Hole Feature Sets menu

Use the Hole Feature Sets menu to create and manage hole feature sets in the current project.

To display the menu, in the Explorer, right-click Hole Feature Sets.

Create Hole Feature Set — Select to create a Hole Feature Set in the Explorer.

Create Holes — Select to create holes, using the Create Hole dialog. For more information see Creating holes from a model.

Import — Select to read-in holes from an *.xml file. It displays the Open XML File dialog.

Export — Select to save holes as an *.xml file. It displays the Export Feature Set dialog.

Hole Feature Set Names — Select to specify the template used to name new hole feature sets, or individual holes. Select an entity (Hole Feature or Hole) to modify its naming convention.

This controls the naming convention used when creating multiple entities.

Folder Names — Select to specify the template used for all new folders.

These menu options control the naming convention used when creating multiple folders.

Deactivate — Select to deactivate the currently active hole feature set.

Draw All — Select to display all hole feature sets on the screen .

Undraw All — Select to hide all hole feature sets on the screen .

Select Holes — Click to select holes by a number of different criteria.

Find Hole Intersections — Select to automatically find all the hole intersections. This is useful if you want to vary feed rates at hole intersections.

Converts this:

to this:

Note: This creates the intersections on all intersecting holes, not just those in the active hole feature set.

Delete All Hole Intersections — Select to automatically delete all the hole intersections.

Converts this:

to this:

Edit > Delete Selected Holes — Select to delete the hole feature set that is selected in the graphics window.

Create Folder — Select to create a folder so you can organise entities in the Explorer. You can rename a folder in the normal way and drag and drop entities into it. See Explorer for more information.

Delete All — Select to delete all the hole feature sets.