 3ds Max calculates/interprets the tangent/binormal(bitangent) in vertex/pixel shading level during baking/rendering. More...
struct  Query_Data_SO_Statistics
class  QueryHandle
 QueryHandle is a query object used for submitting hardware queries. More...
struct  ConsolidationData
 This a structure that holds parameters used for render item consolidation. More...
class  RenderItemHandle
 This is the base wrapper class for all viewport render items. More...
class  RenderItemHandleArray
 This is a utility class. More...
class  RenderItemHandleDecorator
 This is a decorator class for RenderItemHandle. More...
class  RenderNodeHandle
 This class describes a graphics node. More...
class  RasterizerState
 This class encapsulates a complete rasterizer state, like fill mode, cull mode, point size, etc. More...
class  TargetBlendState
 This class holds the blend state for single render target. More...
class  BlendState
 This class holds the blend state for all render targets. More...
class  StencilOperation
 This class encapsulates a complete set of stencil buffer operations for stencil test. More...
class  DepthStencilState
 This class encapsulates a complete depth buffer and stencil buffer state. More...
class  RenderNodeIterator
 RenderNodeIterator is the iterator class to iterate all render nodes in the current render world. More...
class  RenderWorldHandle
 RenderWorldHandle is the base wrapper class of the nitrous world. More...
class  SimpleRenderGeometry
 SimpleRenderGeometry is a simple implementation of IRenderGeometry. More...
class  SmartHandle
 This is the base wrapper class for all graphics primitive classes in max viewport: worlds, nodes, render items, materials, etc. More...
class  SolidColorMaterialHandle
 SolidColorMaterialHandle is a material class to support solid color. More...
class  StandardMaterialHandle
 StandardMaterialHandle is a material class to support phong style material . More...
class  TargetHandle
 Application can use this class either as a render target or convert it to texture and assign to model. More...
class  PresentableTargetHandle
 This class is similar as TargetHandle. More...
struct  LockedRect
 Defines a rectangular region that has been locked by a call to TextureHandle::LockRect(). More...
class  TextureHandle
 This is texture class to support texture for material, such as TextureMaterialHandle. More...
class  TextureHandleUtility
 This is utility class to create TextureHandle from Texmap. More...
class  TextureMaterialHandle
 This is material class to support material with texture. More...
struct  RectangleSize
 the struct that defines the width and height of one rectangle. More...
class  UpdateDisplayContext
 This class contains all information that will be passed to IObjectDisplay::UpdateDisplay and will be used by plugin to update its display data. More...
class  UpdateNodeContext
 This class contains node dependent information for calling IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerNodeItems(), and IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerViewItems() More...
class  AutoRestoreRenderNodeMaterial
 This is a utility class for assigning customized solid material to the solid mesh render item of a render node when generating render items from IMeshDisplay2::GetRenderItems() during the execution of BaseObject::UpdatePerNodeItems() More...
class  UpdateViewContext
 This class contains view dependent information for calling IObjectDisplay2::UpdatePerViewItems() More...
class  VertexBufferHandle
 VertexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain vertex data. More...
class  VertexColorMaterialHandle
 VertexColorMaterialHandle is a material class to support vertex color. More...
struct  EvaluationContext
 This struct is a collection of elements that are necessary in a render view. More...
class  IActiveShadeFragment
 This class is used to manage ActiveShade in a viewport (called ActiveShadeFragment) A view fragment is a part of the viewport drawing system. More...
class  IFixedViewportPipeline
 This class provide some facility to add some extended behavior to the fixed render pipeline. More...
class  IRenderView
 This class is a representation of a render view which provides some common functions to manipulate a viewport. More...
class  IRenderView2
 IRenderView2 provide the access to IFixedViewportPipeline with which 3rd party developer can add some extended behavior to the fixed render pipeline. More...
class  IView
 This class is a representation of a basic view. More...
struct  RenderRegion
 Note: The render region can set the clipping rectangle,offset and scale of render target in the screen space of render view. More...
class  ViewParameter
 This class wrap up all viewport related parameters. More...


typedef MaxSDK::Array< MSTRTechniqueNames
typedef RefPtr< FragmentFragmentPtr
typedef RefPtr< FragmentGraphFragmentGraphPtr
typedef RefPtr< ICameraCameraPtr
typedef RefPtr< IConsolidationKeyIConsolidationKeyPtr
typedef RefPtr< IConsolidationRenderItemIConsolidationRenderItemPtr
typedef RefPtr< ICustomRenderItemICustomRenderItemPtr
typedef RefPtr< IDisplayCallbackIDisplayCallbackPtr
typedef RefPtr< IRefObjectRefObjectPtr
typedef RefPtr< IRenderGeometryIRenderGeometryPtr
typedef MaxSDK::Array< SmartHandleSmartHandleArray
typedef MaxSDK::Array< TargetHandleTargetHandleArray
typedef unsigned __int64 Identifier
 This is the unique id type of our internal graphics objects. More...
typedef unsigned long Bitfields
 record the dirty flags of render view. More...
typedef MaxSDK::Array< VertexBufferHandleVertexBufferHandleArray
typedef MaxSDK::Graphics::RefPtr< ViewParameterViewParameterPtr


