Common modifier attributes
Most modifiers have these common attributes.
- Mute
- Turn on to temporally disable the effect of the modifier.
- Mask
- Lets you control how the modifier affects hair in specified areas on the surface of the character mesh using a texture map. For example, use a
Mask to connect a texture file node that masks out the effect of the modifier. See
Work with masks.
- Magnitude
- Specific to the
Guide, and
Linear Wire modifiers. Sets the strength of the modifier’s effect on the hair by changing the amount of control vertices displaced on each hair strand.
- Magnitude Scale
- Specific to the
Guide, and
Linear Wire modifiers. Lets you vary
Magnitude values along the length of each hair starting at the hair root to its tip.
Set attributes using ramps.
Sculpt modifier
- Sculpt Layers
- Sets the weight (influence) of that sculpt layer to a value between 0.000 and 1.000. A values of 0 means that the sculpt layer has no effect on the hair or fur. A value of 1 applies 100 percent of its influence. This attribute is the same as the in the weight control in the
XGen Interactive Groom Editor.
Work with sculpt layers.
Scale modifier
- Scale
- Global control for the length of each hair.