The status bar button for the calculation queue changes as the status of the queue changes. It displays one of the following:
Calculation Queue Idle — When displayed, there are no entities in the calculation queue.
Calculation Queue Processing — When displayed, PowerMill is calculating (in the background) entities that are in the queue. This calculation is performed only when PowerMill would otherwise be idle.
Calculation Queue Complete — When displayed, all entities placed in the calculation queue have been processed.
Click any of these Calculation Queue buttons to display the Calculation Queue dialog.
In this case, three toolpaths are in the calculation queue.
Clean up Queue — Click to remove any calculated entities from the calculation queue.
Remove entity from Queue — Select an entity in the list and click
to remove that entity from the queue. This does not delete the entity, but only removes it from the calculation queue.
For more information see Background Calculations and Viewing calculation queue warnings.