enum  FrameType { FrameType_Normal , FrameType_BeginSequence , FrameType_Interactive , FrameType_EndSequence }
 Indicates the type of frame. More...
enum  RenderViewDirtyFlag { RenderViewDirtyFlagViewChanged = 0x1 , RenderViewDirtyFlagFragmentChanged = 0x2 }
 Indicates the dirty flag of render view. More...
enum  FragmentFlags { FragmentFlagsEvaluated = 0x00000001 , FragmentFlagsDirty = 0x00000002 }
 This enum contains flags that specify certain states of a fragment or fragment graph node. More...
enum  FragmentMessageID { FragmentMessageIDTimer , FragmentMessageIDEndFrame , BuiltInFragmentMessageIDCount = 0xFF }
 This enum describes types of messages a fragment could register and receive from the fragment system. More...
enum  VarType {
  VT_Char , VT_UnsignedChar , VT_WideChar , VT_Short ,
  VT_UnsignedShort , VT_Int , VT_UnsignedInt , VT_Long ,
  VT_UnsignedLong , VT_Int64 , VT_UnsignedInt64 , VT_Float ,
  VT_Double , VT_StringA , VT_StringW , VT_Dictionary ,
 built-in variable types. More...
enum  VertexFieldType {
  VertexFieldFloat1 = 0 , VertexFieldFloat2 = 1 , VertexFieldFloat3 = 2 , VertexFieldFloat4 = 3 ,
  VertexFieldColor = 4 , VertexFieldByte4 = 5 , VertexFieldShort2 = 6 , VertexFieldShort4 = 7 ,
  VertexFieldShortFloat2 = 15 , VertexFieldShortFloat4 = 16 , VertexFieldInt = 20 , VertexFieldInt2 = 21 ,
  VertexFieldInt3 = 22 , VertexFieldInt4 = 23 , VertexFieldTypeUnknown , VertexFieldTypeCount
 types available for vertex fields, e.g. More...
enum  VertexFieldUsage {
  VertexFieldUsagePosition = 0 , VertexFieldUsageNormal , VertexFieldUsageTexcoord , VertexFieldUsageTangent ,
  VertexFieldUsageBitangent , VertexFieldUsageUnknown , VertexFieldUsageCount
 Indicates the usage of a vertex field of a vertex buffer. More...
enum  MeshChannelCategory {
  MeshChannelPosition = 0 , MeshChannelVertexNormal , MeshChannelTexcoord , MeshChannelTangent ,
  MeshChannelBitangent , MeshChannelVertexColor , MeshChannelUnknown , MeshChannelFaceMap ,
 Indicates the data source of a vertex field of a mesh vertex buffer. More...
enum  IndexType { IndexTypeUnknown , IndexTypeShort , IndexTypeInt , IndexTypeCount }
 Buffers are composed of arrays of elements all of the same type. More...
enum  BufferUsageType {
  BufferUsageStatic = 0 , BufferUsageDynamic , BufferUsageStaging , BufferUsageMask = 0xf ,
  BufferUsageStreamTexture = 0x10 , BufferUsageTarget = 0x20 , BufferUsageUnorderedAccess = 0x80 , BufferUsageStructure = 0x100 ,
  BufferUsageRaw = 0x200 , BufferUsageBuffer = 0x400
 BufferUsageType Types for OGS buffer usage. More...
enum  BufferPoolType {
  BufferPoolTypeUnKnown = 0 , BufferPoolTypeDiskBuffer = 0x1 , BufferPoolTypeSystemBuffer = 0x1 << 1 , BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer = 0x1 << 2 ,
  BufferPoolTypeInMemory = BufferPoolTypeSystemBuffer | BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer
enum  VisualStyle {
  VisualStyleRealistic = 0 , VisualStyleShaded , VisualStyleFacets , VisualStyleConsistentColor ,
  VisualStyleHiddenLine , VisualStyleWireframe , VisualStyleBoundingBox , VisualStyleInk ,
  VisualStyleColorInk , VisualStyleAcrylic , VisualStyleTech , VisualStyleGraphite ,
  VisualStyleColorPencil , VisualStylePastel , VisualStyleClay , VisualStyleModelAssist ,
 Enum type for all visual styles of nitrous viewport. More...
enum  ViewportPreset {
  ViewportPresetQuality , ViewportPresetStandard , ViewportPresetPerformance , ViewportPresetDXMode ,
  ViewportPresetCustomize , ViewportPresetCount
 Enum type for all presets of nitrous viewport. More...
enum class  BloomQuality {
  Gaussian_3x3 , Gaussian_5x5 , Gaussian_7x7 , Gaussian_9x9 ,
 Enum for the kernel filters for the Bloom effect in the viewport. More...
enum  ObjectDisplayRequirement { ObjectDisplayRequireLegacyDisplayMode = 0x00000001 , ObjectDisplayRequireUpdatePerViewItems = 0x00000002 }
 This enum contains flags that can be combined together to specify whether or not certain functions of IObjectDisplay2 will be supported. More...
enum  MaterialRequirementFlags { MaterialRequirementSplitByMaterialID = 0x00000001 }
 This enum defines requirement flags of material additional to mesh stream requirements of MaterialRequiredStreams. More...
enum  MeshElementType {
  MeshElementTypeSolidMesh , MeshElementTypeVertexTicks , MeshElementTypeEdge , MeshElementTypeDiagonal ,
  MeshElementTypeFace , MeshElementTypeNormal
 This enum describes the type of mesh element to be generated. More...
enum  MeshPart { MeshPartSelected , MeshPartUnselected , MeshPartWhole }
 When a mesh is displayed in any sub-object level, this enum help decide which part of the mesh this mesh element belongs to. More...
enum  BuiltInMeshElementDescription {
  ElementDescriptionSolidMesh , ElementDescriptionVetexTicks , ElementDescriptionWireframe , ElementDescriptionSelectedEdge ,
  ElementDescriptionDiagonal , ElementDescriptionSelectedDiagonal , ElementDescriptionSelectedFace
 This enum defines some kinds of built-in mesh element descriptions. More...
enum  NormalBumpMode { NB_3dsMax = 0 , NB_Maya , NB_DirectX , NB_MikkT }
enum  TangentBasisMode { kPerpendicularToFaceNormal = 0 , kPerpendicularToVertexNormal , kMikkT }
enum  PrimitiveType {
  PrimitivePointList , PrimitiveLineList , PrimitiveLineStrip , PrimitiveTriangleList ,
  PrimitiveTriangleStrip , PrimitiveLineListAdj , PrimitiveLineStripAdj , PrimitiveTriangleListAdj ,
  PrimitiveTriangleStripAdj , PrimitivePatchList1 , PrimitivePatchList2 , PrimitivePatchList3 ,
  PrimitivePatchList4 , PrimitivePatchList5 , PrimitivePatchList6 , PrimitivePatchList7 ,
  PrimitivePatchList8 , PrimitivePatchList9 , PrimitivePatchList10 , PrimitivePatchList11 ,
  PrimitivePatchList12 , PrimitivePatchList13 , PrimitivePatchList14 , PrimitivePatchList15 ,
  PrimitivePatchList16 , PrimitivePatchList17 , PrimitivePatchList18 , PrimitivePatchList19 ,
  PrimitivePatchList20 , PrimitivePatchList21 , PrimitivePatchList22 , PrimitivePatchList23 ,
  PrimitivePatchList24 , PrimitivePatchList25 , PrimitivePatchList26 , PrimitivePatchList27 ,
  PrimitivePatchList28 , PrimitivePatchList29 , PrimitivePatchList30 , PrimitivePatchList31 ,
  PrimitivePatchList32 , PrimitiveTypeCount
 Supported primitive types. More...
enum  BufferClearFlag { ClearBackbuffer = 0x1 , ClearDepthBuffer = 0x2 , ClearStencilBuffer = 0x4 , ClearAll = 0x7 }
 This flag describes the way to clear the current buffers. More...
enum  BlendSelector {
  BlendSelectorBlendFactor , BlendSelectorBothInvSourceAlpha , BlendSelectorBothSourceAlpha , BlendSelectorDestinationAlpha ,
  BlendSelectorDestinationColor , BlendSelectorInvBlendFactor , BlendSelectorInvDestinationAlpha , BlendSelectorInvDestinationColor ,
  BlendSelectorInvSourceAlpha , BlendSelectorInvSourceColor , BlendSelectorOne , BlendSelectorSourceAlpha ,
  BlendSelectorSourceAlphaSat , BlendSelectorSourceColor , BlendSelectorZero
 blend selector. More...
enum  CullMode { CullModeCW , CullModeCCW , CullModeNone }
 cull type. More...
enum  FillMode { FillSolid , FillWireFrame }
 fill mode for polygons More...
enum  CompareFunction {
  CompareFunctionAlways , CompareFunctionEqual , CompareFunctionGreater , CompareFunctionGreaterEqual ,
  CompareFunctionLess , CompareFunctionLessEqual , CompareFunctionNever , CompareFunctionNotEqual
 compare functions More...
enum  ColorWriteEnable {
  ColorWriteEnableNone = 0 , ColorWriteEnableAlpha = 0x8 , ColorWriteEnableBlue = 0x4 , ColorWriteEnableGreen = 0x2 ,
  ColorWriteEnableRed = 0x1 , ColorWriteEnableRedGreenBlue = 0x7 , ColorWriteEnableRedGreenBlueAlpha = 0xf , WRITEENABLE_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
enum  BlendOperation {
  BlendOperationAdd , BlendOperationMax , BlendOperationMin , BlendOperationSubtract ,
 blend operations More...
enum  StencilOperationType {
  StencilOperationTypeDecrement = 8 , StencilOperationTypeDecrementSaturation = 5 , StencilOperationTypeIncrement = 7 , StencilOperationTypeIncrementSaturation = 4 ,
  StencilOperationTypeInvert = 6 , StencilOperationTypeKeep = 1 , StencilOperationTypeReplace = 3 , StencilOperationTypeZeroStencil = 2 ,
 Stencil buffer operation. More...
enum  AccessType {
  AccessTypeNone = 0x0 , ReadAcess = 0x1 , WriteAcess = 0x2 , ReadWriteAcess = ReadAcess | WriteAcess ,
 AccessType Types for accessing buffers. More...
enum  TargetFormat : int {
  TargetFormatUnkown , TargetFormatD24S8 , TargetFormatD24X8 , TargetFormatD32 ,
  TargetFormatDxt1 , TargetFormatDxt2 , TargetFormatDxt3 , TargetFormatDxt4 ,
  TargetFormatDxt5 , TargetFormatA8 , TargetFormatR8 , TargetFormatR16 ,
  TargetFormatR16F , TargetFormatA1R5G5B5 , TargetFormatR5G6B5 , TargetFormatR32F ,
  TargetFormatR16G16 , TargetFormatR16G16F , TargetFormatA8R8G8B8 , TargetFormatA8B8G8R8 ,
  TargetFormatX8B8G8R8 , TargetFormatA2B10G10R10 , TargetFormatR32G32F , TargetFormatA16B16G16R16 ,
  TargetFormatA16B16G16R16F , TargetFormatA32B32G32R32F , TargetFormatX8R8G8B8 , TargetFormatR32G32B32F ,
  TargetFormatR32UINT , TargetFormatR32SINT , TargetFormatCount
 TargetFormat indicates which type the target/texture is. More...
enum  GraphicFeatureLevel {
  Level_Unknown = 0 , Level_NULL = 5 , Level2_0 = 20 , Level2_1 = 21 ,
  Level3_0 = 30 , Level3_1 = 31 , Level4_0 = 40 , Level4_1 = 41 ,
  Level4_5 = 45 , Level5_0 = 50 , Level_Count = 9
 This enum specifies the feature levels device supported. More...
enum  TextureType {
  TextureTypeUnknown = 0 , TextureTypeImage1D = 1 , TextureTypeImage1DArray = 2 , TextureTypeImage2D = 3 ,
  TextureTypeImage2DArray = 4 , TextureTypeCubeMap = 5 , TextureTypeVolume = 6 , TextureTypeCount
 Texture type enums. More...
enum  ResourceUsage {
  ResourceUsageNormal = 0 , ResourceUsageDynamic = 1 , ResourceUsageStaging = 2 , ResourceUsageMask = 0xf ,
  ResourceUsageStream = 0x10 , ResourceUsageTarget = 0x20
 Resource usage, used for texture. More...
enum  QueryType {
  QueryType_Event = 8 , QueryType_Occlusion = 9 , QueryType_TimeStamp = 10 , QueryType_Occlusion_Test = 20 ,
  QueryType_SO_Overflow_Test = 21 , QueryType_SO_Stats = 22
 Enums for QueryHandle, indicates which query types to issue. More...
enum  ZBiasPresets { ZBiasPresets_Default = -1 , ZBiasPresets_Shaded = 0 , ZBiasPresets_Wireframe = 1 , ZBiasPresets_Gizmo = 2 }
enum  RenderItemVisibilityGroup { RenderItemVisible_Unknown , RenderItemVisible_Shaded , RenderItemVisible_Wireframe , RenderItemVisible_Gizmo }
 This enum defines in what group a render item is visible. More...
enum  ObjectComponentRequirement {
  ObjectComponentSolidMesh = 0x00000001 , ObjectComponentWireframe = 0x00000002 , ObjectComponentVertexTicks = 0x00000004 , ObjectComponentDiagonal = 0x00000008 ,
  ObjectComponentSelected = 0x00000010 , ObjectComponentUnselected = 0x00000020 , ObjectComponentBackfaceCull = 0x00000040 , ObjectComponentVertexColorSoftSelection = 0x00000080
 This enum contains flags that can be combined together to specify which part is required by the node when updating render items. More...


FragmentGraphAPI bool IsNumberType (VarType type)
 Checks if the given type is number type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI bool IsCompatibleType (VarType lhs, VarType rhs)
 Checks if two types can be converted to each other. More...
DataBridgeAPI size_t GetVertexStride (const VertexFieldType type)
 Get the vertex stride by a given vertex type, in bytes. More...
DataBridgeAPI size_t GetIndexStride (const IndexType type)
 Get the index stride by a given index type, in bytes. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI size_t CombineHashCode (size_t seed, size_t hashCode)
 A utility function for generating hash code. More...
UtilExport MaxSDK::Graphics::IDisplayManagerGetIDisplayManager ()
 Helper function to access the IDisplayManager core interface. More...
bool IsRetainedModeEnabled ()
 Helper function to test whether the new viewport graphics system is running. More...
bool IsHardwareHitTesting (ViewExp *vpt)
 Helper function to test whether the new viewport graphics system is performing hardware hit testing. More...
template<class RefObjectType , class SafeRefObjectType , class LifeTimePolicy >
bool operator== (void *pPtr, const RefPtr< RefObjectType, SafeRefObjectType, LifeTimePolicy > &pInterface)
template<class RefObjectType , class SafeRefObjectType , class LifeTimePolicy >
bool operator!= (void *pPtr, const RefPtr< RefObjectType, SafeRefObjectType, LifeTimePolicy > &pInterface)
GraphicsDriverAPI void MaxWorldMatrixToMatrix44 (Matrix44 &outMatrix, const Matrix3 &inMatrix)
 Convert Matrix3 to Matrix44. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI void Matrix44ToMaxWorldMatrix (Matrix3 &outMatrix, const Matrix44 &inMatrix)
 Convert Matrix44 to Matrix3. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI const MeshElementDescriptionGetBuiltInMeshElementDescription (BuiltInMeshElementDescription type)
 Get a specified built-in mesh element description. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI DWORD GetDeviceCompatibleARGBColor (DWORD color)
 Use this function for TargetFormatA8R8G8B8 only. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI size_t GetTargetFormatPixelSize (TargetFormat format)
 Get the number of bytes for each pixel by a given target format. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle GenerateInstanceData (Matrix3 *worldTransforms, size_t count)
 Generate the instance data from a Matrix3 array. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle GenerateInstanceData (Point3 *UVs, Matrix3 *worldTransforms, size_t count)
 Generate the instance data from a texture coordinates array and a Matrix3 array. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI bool GenerateInstanceRenderItem (RenderItemHandle &hInstanceRenderItem, const RenderItemHandle &hTupleMeshHandle, const VertexBufferHandle &hInstanceData)
 Generate the instance render item from a tuple mesh and a Matrix3 array. More...
ViewSystemAPI IActiveShadeFragmentGetActiveShadeFragmentFromActiveViewport ()
 Get the ActiveShade fragment from the active viewport. More...
UtilExport bool IsGpuPresent ()
 Method that verifies if at least one GPU is present on the current system. More...


FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Char
 Built-in char input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedChar
 Built-in unsigned char input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_WideChar
 Built-in wchar_t input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Short
 Built-in short input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedShort
 Built-in unsigned short input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Int
 Built-in int input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt
 Built-in unsigned int input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Long
 Built-in long input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedLong
 Built-in unsigned long input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Int64
 Built-in __int64 input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt64
 Built-in unsigned __int64 input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Float
 Built-in float input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Double
 Built-in double input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_StringA
 Built-in multi-byte string input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_StringW
 Built-in Unicode string input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Dictionary
 Built-in dictionary input/output type. More...
const size_t TIMER_NONE = (size_t)-1
 Use this value to unregister a timer with a fragment. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI IndexBufferHandle EmptyIndexBufferHandle
GraphicsDriverAPI MaxSDK::Array< SmartHandleEmptySmartHandleArray
GraphicsDriverAPI TargetHandle EmptyTargetHandle
const Identifier NIL_ID = (Identifier)-1
 Invalid id value. More...
GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle EmptyVertexBufferHandle
GraphicsDriverAPI MaxSDK::Array< VertexBufferHandleEmptyVertexBufferHandleArray

Typedef Documentation

◆ TechniqueNames

◆ FragmentPtr

◆ FragmentGraphPtr

◆ CameraPtr

◆ IConsolidationKeyPtr

◆ IConsolidationRenderItemPtr

◆ ICustomRenderItemPtr

◆ IDisplayCallbackPtr

◆ RefObjectPtr

◆ IRenderGeometryPtr

◆ SmartHandleArray

◆ TargetHandleArray

◆ Identifier

typedef unsigned __int64 Identifier

This is the unique id type of our internal graphics objects.

◆ Bitfields

typedef unsigned long Bitfields

record the dirty flags of render view.

See the enumeration RenderViewDirtyFlag.

◆ VertexBufferHandleArray

◆ ViewParameterPtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FrameType

enum FrameType

Indicates the type of frame.


Same as REDRAW_NORMAL i.e., we will perform a complete redraw.


Same as REDRAW_BEGIN which indicates the beginning of a continuous render sequence(for e.g., start dragging the view cube).


Same as REDRAW_INTERACTIVE which indicates the continuous state of a render
sequence(for e.g., while we are dragging the view cube).


Same as REDRAW_END which indicates the end of a render sequence (for e.g.,when we stop dragging the view cube).

16 {
32 };
@ FrameType_BeginSequence
Same as REDRAW_BEGIN which indicates the beginning of a continuous render sequence(for e....
Definition: Enums.h:23
@ FrameType_Normal
Same as REDRAW_NORMAL i.e., we will perform a complete redraw.
Definition: Enums.h:19
@ FrameType_Interactive
Same as REDRAW_INTERACTIVE which indicates the continuous state of a render sequence(for e....
Definition: Enums.h:27
@ FrameType_EndSequence
Same as REDRAW_END which indicates the end of a render sequence (for e.g.,when we stop dragging the v...
Definition: Enums.h:31

◆ RenderViewDirtyFlag

Indicates the dirty flag of render view.


View elements such as width,height or position are changed.


Fragment elements such as input,out or connection are changed.

37 {
45 };
@ RenderViewDirtyFlagFragmentChanged
Fragment elements such as input,out or connection are changed.
Definition: Enums.h:44
@ RenderViewDirtyFlagViewChanged
View elements such as width,height or position are changed.
Definition: Enums.h:40

◆ FragmentFlags

This enum contains flags that specify certain states of a fragment or fragment graph node.


Indicates whether this fragment has already been evaluated during a recursive call to FragmentGraph::Evaluate().

If this flag is true, we simply ignore evaluating this fragment an additional time.


Indicates whether this fragment is dirty and needs to be evaluated once more.

Note this flag is mainly used to indicate if a viewport redraw is required.

29  {
34  FragmentFlagsEvaluated = 0x00000001,
39  FragmentFlagsDirty = 0x00000002,
40  };
@ FragmentFlagsEvaluated
Indicates whether this fragment has already been evaluated during a recursive call to FragmentGraph::...
Definition: Fragment.h:34
@ FragmentFlagsDirty
Indicates whether this fragment is dirty and needs to be evaluated once more.
Definition: Fragment.h:39

◆ FragmentMessageID

This enum describes types of messages a fragment could register and receive from the fragment system.

Fragment::OnMessage is invoked whenever a fragment receives the registered messages from the fragment system.


The timer message.

A fragment may call Fragment::SetTimerTicks to register a timer. When the timer ticks, Fragment::OnMessage is invoked.


The end frame message.

A fragment will receive this message at the end of each frame.


Preserved count of built-in message.

47  {
59  };
@ BuiltInFragmentMessageIDCount
Preserved count of built-in message.
Definition: Fragment.h:58
@ FragmentMessageIDEndFrame
The end frame message.
Definition: Fragment.h:55
@ FragmentMessageIDTimer
The timer message.
Definition: Fragment.h:51

◆ VarType

enum VarType

built-in variable types.

For more details please see class Variable.


A single char type.


unsigned char type.


wchar_t type.


short type.


unsigned short type.


int type.


unsigned int type.


long type.


unsigned long type.


__int64 type.


unsigned __int64 type.


float type.


double type.


Ascii string type.


Unicode string type.


dictionary type.

If a variable is this type, it is actually a map. The key is a multi-byte string, while the value is another variable.


A IRefObject type.

The variable will hold a reference of that object.

21  {
24  VT_Char,
30  VT_WideChar,
33  VT_Short,
39  VT_Int,
45  VT_Long,
51  VT_Int64,
57  VT_Float,
60  VT_Double,
63  VT_StringA,
66  VT_StringW,
74  };
@ VT_StringA
Ascii string type.
Definition: Variable.h:63
@ VT_UnsignedChar
unsigned char type.
Definition: Variable.h:27
@ VT_WideChar
wchar_t type.
Definition: Variable.h:30
@ VT_Float
float type.
Definition: Variable.h:57
@ VT_Long
long type.
Definition: Variable.h:45
@ VT_Int64
__int64 type.
Definition: Variable.h:51
@ VT_IRefObject
A IRefObject type.
Definition: Variable.h:73
@ VT_Double
double type.
Definition: Variable.h:60
@ VT_UnsignedLong
unsigned long type.
Definition: Variable.h:48
@ VT_UnsignedInt
unsigned int type.
Definition: Variable.h:42
@ VT_UnsignedShort
unsigned short type.
Definition: Variable.h:36
@ VT_Int
int type.
Definition: Variable.h:39
@ VT_Dictionary
dictionary type.
Definition: Variable.h:70
@ VT_StringW
Unicode string type.
Definition: Variable.h:66
@ VT_Char
A single char type.
Definition: Variable.h:24
@ VT_Short
short type.
Definition: Variable.h:33
@ VT_UnsignedInt64
unsigned __int64 type.
Definition: Variable.h:54

◆ VertexFieldType

types available for vertex fields, e.g.



single float field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT


double float field.



triple float field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT


quad float field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT


color field see DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM


unsigned byte 4 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT


short 2 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT


short 4 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT


FP16 x 2 type see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT.


FP16 x 4 type see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT.


int field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT


int2 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT


int3 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT


int4 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT


unknown field

20  {
24  VertexFieldFloat1 = 0,
29  VertexFieldFloat2 = 1,
34  VertexFieldFloat3 = 2,
39  VertexFieldFloat4 = 3,
44  VertexFieldColor = 4,
49  VertexFieldByte4 = 5,
54  VertexFieldShort2 = 6,
59  VertexFieldShort4 = 7,
73  VertexFieldInt = 20,
77  VertexFieldInt2 = 21,
81  VertexFieldInt3 = 22,
85  VertexFieldInt4 = 23,
92  };
@ VertexFieldShort4
short 4 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:59
@ VertexFieldInt2
int2 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:77
@ VertexFieldShortFloat4
FP16 x 4 type see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:68
@ VertexFieldShort2
short 2 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:54
@ VertexFieldTypeCount
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:91
@ VertexFieldInt
int field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:73
@ VertexFieldShortFloat2
FP16 x 2 type see DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:63
@ VertexFieldFloat3
triple float field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:34
@ VertexFieldFloat1
single float field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:24
@ VertexFieldTypeUnknown
unknown field
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:89
@ VertexFieldInt4
int4 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:85
@ VertexFieldColor
color field see DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:44
@ VertexFieldFloat4
quad float field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:39
@ VertexFieldByte4
unsigned byte 4 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:49
@ VertexFieldInt3
int3 field see DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:81
@ VertexFieldFloat2
double float field.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:29

◆ VertexFieldUsage

Indicates the usage of a vertex field of a vertex buffer.

This enum is used to make hardware shaders understand the usage of vertex buffer.






Texture coordinate.






Unknown usage.

98  {
124  };
@ VertexFieldUsageNormal
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:105
@ VertexFieldUsageUnknown
Unknown usage.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:121
@ VertexFieldUsageTangent
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:113
@ VertexFieldUsageCount
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:123
@ VertexFieldUsageTexcoord
Texture coordinate.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:109
@ VertexFieldUsageBitangent
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:117
@ VertexFieldUsagePosition
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:101

◆ MeshChannelCategory

Indicates the data source of a vertex field of a mesh vertex buffer.

e.g. Position, Normal, Texture, etc.




vertex normal components


texture coordinate components


tangent components


bitangent components


vertex color components


Unknown data source.


face map components

130  {
133  MeshChannelPosition = 0,
163  };
@ MeshChannelCategoryCount
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:162
@ MeshChannelFaceMap
face map components
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:160
@ MeshChannelVertexNormal
vertex normal components
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:137
@ MeshChannelVertexColor
vertex color components
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:152
@ MeshChannelUnknown
Unknown data source.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:156
@ MeshChannelBitangent
bitangent components
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:148
@ MeshChannelTangent
tangent components
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:144
@ MeshChannelTexcoord
texture coordinate components
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:141
@ MeshChannelPosition
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:133

◆ IndexType

enum IndexType

Buffers are composed of arrays of elements all of the same type.

This enum describes the size and interpretation of the elements in the buffer. Index buffers can have ushort or uint elements.


not defined


unsigned 16 bit short integer, used for index buffers.


unsigned 32 bit integer, used for index buffers.

