Specify Default Divide Settings

Use the Default Divide Settings dialog to specify default division settings when using the Divide Surface and Divide Path tools.

  1. Select a line or form.
  2. Click Modify | <Element> tab Divide panel
  3. Adjust the following settings for U Grid, V Grid, and Layout node placement.
    • Number: A fixed number of evenly distributed divisions.
    • Distance: A fixed distance of placement from the first division.
    • Maximum Distance: Specifies that divisions distribute evenly within a maximum distance until the extents of the surface or path have been met.
    • Minimum Distance: Specifies that divisions distribute evenly with a minimum distance until the extents of the surface or path have been met.
    • Measurement Type: Specifies how the distance between nodes is measured. Either Chord Length (straight line between nodes), or Segment Length (along the path between nodes).

All future divisions of surfaces and paths will use these settings until adjusted again. Default divide settings are stored in the current document and can vary between files.