Working with the manual density map controls

Applies to 2020.2 Update and later

Controls to modify density map data manually, and how to use them

To edit a density map, select a part, then choose Home > Generate Supports.

Then, from the toolbar, choose either of the available density map controls.

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Density map controls

Editing the density map is done by a the control gizmo that can be moved around the build platform.

The three panes show a color-coded cross section of the volumetric map at its current location. Teal color represents zero density change, yellow and red an increase, and blue a decrease in density. Shown here is the editor for spherical changes.

Control overview


Offers a slider to modify the size of the volume affected by any change.


Provides a slider to modify the local density change information. Releasing the slider applies the change immediately, and any affected supports are recalculated.


Resets the local map volume to no change.

Reset All

Resets the entire map to no change.

Align on Part

Click this button once, then once somewhere on a part to position the control's center on the part surface at the chosen location.

Set Clipping

Positions the clipping planes at the density map controls.

Note: This only positions the clipping planes but will not switch any visibility or transparency. Use the clipping planes controls to do this as required.

To move the density map controls

The control can be moved in multiple ways:


To modify a density map locally

Click and hold Density, then move the mouse to move the appearing size slider. Release the mouse button once the desired density change is reached to apply the modification.

Tip: The change of the density is cumulative. If the desired density is not reached in one single adjustment, let go and then use the size slider again. If you require finer control of consecutive and possibly overlapping changes, choose the Surface Density Map Editor instead and use the controls provided in the context view.
Important: To affect any of the supports in the modified area, you will need to modify or generate them accordingly: In the support properties, switch Use density map to Yes. You can do this either when editing the actual entity or when setting up the relevant support action in a script.

To adjust the volume of effect

Changes to the density map are applied over the size visualized by the three teal planes. The actual change is a spherical volumetric hotspot in the center of the three planes.

Click and hold Size, then move the mouse to move the appearing size slider. Release the mouse button when the desired size is reached.

Tip: The change of the size is cumulative. If the desired size is not reached in one single adjustment, let go and then use the size slider again. If you require finer control over the area and volume to be affected, choose the Surface Density Map Editor instead and use the controls provided in the context view.

To reset a density map locally

Place the density controls at the location where you want to reset the map, then click Reset.

Remember: This resets the density map only at that location, and only over the space of a sphere centered on the controls. This also applies to the surface area specified using the Surface Density Map Editor.

To reset the entire density map

Click Reset All to reset the entire density map for the current part to no change regardless of the control's current location. If you're using the Surface Density Map Editor, use the button Reset whole density to default in the context view.