170  {
181  IndexTypeInt,
184  };
@ IndexTypeCount
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:183
@ IndexTypeShort
unsigned 16 bit short integer, used for index buffers.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:177
@ IndexTypeUnknown
not defined
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:173
@ IndexTypeInt
unsigned 32 bit integer, used for index buffers.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:181

◆ BufferUsageType

BufferUsageType Types for OGS buffer usage.


static usage type.

Data stores in GPU memory.


Dynamic buffer.

If the resource contents are to be changed often, EDynamicUsage is recommended to achieve fast update. Used with the correct map flag( WriteDiscard or WriteNoOverwrite), maximum performance to change the contents will be achieved. Meaning of WriteNoOverwrite: WriteNoOverwrite signifies that the application promises not to write to data that the GPU is using. In exchange, the GPU allows the application to write to other parts of the same buffer. The application must ensure that it does not write over any data in use by the GPU.
Common Usage of WriteDiscard with WriteNoOverwrite as map flags: WriteDiscard and WriteNoOverwrite are normally used in conjunction with dynamic index/vertex buffers, although they can also be used with dynamic textures. A common use of these two flags involves filling dynamic index/vertex buffers with geometry that can be seen from the camera's current position. The first time that data is entered into the buffer on a given frame, Map is called with WriteDiscard; doing so invalidates the previous contents of the buffer. The buffer is then filled with all available data. Subsequent writes to the buffer within the same frame should use WriteNoOverwrite. This will enable the CPU to access a resource that is potentially being used by the GPU as long as the restrictions described previously are respected.


Usage for stream output for vb & ibs, may be used as a texture.


Usage for render target, it means the resouce created from video memory and can be used as render-target for vb & ibs & textures, may be used as a render target/stream output buffer.


Usage for unordered access of the resource.

This allows the resource to be both read and written by a shader, through the use of atomic functions. Check the device capabilities to determine support.


Usage for structured buffer.

If this flag is specified, the buffer must use BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer for pool type


Usage for bytes address buffer.


Usage for standard buffer type If this flag is specified, user must specify dataType parameter of VertexBufferHandle::Initialize()

201  {
204  BufferUsageStatic = 0,
225  /* Staging usage, means it's a system memory resource
226  */
229  /*for anding off the high bits
230  */
231  BufferUsageMask = 0xf,
242  BufferUsageTarget = 0x20,
253  BufferUsageStructure = 0x100,
257  BufferUsageRaw = 0x200,
262  BufferUsageBuffer = 0x400
263  };
@ BufferUsageRaw
Usage for bytes address buffer.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:257
@ BufferUsageMask
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:231
@ BufferUsageBuffer
Usage for standard buffer type If this flag is specified, user must specify dataType parameter of Ver...
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:262
@ BufferUsageStatic
static usage type.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:204
@ BufferUsageTarget
Usage for render target, it means the resouce created from video memory and can be used as render-tar...
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:242
@ BufferUsageStructure
Usage for structured buffer.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:253
@ BufferUsageStreamTexture
Usage for stream output for vb & ibs, may be used as a texture.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:236
@ BufferUsageDynamic
Dynamic buffer.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:223
@ BufferUsageStaging
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:227
@ BufferUsageUnorderedAccess
Usage for unordered access of the resource.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:248

◆ BufferPoolType


Buffer state unknown.


Buffer on disk.


Buffer in system memory.


Buffer on GPU memory.


Buffer in memory mask, both system and GPU memory.

266  {
277  BufferPoolTypeSystemBuffer = 0x1 << 1 ,
281  BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer = 0x1 << 2,
286  };
@ BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer
Buffer on GPU memory.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:281
@ BufferPoolTypeDiskBuffer
Buffer on disk.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:273
@ BufferPoolTypeInMemory
Buffer in memory mask, both system and GPU memory.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:285
@ BufferPoolTypeSystemBuffer
Buffer in system memory.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:277
@ BufferPoolTypeUnKnown
Buffer state unknown.
Definition: GeometryEnums.h:269

◆ VisualStyle

Enum type for all visual styles of nitrous viewport.


The realistic visual style.


The shaded visual style.


The facet visual style.


The consistent color visual style.


The hidden line visual style.


The wireframe visual style.


The bounding box visual style.


The ink visual style for NPR.


The color ink visual style of NPR.


The acrylic stylized visual style.


The tech stylized visual style.


The graphite stylized visual style.


The color pencil stylized visual style.


The pastel stylized visual style.


The clay visual style.


The Model Assist visual style from Max 2016 (smoothing using invisible edge and not smooth only groups) MAXX-34246.


The count of all visual styles.

17  {
69  };
@ VisualStyleWireframe
The wireframe visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:35
@ VisualStyleBoundingBox
The bounding box visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:38
@ VisualStyleConsistentColor
The consistent color visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:29
@ VisualStyleShaded
The shaded visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:23
@ VisualStyleInk
The ink visual style for NPR.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:41
@ VisualStyleClay
The clay visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:62
@ VisualStylePastel
The pastel stylized visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:59
@ VisualStyleAcrylic
The acrylic stylized visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:47
@ VisualStyleHiddenLine
The hidden line visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:32
@ VisualStyleCount
The count of all visual styles.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:68
@ VisualStyleTech
The tech stylized visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:50
@ VisualStyleColorInk
The color ink visual style of NPR.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:44
@ VisualStyleFacets
The facet visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:26
@ VisualStyleRealistic
The realistic visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:20
@ VisualStyleGraphite
The graphite stylized visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:53
@ VisualStyleModelAssist
The Model Assist visual style from Max 2016 (smoothing using invisible edge and not smooth only group...
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:65
@ VisualStyleColorPencil
The color pencil stylized visual style.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:56

◆ ViewportPreset

Enum type for all presets of nitrous viewport.


The quality preset.


The standard preset.


The performance preset.


The DX mode preset.


The user customize preset.


The count of all presets.

73  {
92  };
@ ViewportPresetQuality
The quality preset.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:76
@ ViewportPresetStandard
The standard preset.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:79
@ ViewportPresetPerformance
The performance preset.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:82
@ ViewportPresetDXMode
The DX mode preset.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:85
@ ViewportPresetCount
The count of all presets.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:91
@ ViewportPresetCustomize
The user customize preset.
Definition: GraphicsEnums.h:88

◆ BloomQuality

enum BloomQuality

Enum for the kernel filters for the Bloom effect in the viewport.


◆ ObjectDisplayRequirement

This enum contains flags that can be combined together to specify whether or not certain functions of IObjectDisplay2 will be supported.


Check if this plugin contains legacy display code and want legacy code to be called as well.

Signal this bit if contains legacy display code. Default value for this bit is false.


Trying to update items on per view basis is very time consuming.

So only signal this bit if there are actual per view-dependent render items to update. Otherwise call to UpdatePerViewItems will be ignored. Default value for this bit is false.

32 {
44 };
@ ObjectDisplayRequireUpdatePerViewItems
Trying to update items on per view basis is very time consuming.
Definition: IObjectDisplay2.h:43
@ ObjectDisplayRequireLegacyDisplayMode
Check if this plugin contains legacy display code and want legacy code to be called as well.
Definition: IObjectDisplay2.h:37

◆ MaterialRequirementFlags

This enum defines requirement flags of material additional to mesh stream requirements of MaterialRequiredStreams.


Plug-in needs to split mesh to sub meshes according to face material id.

This flag is on when the material is multi/sub material.

157 {
162 };
@ MaterialRequirementSplitByMaterialID
Plug-in needs to split mesh to sub meshes according to face material id.
Definition: MaterialRequiredStreams.h:161

◆ MeshElementType

This enum describes the type of mesh element to be generated.

Each mesh element corresponds to a specific render item generated by calling Mesh::GenerateRenderItems() or MNMesh::GenerateRenderItems().


Solid Mesh, it could be: vertex color mesh or general mesh.

This will be displayed in any viewport that requires smooth mesh.


Vertex ticks.

This will be displayed when the node has "Vertex Ticks" display option on or the vertex tick sub-object be selected.


Edge mesh, this layer includes the edges.

This will be displayed in viewport that has "wireframe" or "hidden line" on or when the edge sub-object level is selected.


Diagonal Mesh.

This is the dotted edge lines when user turn off "edges only" display property of a node and enable the wireframe mode of viewport.


Face Mesh.

This is the face render item of the mesh when this mesh is displayed in face sub-object level.


Mesh normals.

This mesh element is required when we need to show all normals of selected face.

22 {
48 };
@ MeshElementTypeNormal
Mesh normals.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:47
@ MeshElementTypeFace
Face Mesh.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:43
@ MeshElementTypeEdge
Edge mesh, this layer includes the edges.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:35
@ MeshElementTypeVertexTicks
Vertex ticks.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:30
@ MeshElementTypeDiagonal
Diagonal Mesh.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:39
@ MeshElementTypeSolidMesh
Solid Mesh, it could be: vertex color mesh or general mesh.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:26

◆ MeshPart

enum MeshPart

When a mesh is displayed in any sub-object level, this enum help decide which part of the mesh this mesh element belongs to.


Selected part.

Only the selected part of the mesh will be displayed.

For an edge/diagonal/face mesh element, this value indicates that the mesh element only includes the selected edges/diagonals/faces of the mesh. For a vertex ticks mesh element, it will include the whole of the mesh. But selected vertices will be displayed in red(indicating they're selected).

Unselected part.

Only the unselected part of the mesh will be displayed.

For an edge/diagonal/face mesh element, this value indicates that the render item only include the unselected edges/diagonals/faces of the mesh. For a vertex ticks mesh element, it will include the whole of the mesh. But selected vertices won't be displayed in red.

Whole part.

This value indicates an render item includes the whole of the mesh.

54 {
72 };
@ MeshPartSelected
Selected part.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:61
@ MeshPartUnselected
Unselected part.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:68
@ MeshPartWhole
Whole part.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:71

◆ BuiltInMeshElementDescription

This enum defines some kinds of built-in mesh element descriptions.

Developer may query a built-in mesh element description by calling MeshElementDescription::GetBuiltInMeshElementDescription() using any enum value below.


The mesh element description of a solid mesh.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeSolidMesh MeshPart : MeshPartWhole UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false


The mesh element description of vertex ticks.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeVertexTicks MeshPart : MeshPartWhole UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false


The mesh element description of a wireframe mesh.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeEdge MeshPart : MeshPartWhole UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false


The mesh element description of selected edges.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeEdge MeshPart : MeshPartSelected UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false


The mesh element description of diagonals.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeDiagonal MeshPart : MeshPartWhole UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false


The mesh element description of selected diagonals.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeDiagonal MeshPart : MeshPartSelected UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false


The mesh element description of selected faces.

