C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// This example demonstrates how to use the PointOnSurface manipulator in the
// API. This example uses three classes to accomplish this task: First, a
// context command (surfaceBumpContext) is provided to create instances of
// the context. Next, a custom selection context (SurfaceBumpContext) is
// created to manage the surface manipulator. Finally, the surface
// manipulator is provided as a custom node class.
// Loading and unloading:
// The surface bump manipulator context can be created with the following
// MEL commands:
// surfaceBumpContext;
// setToolTo surfaceBumpContext1;
// If the preceding commands were used to create the manipulator context,
// the following commands can destroy it:
// deleteUI surfaceBumpContext1;
// deleteUI surfaceBumpManip;
// If the plugin is loaded and unloaded frequently (such as during testing),
// it is useful to make these command sequences into shelf buttons.
// To create the tool button for the plug-in:
// (1) Create a new shelf named "Shelf1".
// (2) Execute the following MEL commands to create the tool button in this shelf:
// surfaceBumpContext;
// setParent Shelf1;
// toolButton -cl toolCluster -t surfaceBumpContext1 -i1 "moveManip.xpm";
// How to use:
// Select the tool button, and then click on a NURBS surface object. The PointOnSurface
// manipulator should appear on the object. Then, drag the manipulator over
// the surface of the object and a bump should appear on the CV nearest to
// the manipulator. If the bump is too small, try adjusting the BUMP_SCALE
// value and recompile.
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MFn.h>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxManipContainer.h>
#include <maya/MPxSelectionContext.h>
#include <maya/MPxContextCommand.h>
#include <maya/MModelMessage.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MManipData.h>
#include <maya/MItDependencyNodes.h>
#include <maya/MItDependencyGraph.h>
#include <maya/MFnNurbsSurface.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
// Manipulators
#include <maya/MFnPointOnSurfaceManip.h>
// BUMP_SCALE is the factor indicating how far the bump created by the
// manipulator should protrude from the object surface. The value is treated
// as a distance in object space. Note that this value is how far the CV is
// moved away from the surface, not the actual distance that the surface is
// moved at the point.
static const double BUMP_SCALE = 0.5;
// This is a utility method used to find the surface plug that should be used
// to connect a pointOnSurface manipulator to a surface. The method takes the
// input node (which must be a DAG node whose child is the nurbs shape) and
// finds the nurbs shape node (shape) and the surface plug (plug).
MStatus findSurfacePlug(const MObject& node, MPlug& plug, MObject& shape) {
if (!node.hasFn(MFn::kDagNode))
MGlobal::displayError("Nodes passed to findSurfacePlug must be DAG"
" nodes");
return MS::kFailure;
MFnDagNode nodeFn(node);
if (nodeFn.childCount() != 1)
MGlobal::displayError("DAG node must have 1 child");
return MS::kFailure;
shape = nodeFn.child(0);
MGlobal::displayError("Child node is not a nurbs surface");
return MS::kFailure;
// Find the connection to the create attribute on the shape node.
MFnDependencyNode shapeNode(shape);
plug = shapeNode.findPlug("create", true);
return MS::kSuccess;
// surfaceBumpManip
// This class implements the example pointOnSurface manipulator
class surfaceBumpManip : public MPxManipContainer
~surfaceBumpManip() override;
static void * creator();
static MStatus initialize();
MStatus createChildren() override;
MStatus connectToDependNode(const MObject &node) override;
void draw(M3dView &view,
const MDagPath &path,
M3dView::DisplayStatus status) override;
// Callback function
MManipData surfacePointChangedCallback(unsigned index);
static MTypeId id;
MDagPath fPointOnSurfaceManip;
MObject fSurfaceShape;
// Previous parameters
int saved_u,saved_v;
// Previous position of the CV
MPoint savedPoint;
unsigned dummyPlugIndex;
MTypeId surfaceBumpManip::id( 0x80023 );
surfaceBumpManip::surfaceBumpManip() : saved_u(-1),saved_v(-1)
// The constructor must not call createChildren for user-defined
// manipulators.
void *surfaceBumpManip::creator()
return new surfaceBumpManip();
MStatus surfaceBumpManip::initialize()
MStatus surfaceBumpManip::createChildren()
// Add the pointOnSurface manip
fPointOnSurfaceManip = addPointOnSurfaceManip("surfaceBumpManip", "point");
MFnPointOnSurfaceManip pointOnSurfaceManip(fPointOnSurfaceManip);
return stat;
MStatus surfaceBumpManip::connectToDependNode(const MObject &node)
MStatus stat;
MFnPointOnSurfaceManip pointOnSurfaceManip(fPointOnSurfaceManip);
// Connect to the nurbs surface plug. The surface plug indicates the
// surface that should be used as the source for the uv manipulation.
MPlug surfacePlug;
findSurfacePlug(node, surfacePlug, fSurfaceShape);
if (!surfacePlug.isNull())
MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Using surface plug: ") + surfacePlug.name());
stat = pointOnSurfaceManip.connectToSurfacePlug(surfacePlug);
if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) {
MGlobal::displayError("Could not connect surface plug");
return stat;
else {
MGlobal::displayError("Error finding surface plug");
return MS::kFailure;
// Add a dynamic attribute to the node to be computed by the manipToPlug
// conversion function. For this manipulator, the manipToPlug conversion
// function is used as a callback so this plug is just a placeholder.
// Note that this plugin leaves the dummy plugs on the nodes it manipulates.
MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(node);
MPlug dummyPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("dummyPlug", true, &stat);
if (dummyPlug.isNull())
MFnNumericAttribute attributeFn;
MObject attr = attributeFn.create("dummyPlug", "dp", MFnNumericData::k3Double);
dummyPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("dummyPlug", true, &stat);
if (dummyPlug.isNull())
MGlobal::displayError("Could not find dummyPlug on the manipulator.");
return MS::kFailure;
// Create a manipToPlug callback for the param plug. For now, the plug
// that is computed is irrelevant (we only care about the callback being
// invoked), so we pass in the dummy plug.
dummyPlugIndex = addManipToPlugConversionCallback(dummyPlug,
// Retrieve the transformation from the object and set it in the
// manipulator. This allows the manipulator to display with the object
// it is manipulating.
MFnTransform transform(node);
MTransformationMatrix matrix = transform.transformation();
return stat;
void surfaceBumpManip::draw(M3dView & view,
const MDagPath & path,
// Uses default manipulator drawing to draw the pointOnSurface manip
MPxManipContainer::draw(view, path, style, status);
MManipData surfaceBumpManip::surfacePointChangedCallback(unsigned index) {
// Always return (0.0,0.0,0.0) to the dummy plug.
MFnNumericData numericData;
MObject obj = numericData.create( MFnNumericData::k3Double );
if (index != dummyPlugIndex)
MGlobal::displayError("Invalid index in surface point changed callback!");
return obj;
MFnNurbsSurface nurbsSurface(fSurfaceShape);
// Get the parameter values from the node
double u = 0.0;
double v = 0.0;
MFnPointOnSurfaceManip pointOnSurfaceManip(fPointOnSurfaceManip);
// Uncomment to see the parameters that are received by the callback.
MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Num CVs are: ") +
nurbsSurface.numSpansInU() + "," + nurbsSurface.numSpansInV());
MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Parameters are: ") + u + "," + v);
// Snap the parameters to the nearest CV. This code assumes that CVs are
// a unit distance apart in both the U and V directions.
int u_int = 0;
int v_int = 0;
if (nurbsSurface.formInU() == MFnNurbsSurface::kPeriodic)
u_int = (int)(floor(u+1.5)) % nurbsSurface.numSpansInU();
if (u_int < 0)
u_int += nurbsSurface.numSpansInU();
else {
u_int = (int)(floor(u+1.5));
if (nurbsSurface.formInV() == MFnNurbsSurface::kPeriodic)
v_int = (int)(floor(v+1.5)) % nurbsSurface.numSpansInV();
if (v_int < 0)
v_int += nurbsSurface.numSpansInV();
else {
v_int = (int)(floor(v+1.5));
// Uncomment to see the CVs that were determined from the parameters.
MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Int params are: ") + u_int + "," + v_int);
// Is it the same CV?
if (u_int == saved_u && v_int == saved_v)
return MManipData(obj);
// Is it the first one? We need a special case to initialize the class
// variables.
if (saved_u == -1)
saved_u = u_int;
saved_v = v_int;
// Set the old CV back
// Get the position for this CV and store the u and v values
saved_u = u_int;
saved_v = v_int;
// Move the CV out by the normal
MPoint perturbedPosition = savedPoint +
return MManipData(obj);
// SurfaceBumpContext
// This class is a simple context for supporting a pointOnSurface manip.
class SurfaceBumpContext : public MPxSelectionContext
void toolOnSetup(MEvent &event) override;
void toolOffCleanup() override;
// Callback issued when selection list changes
static void updateManipulators(void * data);
MCallbackId id1;
MString str("Plugin Surface Bump Manipulator");
void SurfaceBumpContext::toolOnSetup(MEvent &)
MString str("Drag the manipulator around the surface");
MStatus status;
this, &status);
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayError("Model addCallback failed");
void SurfaceBumpContext::toolOffCleanup()
MStatus status;
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayError("Model remove callback failed");
void SurfaceBumpContext::updateManipulators(void * data)
SurfaceBumpContext * ctxPtr = (SurfaceBumpContext *) data;
MItSelectionList iter(list, MFn::kInvalid, &stat);
if (MS::kSuccess == stat) {
for (; !iter.isDone(); iter.next()) {
// Make sure the selection list item is a depend node and has the
// required plugs before manipulating it.
MObject dependNode;
if (dependNode.isNull() || !dependNode.hasFn(MFn::kDependencyNode))
MGlobal::displayWarning("Object in selection list is not "
"a depend node.");
// Add manipulator to the selected object
MString manipName ("surfaceBumpManip");
MObject manipObject;
surfaceBumpManip* manipulator =
(surfaceBumpManip *) surfaceBumpManip::newManipulator(
if (NULL != manipulator) {
// Add the manipulator
// Connect the manipulator to the object in the selection list.
if (!manipulator->connectToDependNode(dependNode))
MFnDependencyNode dependNodeFn(dependNode);
MGlobal::displayWarning("Error connecting manipulator to"
" object: " + dependNodeFn.name());
// surfaceBumpContext
// This is the command that will be used to create instances
// of our context.
class surfaceBumpContext : public MPxContextCommand
surfaceBumpContext() {};
MPxContext * makeObj() override;
static void* creator();
MPxContext *surfaceBumpContext::makeObj()
return new SurfaceBumpContext();
void *surfaceBumpContext::creator()
return new surfaceBumpContext;
// The following routines are used to register/unregister
// the context and manipulator
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "6.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerContextCommand("surfaceBumpContext",
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayError("Error registering surfaceBumpContext command");
return status;
status = plugin.registerNode("surfaceBumpManip", surfaceBumpManip::id,
&surfaceBumpManip::creator, &surfaceBumpManip::initialize,
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayError("Error registering surfaceBumpManip node");
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
status = plugin.deregisterContextCommand("surfaceBumpContext");
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayError("Error deregistering surfaceBumpContext command");
return status;
status = plugin.deregisterNode(surfaceBumpManip::id);
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayError("Error deregistering surfaceBumpManip node");
return status;
return status;