AREA [figure] |
Lists the area and perimeter of a figure
BEG [figure] |
Begins a new figure
C3 |
Draws a 3-point curve
Closes a figure
Closes a figure
CLOSE RECT [offset] |
Closes a figure
CONT [figure] |
Continues a figure to add additional vertices to it
CRV [DELTA, LENGTH, DEFL, MID, STR, CHORD] [radius] [value] |
Creates a curve in the current figure
DEL FIG [figure] |
Deletes a figure from the drawing
Lists all the existing figure names in the current drawing
Indicates the end of a figure
FIG AD [angle] [distance] |
Creates a figure vertex using an angle and distance
FIG DD [deflection] [distance] |
Creates a figure vertex using a deflection angle and distance
FIG ZD [whole circle bearing] [distance] |
Creates a figure vertex using a whole circle bearing and distance
FIG BD [quadrant bearing] [quadrant] [distance] |
Creates a figure vertex using a quadrant bearing and distance
FIG NE [northing] [easting] |
Creates a figure vertex using known coordinates
Identifies a figure
INVERSE FIG [figure] |
Displays the exact closure (inverse) information for a figure
Starts a multi-point curve within an active figure
Ends a multi-point curve within an active figure
MAPCHECK [figure] |
Displays mapcheck information for a figure
OFFSET [figure] [distance] |
Offsets a figure
PC |
Specifies that the next shot is a point of curvature
POINT [point] |
Selects an existing point to be the next vertex in the figure
RT [distance] |
Defines a right turn in a figure
SET (point) |
Creates a point at the current location in a figure
START [figure] |
Extends a figure from the start point
XC ZD (BULB) [radius] [chord whole circle bearing] [chord distance] |
Creates a curve using the chord whole circle bearing
XC BD (BULB) [radius] [chord quadrant bearing] [quadrant] [chord distance] |
Creates a curve using the chord quadrant bearing
XC AD (BULB) [radius] [chord angle] [chord distance] |
Creates a non-tangential curve
XC DD (BULB) [radius] [chord deflection] [chord distance] |
Creates a curve using the chord deflection
XC C3 [point on curve] [end point] |
Creates a curve using a point on the curve
XC PTS [radius] [radius point] [end point] |
Creates the curve radius