MeshElementType : MeshElementTypeFace MeshPart : MeshPartSelected UseSoftSelectionColor : false BackfaceCull : false

151 {
207 };
@ ElementDescriptionSelectedFace
The mesh element description of selected faces.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:206
@ ElementDescriptionSelectedEdge
The mesh element description of selected edges.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:182
@ ElementDescriptionWireframe
The mesh element description of a wireframe mesh.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:174
@ ElementDescriptionSelectedDiagonal
The mesh element description of selected diagonals.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:198
@ ElementDescriptionDiagonal
The mesh element description of diagonals.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:190
@ ElementDescriptionSolidMesh
The mesh element description of a solid mesh.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:158
@ ElementDescriptionVetexTicks
The mesh element description of vertex ticks.
Definition: MeshElementDescription.h:166

◆ NormalBumpMode


3ds Max Mode In this mode, the vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are perpendicular to the face normal.

The face normal is always perpendicular to the triangle face. During pixel shading, the tangent and binormal interpolated from triangle vertices are used in the normal bump calculation.


Maya Mode In this mode, the vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are perpendicular to the vertex normal.

Vertex normals take their smoothing group into account. During pixel shading, the tangent and binormal interpolated from triangle vertices are orthogonalized against the normal before the normal bump calculation.


DirectX Mode In this mode, the vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are perpendicular to the vertex normal.

During pixel shading, the tangent and binormal interpolated from triangle vertices are used in the normal bump calculation.


MikkT Mode - by Morten S.

Mikkelsen In this mode, the same vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are generated even if there is a change in index list(s), ordering of faces/vertices of a face, and/or the removal of degenerate primitives. During pixel shading, the tangent interpolated from vertices is used in the normal bump calculation, however, the binormal(bitangent) could be either interpolated from vertices or re-caluclated against the pixel normal and tangent, depends on CalculateBitangentPerPixel flag is enabled or not.

25  {
30  NB_3dsMax = 0,
36  NB_Maya,
40  NB_DirectX,
47  NB_MikkT
48 };
@ NB_3dsMax
3ds Max Mode In this mode, the vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are perpendicular to the face n...
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:30
@ NB_MikkT
MikkT Mode - by Morten S.
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:47
@ NB_Maya
Maya Mode In this mode, the vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are perpendicular to the vertex no...
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:36
@ NB_DirectX
DirectX Mode In this mode, the vertex tangent and binormal(bitangent) are perpendicular to the vertex...
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:40

◆ TangentBasisMode


Tangent basis mode that requires the tangent and binormal are perpendicular to face normal.


Tangent basis mode that requires the tangent and binormal are perpendicular to vertex normal.


Tangent basis mode that's aligned with MikkT.

55  {
58  kMikkT
59 };
@ kPerpendicularToFaceNormal
Tangent basis mode that requires the tangent and binormal are perpendicular to face normal.
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:56
@ kPerpendicularToVertexNormal
Tangent basis mode that requires the tangent and binormal are perpendicular to vertex normal.
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:57
@ kMikkT
Tangent basis mode that's aligned with MikkT.
Definition: NormalMappingManager.h:58

◆ PrimitiveType

Supported primitive types.


A list of independent points.


A list of unconnected two-point line segments, such that the number of lines is the the total number of points divided by two.


A polyline, where each point is connected to the previous vertex, yielding a single polyline with (vertex_count - 1) two-point line segments.


A list of unconnected triangles, yielding (vertex_count / 3) triangles.


A strip of connected triangles, such that each vertex after the first three vertices defines a new triangle, yielding (vertex_count - 1) connected triangles.

Strips of even a small number of triangles provides better performance and reduced memory consumption relative to the same geometry represented with a triangle list. There is substantial research and software devoted to generating optimal triangle strips. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_strip for details.

A line list with adjacency information.


A line strip with adjacency information.


A triangle list with adjacency information.


A triangle strip with adjacency information.


A patch list with 1 control point.


A patch list with 2 control point.


A patch list with 3 control point.


A patch list with 4 control point.


A patch list with 5 control point.


A patch list with 6 control point.


A patch list with 7 control point.


A patch list with 8 control point.


A patch list with 9 control point.


A patch list with 10 control point.


A patch list with 11 control point.


A patch list with 12 control point.


A patch list with 13 control point.


A patch list with 14 control point.


A patch list with 15 control point.


A patch list with 16 control point.


A patch list with 17 control point.


A patch list with 18 control point.


A patch list with 19 control point.


A patch list with 20 control point.


A patch list with 21 control point.


A patch list with 22 control point.


A patch list with 23 control point.


A patch list with 24 control point.


A patch list with 25 control point.


A patch list with 26 control point.


A patch list with 27 control point.


A patch list with 28 control point.


A patch list with 29 control point.


A patch list with 30 control point.


A patch list with 31 control point.


A patch list with 32 control point.

24  {
199  };
@ PrimitivePatchList18
A patch list with 18 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:140
@ PrimitivePatchList11
A patch list with 11 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:112
@ PrimitivePatchList26
A patch list with 26 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:172
@ PrimitiveTriangleListAdj
A triangle list with adjacency information.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:64
@ PrimitivePatchList3
A patch list with 3 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:80
@ PrimitiveLineStrip
A polyline, where each point is connected to the previous vertex, yielding a single polyline with (ve...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:37
@ PrimitivePatchList14
A patch list with 14 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:124
@ PrimitivePatchList16
A patch list with 16 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:132
@ PrimitivePatchList32
A patch list with 32 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:196
@ PrimitivePatchList29
A patch list with 29 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:184
@ PrimitivePatchList24
A patch list with 24 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:164
@ PrimitivePatchList4
A patch list with 4 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:84
@ PrimitiveTriangleStripAdj
A triangle strip with adjacency information.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:68
@ PrimitiveTriangleStrip
A strip of connected triangles, such that each vertex after the first three vertices defines a new tr...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:52
@ PrimitivePatchList20
A patch list with 20 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:148
@ PrimitivePointList
A list of independent points.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:27
@ PrimitivePatchList13
A patch list with 13 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:120
@ PrimitivePatchList8
A patch list with 8 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:100
@ PrimitivePatchList31
A patch list with 31 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:192
@ PrimitivePatchList30
A patch list with 30 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:188
@ PrimitivePatchList12
A patch list with 12 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:116
@ PrimitivePatchList1
A patch list with 1 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:72
@ PrimitiveTypeCount
Definition: RenderEnums.h:198
@ PrimitivePatchList22
A patch list with 22 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:156
@ PrimitivePatchList15
A patch list with 15 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:128
@ PrimitivePatchList27
A patch list with 27 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:176
@ PrimitiveLineList
A list of unconnected two-point line segments, such that the number of lines is the the total number ...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:32
@ PrimitivePatchList21
A patch list with 21 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:152
@ PrimitivePatchList7
A patch list with 7 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:96
@ PrimitivePatchList23
A patch list with 23 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:160
@ PrimitivePatchList17
A patch list with 17 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:136
@ PrimitiveLineListAdj
A line list with adjacency information.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:56
@ PrimitivePatchList5
A patch list with 5 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:88
@ PrimitivePatchList28
A patch list with 28 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:180
@ PrimitivePatchList25
A patch list with 25 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:168
@ PrimitivePatchList6
A patch list with 6 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:92
@ PrimitiveTriangleList
A list of unconnected triangles, yielding (vertex_count / 3) triangles.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:41
@ PrimitivePatchList10
A patch list with 10 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:108
@ PrimitivePatchList9
A patch list with 9 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:104
@ PrimitiveLineStripAdj
A line strip with adjacency information.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:60
@ PrimitivePatchList2
A patch list with 2 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:76
@ PrimitivePatchList19
A patch list with 19 control point.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:144

◆ BufferClearFlag

This flag describes the way to clear the current buffers.


clear the target


clear the zbuffer


clear the stencil


clear the zbuffer, target & stencil

204  {
207  ClearBackbuffer = 0x1,
210  ClearDepthBuffer = 0x2,
213  ClearStencilBuffer = 0x4,
216  ClearAll = 0x7,
217  };
@ ClearDepthBuffer
clear the zbuffer
Definition: RenderEnums.h:210
@ ClearAll
clear the zbuffer, target & stencil
Definition: RenderEnums.h:216
@ ClearStencilBuffer
clear the stencil
Definition: RenderEnums.h:213
@ ClearBackbuffer
clear the target
Definition: RenderEnums.h:207

◆ BlendSelector

blend selector.

selects a blend source/destination


use blend factor in blend state


use inverse source alpha


use source aplha


use the destination alpha


use the destination color


use inversed blend factor


use the inverse destination alpha


use the inverse destination color


use inverse source alpha


use inverse source color


always 1,1,1


use the source alpha


use the source alpha and saturate it


use the source color


always 0

222  {
269  };
@ BlendSelectorInvDestinationAlpha
use the inverse destination alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:243
@ BlendSelectorDestinationColor
use the destination color
Definition: RenderEnums.h:237
@ BlendSelectorZero
always 0
Definition: RenderEnums.h:267
@ BlendSelectorBothInvSourceAlpha
use inverse source alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:228
@ BlendSelectorInvBlendFactor
use inversed blend factor
Definition: RenderEnums.h:240
@ BlendSelectorInvSourceColor
use inverse source color
Definition: RenderEnums.h:252
@ BlendSelectorInvSourceAlpha
use inverse source alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:249
@ BlendSelectorBothSourceAlpha
use source aplha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:231
@ BlendSelectorSourceAlphaSat
use the source alpha and saturate it
Definition: RenderEnums.h:261
@ BlendSelectorDestinationAlpha
use the destination alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:234
@ BlendSelectorSourceAlpha
use the source alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:258
@ BlendSelectorOne
always 1,1,1
Definition: RenderEnums.h:255
@ BlendSelectorInvDestinationColor
use the inverse destination color
Definition: RenderEnums.h:246
@ BlendSelectorSourceColor
use the source color
Definition: RenderEnums.h:264
@ BlendSelectorBlendFactor
use blend factor in blend state
Definition: RenderEnums.h:225

◆ CullMode

enum CullMode

cull type.


cull backfaces of CW polygons


cull backfaces of CCW polygons


don't cull backfaces

275  {
278  CullModeCW,
281  CullModeCCW,
285  };
@ CullModeCCW
cull backfaces of CCW polygons
Definition: RenderEnums.h:281
@ CullModeCW
cull backfaces of CW polygons
Definition: RenderEnums.h:278
@ CullModeNone
don't cull backfaces
Definition: RenderEnums.h:284

◆ FillMode

enum FillMode

fill mode for polygons


draw as a solid object


draw as a wireframe object

291  {
294  FillSolid,
298  } ;
@ FillSolid
draw as a solid object
Definition: RenderEnums.h:294
@ FillWireFrame
draw as a wireframe object
Definition: RenderEnums.h:297

◆ CompareFunction

compare functions


always true


true if equal


true if greater


true if greater or equal


true if less


true if less or equal


never true


true if not equal

303  {
328  };
@ CompareFunctionGreater
true if greater
Definition: RenderEnums.h:312
@ CompareFunctionLessEqual
true if less or equal
Definition: RenderEnums.h:321
@ CompareFunctionEqual
true if equal
Definition: RenderEnums.h:309
@ CompareFunctionAlways
always true
Definition: RenderEnums.h:306
@ CompareFunctionNever
never true
Definition: RenderEnums.h:324
@ CompareFunctionLess
true if less
Definition: RenderEnums.h:318
@ CompareFunctionGreaterEqual
true if greater or equal
Definition: RenderEnums.h:315
@ CompareFunctionNotEqual
true if not equal
Definition: RenderEnums.h:327

◆ ColorWriteEnable


None, all off.


