Create a Contour Cut on Steel Framing Elements and Plates

Create a contour cut on selected faces of a steel framing element or a plate.

To create a contour cut

  1. Click Steel tab Modifiers panel (Contour Cut).
  2. Select a steel element face on which to sketch the contour cut.
  3. Use the sketch tools on the Draw panel to draw the shape of the contour.
  4. Click Modify | Create Contour tab Mode panel (Finish Edit Mode).

    The cut is created perpendicular to the selected face of the element, according to the sketched contour.

  5. Select the contour to access its properties in the Properties palette.
Plates and contour cuts are only visible when the Detail Level of the view is set to Fine.
Note: Contour cuts can only be created on planar faces and you cannot modify their position or sketch contour after creating them.