Divided Path Layout Types

In a conceptual design, the Layout instance parameter of divided paths specifies how the nodes are placed along the path.

The layouts are defined as follows:


This removes nodes created with the Divide Path tool and affects the path in the same way as the Layout tool.

A divided path must have at least two segments (one node) to remain divided. If intersecting nodes have not been applied to the divided path, you will not be able to use the Layout tool.

Fixed Number

The Fixed Number layout is the default layout when the Divide Path tool is used. It specifies the number of nodes distributed evenly along a path. By default the path will divide into 5 segments with 6 equidistant nodes (Imperial templates) or 4 segments with 5 equidistant nodes (metric templates).

Note: This differs from dividing surfaces. Dividing surfaces by a number of divisions results in that many panels. For example a horizontal grid setting of 6 will create six rows.
Important: When a Measurement Type of Chord Length is used with just a few division points for a complex path, the resulting sequence of points may not approximate the curve closely as shown. This happens when the beginning and end points of the path are relatively close to each other.
Fixed Distance

The Fixed Distance layout specifies a distance between nodes. By default, a node is placed at the beginning of the path and a new node is placed at intervals defined by the Distance instance property of the path.

The first node can also be specified at the Center or End of the path by specifying the Justification instance property.

Minimum Distance

The Minimum Distance layout distributes nodes evenly along a path with a minimum distance between nodes. This distribution is constrained by the Minimum Distance instance property of the path.

Maximum Distance

The Maximum Distance layout distributes nodes evenly along a path with a maximum distance between nodes. This distribution is constrained by the Maximum Distance instance property of the path.