Write alpha.

Same as d3d.ColorWriteEnable.Alpha,


Write blue.

Same as d3d.ColorWriteEnable.Blue,


Write green.

Same as d3d.ColorWriteEnable.Green,


Write red.

Same as d3d.ColorWriteEnable.Red,


Write RGB but no alpha.

Same as d3d.ColorWriteEnable.RedGreenBlue,


Write all RGBA.

Same as d3d.ColorWriteEnable.RedGreenBlueAlpha,

331  {
338  ColorWriteEnableAlpha = 0x8,
342  ColorWriteEnableBlue = 0x4,
346  ColorWriteEnableGreen = 0x2,
350  ColorWriteEnableRed = 0x1,
360  WRITEENABLE_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */
361  };
@ ColorWriteEnableRedGreenBlueAlpha
Write all RGBA.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:358
@ ColorWriteEnableRed
Write red.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:350
@ ColorWriteEnableBlue
Write blue.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:342
@ ColorWriteEnableRedGreenBlue
Write RGB but no alpha.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:354
Definition: RenderEnums.h:360
@ ColorWriteEnableNone
None, all off.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:334
@ ColorWriteEnableAlpha
Write alpha.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:338
@ ColorWriteEnableGreen
Write green.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:346

◆ BlendOperation

blend operations


add the source and destination together


max of the source and destination


min of the source and destination


dest gets dest minus source


dest gets source minus dest

366  {
382  };
@ BlendOperationMin
min of the source and destination
Definition: RenderEnums.h:375
@ BlendOperationReverseSubtract
dest gets source minus dest
Definition: RenderEnums.h:381
@ BlendOperationMax
max of the source and destination
Definition: RenderEnums.h:372
@ BlendOperationSubtract
dest gets dest minus source
Definition: RenderEnums.h:378
@ BlendOperationAdd
add the source and destination together
Definition: RenderEnums.h:369

◆ StencilOperationType

Stencil buffer operation.


Decrement the stencil buffer entry, wrapping to the maximum value if the new value is less than zero.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.Decrement,


Decrement the stencil buffer entry, clamping to zero.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.DecrementSaturation,


Increment the stencil buffer entry, wrapping to zero if the new value exceeds the maximum value.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.Increment,


Increment the stencil buffer entry, clamping to the maximum value.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.IncrementSaturation,


Invert the bits in the stencil-buffer entry.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.Invert


Do not update the entry in the stencil buffer.

This is the default value. Same as d3d.StencilOperation.Keep,


Replace the stencil-buffer entry with a reference value.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.Replace,


Set the stencil-buffer entry to 0.

Same as d3d.StencilOperation.Zero,

388  {
428  STENCILOP_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, /* force 32-bit size enum */
430  };
@ StencilOperationTypeDecrement
Decrement the stencil buffer entry, wrapping to the maximum value if the new value is less than zero.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:392
Definition: RenderEnums.h:428
@ StencilOperationTypeIncrementSaturation
Increment the stencil buffer entry, clamping to the maximum value.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:406
@ StencilOperationTypeDecrementSaturation
Decrement the stencil buffer entry, clamping to zero.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:396
@ StencilOperationTypeIncrement
Increment the stencil buffer entry, wrapping to zero if the new value exceeds the maximum value.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:401
@ StencilOperationTypeZeroStencil
Set the stencil-buffer entry to 0.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:426
@ StencilOperationTypeInvert
Invert the bits in the stencil-buffer entry.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:411
@ StencilOperationTypeKeep
Do not update the entry in the stencil buffer.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:416
@ StencilOperationTypeReplace
Replace the stencil-buffer entry with a reference value.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:421

◆ AccessType

enum AccessType

AccessType Types for accessing buffers.


Data is not accessed yet.


Data will only be read.


Data will only be written.


To be used by dynamic buffer for write-discard access.

435  {
438  AccessTypeNone = 0x0,
441  ReadAcess = 0x1,
444  WriteAcess = 0x2,
445  /* Data will be read and written.
446  */
451  };
@ AccessTypeNone
Data is not accessed yet.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:438
@ WriteAcess
Data will only be written.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:444
@ WriteDiscardAcess
To be used by dynamic buffer for write-discard access.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:450
@ ReadAcess
Data will only be read.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:441
@ ReadWriteAcess
Definition: RenderEnums.h:447

◆ TargetFormat

enum TargetFormat : int

TargetFormat indicates which type the target/texture is.


Unknown target format.


depth 24, stencil 8


depth 24, no stencil


depth 32, no stencil


compressed format dxt1, no alpha


compressed format dxt2, premultiplied alpha, otherwise same as dxt3


compressed format dxt3, has alpha


compressed format dxt4, premultiplied alpha otherwise same as dxt5


compressed format dxt5, has alpha


8 bit alpha texture


8 bit one-channel texture


16 bit int one-channel texture


16 bit float one-channel texture


one bit alpha, 5 bits each for RGB.

The layout of the short is:

15 14 10 5 0

| A | R | G | B |


no alpha, 5 bits each for R and B, 6 bits for G.

The layout of the short is:

15 11 5 0

| R | G | B |


one-channel 32 bit float


two-channel, 16 bit int


two-channel, 16 bit float


8 bit int for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ARGB


8 bit int for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR


8 bit int for each of RGB, no alpha


2 bit alpha, 10 bits for each of RGB, with byte ordering ABGR


two-channel 32 bit float


four-channel, 16 bit int for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR


four-channel, 16 bit float for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR


32 bit float for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR


8 bit int for each of RBA, no alpha


three-channel, 32 bit float for each of RGB


32bit unsigned int format


32bit signed int format

456  {
561  };
@ TargetFormatR32F
one-channel 32 bit float
Definition: RenderEnums.h:514
@ TargetFormatDxt3
compressed format dxt3, has alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:478
@ TargetFormatCount
Definition: RenderEnums.h:560
@ TargetFormatA32B32G32R32F
32 bit float for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR
Definition: RenderEnums.h:544
@ TargetFormatDxt4
compressed format dxt4, premultiplied alpha otherwise same as dxt5
Definition: RenderEnums.h:482
@ TargetFormatR32SINT
32bit signed int format
Definition: RenderEnums.h:558
@ TargetFormatUnkown
Unknown target format.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:459
@ TargetFormatR16F
16 bit float one-channel texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:497
@ TargetFormatR8
8 bit one-channel texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:491
@ TargetFormatA8B8G8R8
8 bit int for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR
Definition: RenderEnums.h:526
@ TargetFormatD24S8
depth 24, stencil 8
Definition: RenderEnums.h:462
@ TargetFormatA1R5G5B5
one bit alpha, 5 bits each for RGB.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:504
@ TargetFormatA2B10G10R10
2 bit alpha, 10 bits for each of RGB, with byte ordering ABGR
Definition: RenderEnums.h:532
@ TargetFormatX8R8G8B8
8 bit int for each of RBA, no alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:547
@ TargetFormatDxt1
compressed format dxt1, no alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:471
@ TargetFormatR5G6B5
no alpha, 5 bits each for R and B, 6 bits for G.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:511
@ TargetFormatD32
depth 32, no stencil
Definition: RenderEnums.h:468
@ TargetFormatA16B16G16R16
four-channel, 16 bit int for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR
Definition: RenderEnums.h:538
@ TargetFormatR16G16F
two-channel, 16 bit float
Definition: RenderEnums.h:520
@ TargetFormatX8B8G8R8
8 bit int for each of RGB, no alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:529
@ TargetFormatR32UINT
32bit unsigned int format
Definition: RenderEnums.h:554
@ TargetFormatDxt2
compressed format dxt2, premultiplied alpha, otherwise same as dxt3
Definition: RenderEnums.h:475
@ TargetFormatA8
8 bit alpha texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:488
@ TargetFormatD24X8
depth 24, no stencil
Definition: RenderEnums.h:465
@ TargetFormatR32G32F
two-channel 32 bit float
Definition: RenderEnums.h:535
@ TargetFormatR16
16 bit int one-channel texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:494
@ TargetFormatA8R8G8B8
8 bit int for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ARGB
Definition: RenderEnums.h:523
@ TargetFormatR32G32B32F
three-channel, 32 bit float for each of RGB
Definition: RenderEnums.h:550
@ TargetFormatR16G16
two-channel, 16 bit int
Definition: RenderEnums.h:517
@ TargetFormatDxt5
compressed format dxt5, has alpha
Definition: RenderEnums.h:485
@ TargetFormatA16B16G16R16F
four-channel, 16 bit float for each of RGB and A, with byte ordering ABGR
Definition: RenderEnums.h:541

◆ GraphicFeatureLevel

This enum specifies the feature levels device supported.


Unknown feature level.


NULL feature level.


Feature Level 2_0.


Feature Level 2_1.


Feature Level 3_0.


Feature Level 3_1.


Feature Level 4_0.


Feature Level 4_1 Notes: Feature Level4_1 corresponds to the NV DX10+ device, which supports some of DX10.1 features.


Feature Level 4_5 Notes: Feature Level4_5 corresponds to DX10.1 device, which supports all of DX10.1 features.

The OS must be Vista SP1 or above.


Feature Level 5_0 Notes: Feature Level5_0 corresponds to DX11 device, which supports all of DX11 features.

The OS must be "Vista SP2 + Platform update" or above.


Feature Level count.

