Profile (drilling)

Use the Profile page to determines the toolpath leads, and optionally, the thickness of the final profiling pass. At each depth, the tool moves on to the edge of the hole using a circular arc lead with a straight extension, cuts a circle, and then moves back to the centre with a circular arc lead and straight extension.

Note: This page is available only if you select a Cycle type of Profile on the main Drilling page.

Lead distance — Enter the distance of the lead move before (or after) the drilling toolpath. This is not the length of the arc but the straight line distance from the start point to a point on the circumference of the circle.

Overlap angle — Enter the angle (between 0 and 90) over which the profile overlaps.

Final profile pass — Select to have a different allowance for the final profiling pass.

Note: This option is available when Spiral is not selected on the main page.

Allowance — Enter the thickness of the final profiling pass. This value must be less than the radius of the flat end of the tool.

Spiral — When selected, creates a spiral toolpath. The toolpath moves from the centre of each hole with a "tear drop" lead and spirals out using the Stepover defined on the Profile page.

Note: This option is available if you select a Cycle type of Profile and deselect Drilling cycle output.

Stepover — Enter the distance between successive machining passes.

Note: You cannot have a Final profile pass with a Spiral toolpath.