To Edit Columns in a Schedule Table

Use this procedure to change placement and formats for columns in schedule tables created from a schedule table style. You can also delete a column. When you modify columns within a schedule table style, changes apply to all schedule tables of the same style and override the default format settings.

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.

    The Style Manager is displayed with the current drawing expanded in the tree view.

  2. Expand Documentation Objects, and expand Schedule Table Styles.
  3. Select the schedule table style that you want to change.
  4. Click the Columns tab.
  5. Select a column, and click Modify.
  6. Specify properties for the column:
    If you want to… Then…
    change the column heading enter the new column heading for Heading.
    change the format and orientation for cells in the column click Override Cell Format, and specify format settings that apply only to data cells in this column.
    change the format and orientation for the column heading click Override Header Format, and specify format settings that apply only to data cells in this column.
    use a matrix format for the values in this column select Matrix, and enter the maximum number of columns used to report the values for the selected property.
    report a total value from all the values in this column select Total.
    hide the column from view in the drawing select Hide.
    Note: Hiding a column does not change the data displayed in it or any other column in the table. It only affects the display of the data.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Change the order of columns:
    If you want to… Then…
    move an individual column select the column heading, and drag the column to a new location.
    move a group of columns that have a common heading that spans the columns select the common heading, and drag the column group to a new location.
    remove a column from a column group select the heading for the column group, and click Delete. Hold down Shift or Ctrl to select multiple columns. In the Remove Columns/Headers dialog box, select the columns or headers to be deleted, and click OK.
    add a column in a column group Select the columns to include in the column group, and click Add Header. Hold down Shift or Ctrl to select multiple columns. In the Add Header dialog box, enter the heading name. If you want to change the header format, click Override Header Format.
  9. To delete a column, select the column, and click Delete.
  10. To use a different property in a column, delete the column, and add a new column with the property you want to use.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Note: Property data format styles, property set definitions, and schedule table styles cannot be changed through RefEdit. Changes seem to work, but will revert to the previous settings when saved back to the xref file. Open the xref drawing directly, and make the changes there.