577  {
580  Level_Unknown = 0,
583  Level_NULL = 5,
586  Level2_0 = 20,
589  Level2_1 = 21,
592  Level3_0 = 30,
595  Level3_1 = 31,
598  Level4_0 = 40,
603  Level4_1 = 41,
608  Level4_5 = 45,
613  Level5_0 = 50,
617  Level_Count = 9
618  };
@ Level2_0
Feature Level 2_0.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:586
@ Level4_1
Feature Level 4_1 Notes: Feature Level4_1 corresponds to the NV DX10+ device, which supports some of ...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:603
@ Level5_0
Feature Level 5_0 Notes: Feature Level5_0 corresponds to DX11 device, which supports all of DX11 feat...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:613
@ Level_Count
Feature Level count.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:617
@ Level4_0
Feature Level 4_0.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:598
@ Level2_1
Feature Level 2_1.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:589
@ Level_Unknown
Unknown feature level.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:580
@ Level3_0
Feature Level 3_0.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:592
@ Level4_5
Feature Level 4_5 Notes: Feature Level4_5 corresponds to DX10.1 device, which supports all of DX10....
Definition: RenderEnums.h:608
@ Level_NULL
NULL feature level.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:583
@ Level3_1
Feature Level 3_1.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:595

◆ TextureType

Texture type enums.


unknown texture type


1d bitmap texture


1d bitmap texture array


bitmap texture


bitmap texture


cube map texture


volume texture

630  {
633  TextureTypeUnknown = 0,
637  TextureTypeImage1D = 1,
645  TextureTypeImage2D = 3,
653  TextureTypeCubeMap = 5,
657  TextureTypeVolume = 6,
660  };
@ TextureTypeUnknown
unknown texture type
Definition: RenderEnums.h:633
@ TextureTypeCount
Definition: RenderEnums.h:659
@ TextureTypeImage2DArray
bitmap texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:649
@ TextureTypeVolume
volume texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:657
@ TextureTypeImage1D
1d bitmap texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:637
@ TextureTypeImage1DArray
1d bitmap texture array
Definition: RenderEnums.h:641
@ TextureTypeImage2D
bitmap texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:645
@ TextureTypeCubeMap
cube map texture
Definition: RenderEnums.h:653

◆ ResourceUsage

Resource usage, used for texture.


Normal usage, means it's a video memory resource Immutable or default depending on access.


If the resource contents are to be changed often, ResourceUsageDynamic is recommended to achieve fast update.

Used with the correct map flag( WriteDiscard or WriteNoOverwrite), maximum performance to change the contents will be achieved. Meaning of WriteNoOverwrite: WriteNoOverwrite signifies that the application promises not to write to data that the GPU is using. In exchange, the GPU allows the application to write to other parts of the same buffer. The application must ensure that it does not write over any data in use by the GPU.
Common Usage of WriteDiscard with WriteNoOverwrite as map flags: WriteDiscard and WriteNoOverwrite are normally used in conjunction with dynamic index/vertex buffers, although they can also be used with dynamic textures. A common use of these two flags involves filling dynamic index/vertex buffers with geometry that can be seen from the camera's current position. The first time that data is entered into the buffer on a given frame, Map is called with WriteDiscard; doing so invalidates the previous contents of the buffer. The buffer is then filled with all available data. Subsequent writes to the buffer within the same frame should use WriteNoOverwrite. This will enable the CPU to access a resource that is potentially being used by the GPU as long as the restrictions described previously are respected.


Staging usage, means it's a system memory resource on each devices.

For cpu readback


Usage mask.

For anding off the high bits


Usage for stream output.

For vb & ibs, may be used as a texture


Usage for render target, it means the resource created from video memory and can be used as render-target for vb & ibs & textures, may be used as a render target/stream output buffer.

665  {
696  ResourceUsageMask = 0xf,
700  ResourceUsageStream = 0x10,
706  ResourceUsageTarget = 0x20,
707  };
@ ResourceUsageDynamic
If the resource contents are to be changed often, ResourceUsageDynamic is recommended to achieve fast...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:687
@ ResourceUsageMask
Usage mask.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:696
@ ResourceUsageTarget
Usage for render target, it means the resource created from video memory and can be used as render-ta...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:706
@ ResourceUsageStaging
Staging usage, means it's a system memory resource on each devices.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:692
@ ResourceUsageStream
Usage for stream output.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:700
@ ResourceUsageNormal
Normal usage, means it's a video memory resource Immutable or default depending on access.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:669

◆ QueryType

enum QueryType

Enums for QueryHandle, indicates which query types to issue.

Refer D3D11_QUERY in DirectX Graphics Document for detail.


Same as D3D11_QUERY_EVENT Determines whether or not the GPU is finished processing commands.


Same as D3D11_QUERY_OCCLUSION Get the number of samples that passed the depth and stencil tests in between QueryHandle::Begin() and QueryHandle::End().


Same as D3D11_QUERY_TIMESTAMP Get a timestamp value from QueryHandle::GetData()


Same as D3D11_QUERY_OCCLUSION_PREDICATE Return BOOL in QueryHandle::GetData(), indicates any pixels passes depth and stencil tests.


Same as D3D11_QUERY_SO_OVERFLOW_PREDICATE Indicates whether or not any of the streaming output buffers overflowed between QueryHandle::Begin() and QueryHandle::End().


Same as D3D11_QUERY_SO_STATISTICS Get streaming output statistics, such as the number of primitives streamed out in between QueryHandle::Begin() and QueryHandle::End().

713  {
717  QueryType_Event = 8,
726  QueryType_TimeStamp = 10,
740  QueryType_SO_Stats = 22
741  };
@ QueryType_SO_Stats
Same as D3D11_QUERY_SO_STATISTICS Get streaming output statistics, such as the number of primitives s...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:740
@ QueryType_Occlusion_Test
Same as D3D11_QUERY_OCCLUSION_PREDICATE Return BOOL in QueryHandle::GetData(), indicates any pixels p...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:730
@ QueryType_Occlusion
Same as D3D11_QUERY_OCCLUSION Get the number of samples that passed the depth and stencil tests in be...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:722
@ QueryType_Event
Same as D3D11_QUERY_EVENT Determines whether or not the GPU is finished processing commands.
Definition: RenderEnums.h:717
@ QueryType_TimeStamp
Same as D3D11_QUERY_TIMESTAMP Get a timestamp value from QueryHandle::GetData()
Definition: RenderEnums.h:726
@ QueryType_SO_Overflow_Test
Same as D3D11_QUERY_SO_OVERFLOW_PREDICATE Indicates whether or not any of the streaming output buffer...
Definition: RenderEnums.h:735

◆ ZBiasPresets

32 {
33  ZBiasPresets_Default = -1, //Auto z bias set by system
37 };
@ ZBiasPresets_Default
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:33
@ ZBiasPresets_Wireframe
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:35
@ ZBiasPresets_Shaded
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:34
@ ZBiasPresets_Gizmo
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:36

◆ RenderItemVisibilityGroup

This enum defines in what group a render item is visible.


By default, all render items are in default visible group.

That means the system will determine when the render item will be displayed based on the render item traits. If the render item is mesh, it will be displayed in shaded/realistic mode. If the render item is lines, it will be displayed in wireframe/edged faces mode. Any other render items including display callbacks will be displayed as gizmos.


This kind of render item will only be visible if visual style is shaded or realistic.


This kind of render item is visible in wireframe visual style, or edged faces is on, or "wireframe selected" is on and the node is selected.


This kind of render item is always visible, no matter what the visual style is.

42 {
66 };
@ RenderItemVisible_Unknown
By default, all render items are in default visible group.
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:50
@ RenderItemVisible_Wireframe
This kind of render item is visible in wireframe visual style, or edged faces is on,...
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:60
@ RenderItemVisible_Shaded
This kind of render item will only be visible if visual style is shaded or realistic.
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:55
@ RenderItemVisible_Gizmo
This kind of render item is always visible, no matter what the visual style is.
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:65

◆ ObjectComponentRequirement

This enum contains flags that can be combined together to specify which part is required by the node when updating render items.


Require solid mesh, it could be: vertex color mesh or general mesh.

This will be displayed in any viewport that requires smooth mesh.


Require wireframe mesh, this layer includes the edges.

This will be displayed in viewport that has "wireframe" or "hidden line" on.


Require vertex ticks.

This will be displayed when the node has "Vertex Ticks" display option on or the vertex tick sub-object be selected.


Require diagonals.

This is the dotted edge lines when user enabled "show edges" of a node and enable the wireframe mode of viewport.


one or more of the node is selected


one or more of the node is not selected


one or more of the node has the object property "Backface Cull" on.


one or more of the node has the object property "Vertex Channel Display" on and the active channel is soft selection

26 {
30  ObjectComponentSolidMesh = 0x00000001,
34  ObjectComponentWireframe = 0x00000002,
38  ObjectComponentVertexTicks = 0x00000004,
42  ObjectComponentDiagonal = 0x00000008,
45  ObjectComponentSelected = 0x00000010,
48  ObjectComponentUnselected = 0x00000020,
51  ObjectComponentBackfaceCull = 0x00000040,
56 };
@ ObjectComponentVertexColorSoftSelection
one or more of the node has the object property "Vertex Channel Display" on and the active channel is...
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:55
@ ObjectComponentSolidMesh
Require solid mesh, it could be: vertex color mesh or general mesh.
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:30
@ ObjectComponentUnselected
one or more of the node is not selected
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:48
@ ObjectComponentDiagonal
Require diagonals.
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:42
@ ObjectComponentSelected
one or more of the node is selected
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:45
@ ObjectComponentBackfaceCull
one or more of the node has the object property "Backface Cull" on.
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:51
@ ObjectComponentWireframe
Require wireframe mesh, this layer includes the edges.
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:34
@ ObjectComponentVertexTicks
Require vertex ticks.
Definition: UpdateDisplayContext.h:38

Function Documentation

◆ IsNumberType()

FragmentGraphAPI bool MaxSDK::Graphics::IsNumberType ( VarType  type)

Checks if the given type is number type.

[in]typetype value.
true if the type is a number type, (for example, char, wide char, int, double), false otherwise.

◆ IsCompatibleType()

FragmentGraphAPI bool MaxSDK::Graphics::IsCompatibleType ( VarType  lhs,
VarType  rhs 

Checks if two types can be converted to each other.

[in]lhsThe first type.
[in]rhsThe second type.
true if two types are equal or both are numbers, false otherwise.

◆ GetVertexStride()

DataBridgeAPI size_t MaxSDK::Graphics::GetVertexStride ( const VertexFieldType  type)

Get the vertex stride by a given vertex type, in bytes.

typethe vertex type.
the vertex stride, in bytes.

◆ GetIndexStride()

DataBridgeAPI size_t MaxSDK::Graphics::GetIndexStride ( const IndexType  type)

Get the index stride by a given index type, in bytes.

typethe index type.
the index stride, in bytes.

◆ CombineHashCode()

GraphicsDriverAPI size_t MaxSDK::Graphics::CombineHashCode ( size_t  seed,
size_t  hashCode 

A utility function for generating hash code.

size_t key = CombineHashCode(0, id.PartA()); //Initialize a new key
mHashKey = CombineHashCode(key, id.PartB()); //Combine new data with existing key
Definition: maxtypes.h:215
GraphicsDriverAPI size_t CombineHashCode(size_t seed, size_t hashCode)
A utility function for generating hash code.
new code from seed and hash code.

◆ GetIDisplayManager()

UtilExport IDisplayManager * GetIDisplayManager ( )

Helper function to access the IDisplayManager core interface.

A pointer to IDisplayManager

◆ IsRetainedModeEnabled()

bool MaxSDK::Graphics::IsRetainedModeEnabled ( )

Helper function to test whether the new viewport graphics system is running.

TRUE if new viewport graphics is active
79 {
80  IDisplayManager* pGraphicsManager = GetIDisplayManager();
81  return NULL != pGraphicsManager && pGraphicsManager->IsRetainedModeEnabled();
82 }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
UtilExport MaxSDK::Graphics::IDisplayManager * GetIDisplayManager()
Helper function to access the IDisplayManager core interface.

◆ IsHardwareHitTesting()

bool MaxSDK::Graphics::IsHardwareHitTesting ( ViewExp vpt)

Helper function to test whether the new viewport graphics system is performing hardware hit testing.

vptThe specific viewport in which we want to know whether we are performing hardware hit testing.
TRUE if new viewport graphics is performing hardware hit testing.
89 {
90  IDisplayManager* pGraphicsManager = GetIDisplayManager();
91  return NULL != pGraphicsManager && pGraphicsManager->IsHardwareHitTesting(vpt);
92 }

◆ operator==()

bool MaxSDK::Graphics::operator== ( void pPtr,
const RefPtr< RefObjectType, SafeRefObjectType, LifeTimePolicy > &  pInterface 
381 {
382  return pPtr == pInterface.GetPointer();
383 }

◆ operator!=()

bool MaxSDK::Graphics::operator!= ( void pPtr,
const RefPtr< RefObjectType, SafeRefObjectType, LifeTimePolicy > &  pInterface 
392 {
393  return pPtr != pInterface.GetPointer();
394 }

◆ MaxWorldMatrixToMatrix44()

GraphicsDriverAPI void MaxSDK::Graphics::MaxWorldMatrixToMatrix44 ( Matrix44 outMatrix,
const Matrix3 inMatrix 

Convert Matrix3 to Matrix44.

outMatrixthe Matrix44 output
inMatrixthe source Matrix3

◆ Matrix44ToMaxWorldMatrix()

GraphicsDriverAPI void MaxSDK::Graphics::Matrix44ToMaxWorldMatrix ( Matrix3 outMatrix,
const Matrix44 inMatrix 

Convert Matrix44 to Matrix3.

outMatrixthe Matrix3 output
inMatrixthe source Matrix44

◆ GetBuiltInMeshElementDescription()

GraphicsDriverAPI const MeshElementDescription& MaxSDK::Graphics::GetBuiltInMeshElementDescription ( BuiltInMeshElementDescription  type)

Get a specified built-in mesh element description.

typethe kind of built-in mesh element description
the specified mesh element description.

◆ GetDeviceCompatibleARGBColor()

GraphicsDriverAPI DWORD MaxSDK::Graphics::GetDeviceCompatibleARGBColor ( DWORD  color)

Use this function for TargetFormatA8R8G8B8 only.

DX10/11 doesn't support A8R8G8B8 which is only supported in DX9. So when we're using DX10/11 device, we will meet with color shift issue with the A8R8G8B8 format. So for a TargetHandle of TargetFormatA8R8G8B8, you may call this function to get a device compatible color.

colorThe original color data.
the original color for a DX9 device. For DX10/DX11 device, returns a color with red and blue channels swapped.

◆ GetTargetFormatPixelSize()

GraphicsDriverAPI size_t MaxSDK::Graphics::GetTargetFormatPixelSize ( TargetFormat  format)

Get the number of bytes for each pixel by a given target format.

formatThe given target format.
The number of bytes for each pixel by that given target format.

◆ GenerateInstanceData() [1/2]

GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateInstanceData ( Matrix3 worldTransforms,
size_t  count 

Generate the instance data from a Matrix3 array.

The input matrix array should contain object-to-world matrices. Each matrix is used to render an mesh instance. The return object VertexBufferHandle is needed by GenerateInstanceRenderItem(). Multiple instance render items can share the same VertexBufferHandle. The returned vertex buffer contains world matrices and inverse transpose world matrices. This function automatically compute inverse transpose world matrices from world matrices and then fill the buffer.
worldTransformspointer to world transform matrices. Each matrix is a instance of Mesh.
countthe number of the instances
the instance data handle.

◆ GenerateInstanceData() [2/2]

GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateInstanceData ( Point3 UVs,
Matrix3 worldTransforms,
size_t  count 

Generate the instance data from a texture coordinates array and a Matrix3 array.

The input matrix array should contain object-to-world matrices. Each matrix is used to render an mesh instance which can have different texture coordinate. The return object VertexBufferHandle is needed by GenerateInstanceRenderItem(). Multiple instance render items can sharing the same VertexBufferHandle. The returned vertex buffer contains texture coordinate, world matrices and inverse transpose world matrices. This function automatically compute inverse transpose world matrices from world matrices and then fill the buffer.
UVspointer to texture coordinate array.Each texture coordinate pair is for an instance of Mesh.
worldTransformspointer to world transform matrices. Each matrix is an instance of Mesh.
countthe number of the instances
the instance data handle.

◆ GenerateInstanceRenderItem()

GraphicsDriverAPI bool MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateInstanceRenderItem ( RenderItemHandle hInstanceRenderItem,
const RenderItemHandle hTupleMeshHandle,
const VertexBufferHandle hInstanceData 

Generate the instance render item from a tuple mesh and a Matrix3 array.

Instance rendering is a way to draw many objects that use the same geometry. These objects shares same materials and modifiers. The only difference between objects is world transformation. You can specify a matrix array for the mesh, then the mesh will be drawn for many times. Each corresponds to a matrix in the array. Typical usage of these instance functions should like following:
//Sample code fragment in IDisplay::UpdateDisplay()
//1. Generate render items from mesh.
mesh.GenerateRenderItems(tempRenderItemArray, generateRenderItemsContext);
//2. Generate instance data. The data can be shared by multiply instance render items.
MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateInstanceData(Matrices, NumberOfMatrices);
//3. Check all of the render items and covert them to instance render item.
for (size_t i = 0; i < tempRenderItemArray.length(); ++i)
//4. Try to generate instance render item. Only tuple mesh render item can convert to instance render item
if (MaxSDK::Graphics::GenerateInstanceRenderItem(hInstanceItem, tempRenderItemArray[i], hInstanceData))
//If the function succeeded, add the generated instance render item to final render item array(mRenderItemHandles).
mRenderItemHandles.append(hInstanceItem) ;
//If the function failed, add original render item to the final array(mRenderItemHandles).
//Typically this render item is other render item type like immediate render item.
This is the base wrapper class for all viewport render items.
Definition: RenderItemHandle.h:92
VertexBufferHandle is a memory buffer that contain vertex data.
Definition: VertexBufferHandle.h:24
GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle GenerateInstanceData(Matrix3 *worldTransforms, size_t count)
Generate the instance data from a Matrix3 array.
GraphicsDriverAPI bool GenerateInstanceRenderItem(RenderItemHandle &hInstanceRenderItem, const RenderItemHandle &hTupleMeshHandle, const VertexBufferHandle &hInstanceData)
Generate the instance render item from a tuple mesh and a Matrix3 array.
hInstanceRenderItemthe instance render item handle which can replace original tuple mesh render item.
hTupleMeshHandlehandle of a tuple mesh render item
hInstanceDatahandle generated by GenerateInstanceData
true if successful created the instance render item.

◆ GetActiveShadeFragmentFromActiveViewport()

ViewSystemAPI IActiveShadeFragment* MaxSDK::Graphics::GetActiveShadeFragmentFromActiveViewport ( )

Get the ActiveShade fragment from the active viewport.

Link your project using this function with ViewSystem.lib as MaxSDK::Graphics::IActiveShadeFragment* MaxSDK::Graphics::GetActiveShadeFragmentFromActiveViewport() is implemented in ViewSystem.

a IActiveShadeFragment pointer or nullptr is something failed for some reason, such as you are querying this ActiveShadeFragment on a viewport that is not a 3D viewport.

◆ IsGpuPresent()

UtilExport bool MaxSDK::Graphics::IsGpuPresent ( )

Method that verifies if at least one GPU is present on the current system.

true if at least one GPU is present, false otherwise

Variable Documentation

◆ TYPE_ID_Char

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Char

Built-in char input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_UnsignedChar

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedChar

Built-in unsigned char input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_WideChar

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_WideChar

Built-in wchar_t input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_Short

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Short

Built-in short input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_UnsignedShort

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedShort

Built-in unsigned short input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.


FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Int

Built-in int input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt

Built-in unsigned int input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_Long

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Long

Built-in long input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_UnsignedLong

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedLong

Built-in unsigned long input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_Int64

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Int64

Built-in __int64 input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt64

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt64

Built-in unsigned __int64 input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_Float

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Float

Built-in float input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_Double

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Double

Built-in double input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_StringA

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_StringA

Built-in multi-byte string input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_StringW

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_StringW

Built-in Unicode string input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.

◆ TYPE_ID_Dictionary

FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Dictionary

Built-in dictionary input/output type.

This can be used in the constructor of class Input/Output.


const size_t TIMER_NONE = (size_t)-1

Use this value to unregister a timer with a fragment.

See also
Fragment::SetTimerTicks(DWORD timerTicks)

◆ EmptyIndexBufferHandle

GraphicsDriverAPI IndexBufferHandle EmptyIndexBufferHandle

◆ EmptySmartHandleArray

GraphicsDriverAPI MaxSDK::Array<SmartHandle> EmptySmartHandleArray

◆ EmptyTargetHandle

GraphicsDriverAPI TargetHandle EmptyTargetHandle


const Identifier NIL_ID = (Identifier)-1

Invalid id value.

◆ EmptyVertexBufferHandle

GraphicsDriverAPI VertexBufferHandle EmptyVertexBufferHandle

◆ EmptyVertexBufferHandleArray

GraphicsDriverAPI MaxSDK::Array<VertexBufferHandle> EmptyVertexBufferHandleArray