Physical Material Parameters

The Physical Material has Standard and Advanced parameters to encourage the best-practice use of avoiding non-physical adjustments, while not making them impossible.

The user interface for the Physical Material has two modes: Standard and Advanced. Advanced mode is a superset of Standard mode, including hidden parameters. The Physical Material has Standard and Advanced parameters to encourage the best-practice use of avoiding non-physical adjustments, while not making them impossible. In most cases, the parameters in the Standard mode are sufficient to make most physically plausible materials.

Advanced parameters include:

The material has a few parameters that drive a large part of the behaviour, one of which is the Metalness.

The Metalness interpolates between two basic underlying shading models:

On top of this base material is an optional coating layer.

Base Color and Reflection

Base Color and Reflection are the reflection off the surface as well as diffuse reflections, which are reflections in the very top layer of colored particles inside the material.


Base Color/Diffuse

Reflections are driven by an angular function that varies with the angle of the view to the surface. This angular function is generally a Fresnel function based on the IOR parameter, but can also be a custom hand-made curve (in Advanced parameter mode). Below it will just be written as the "angular function".
  • When Metalness is 0.0, the base weight and color defines the material's diffuse reflectance. The reflective layer that has the reflection weight and color (only shown in Advanced parameter mode) with the weight multiplied by the angular function.
  • When Metalness is 1.0, the base weight and color defines the reflectance of the metallic reflections. The angular function interpolates between that color (for reflections facing the viewer) and the reflection color (for reflections on the edges).
    Note: Metals are always reflective and the reflection weight is ignored.

The roughness of the reflections are defined by the reflective roughness parameters; where 0.0 is a completely smooth and mirror-like surface, and 1.0 is an extremely rough, diffuse looking surface. You can invert the interpretation, causing 0.0 to instead be interpreted as extremely rough, and 1.0 to be mirror smooth. This is to facilitate the re-use of existing traditional shininess or glossiness maps, which have the opposite interpretation.

When Metalness is 0.0, you see a colored base layer with a generally white reflection on top. Note how the reflective intensity is perceived to be weaker as roughness goes up, because light energy is spread wider.

Metalness=0.0 and Roughness=0.0, 0.3 and 0.6 respectively

When Metalness is 1.0, you do not see the base layer, just the colored reflection. The reflection color comes from the base color and base weight, except on edges where it comes from the reflection color (generally white).

Metalness=1.0 and Roughness=0.0, 0.3, and 0.6 respectively

The IOR parameter (Index of Refraction) defines the material's Fresnel reflectivity, and is by default the angular function used. The alternative is a curve you manually define in the Advanced parameters. Effectively the IOR will define the balance between reflections on surfaces facing the viewer and on surface edges. You can see the reflection intensity on the teapot's lid remains unchanged but the reflection intensity on the front side of the teapot changes a lot.

IOR=1.2, 1.5 and 2.0 respectively


The transparency sets how opaque or see-through the object appears. Light will be refracted and can be colored by the surface or potentially be absorbed in the material.


The Roughness defines the transparency's clarity, where 0.0 is clear like window glass and higher values appear like frosted glass. By default, the transparency roughness value locked as the same as the reflectivity roughness. You can unlink the values by deselecting the lock icon.

Roughness=0.0, 0.3 and 0.6 respectively

The Depth parameter enables absorption into the material. If the depth is 0.0, a traditional computer graphics model of transparency is used, where light becomes colored at the surface and is not effected by travelling inside the medium. Therefore the object's thickness has no affect.


However, if the depth is not 0.0, the light will be effected by absorption in the medium in such a way that at the designated depth light will have the given color.

Depth=0.1cm, 1.0cm and 5.0cm respectively

Transparency can also be thin-walled. This is useful for cases where the model's faces do not represent the boundary surface of a solid, but are considered a thin shell. In this mode, depth has no effect and light does not refract when passing through the material.
Note: Light will still scatter based on roughness.

Thin-walled Transparency

The Thin-walled parameter makes objects appear as if they are made of a thin shell of material, rather than being solid. This can be used when modelling windows by a single face.


Sub-surface Scattering and Translucency

This parameter models scattering of light inside the object. Unlike transparency, which makes the object see-through, sub-surface scattering is about transporting light within the material without actually being able to see through it in any meaningful way. Light is bounced around and different wavelengths are absorbed differently, allowing the light to become colored the further it travels in the material.

Sub-surface Scattering

The Sub-Surface Scattering (SSS) parameter shares its energy with diffuse shading, so increasing its weight fades from normal diffuse shading to shading with SSS. The SSS Color is the color at the surface, essentially the colorization of the entire SSS effect.

SSS Weight=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 respectively

The Depth parameter defines how deeply light penetrates into the object. Scale is a pure linear scale to depth that can be texture-mapped, allowing the scale to change across the object. When the depth is 0.0, the shading is effectively identical to pure diffuse shading. The higher the depth, the more light penetrates the object.

SSS Depth=0.0, 0.1 and 1.0 respectively

The Scatter Color parameter defines how light gets tinted as it travels inside the medium. Technically, the depth multiplied by the scale is the mean free path of scattering within the medium and the scatter color is an additional scale factor for the red, green and blue paths.

White surface color with Scatter Color=blue, green and red respectively

Generally, red light scatters further than green, which scatters further than blue. For this reason, the default Scatter Color of 1.0, 0.5 and 0.25 is a reasonable starting point.

When Thin-Walled mode is enabled, it becomes classic translucency. This is because SSS is a volumetric effect and Thin-Walled mode has no volume.

Thin-walled Translucency

The appearance of this effect is like a thin sheet of paper letting some light through to the back side. In the following example, this effect is illustrated by placing a square in the scene and modifying the light direction.

Translucency=0.0, 0.25 and 1.0 respectively

Note: Since Translucency=1.0 means all lights come from the reverse side and no light from the facing side, it is not a physically realistic setting. In general, when used in Translucency mode, the weight should not be above 0.5.


The Physical Material supports an emissive component, additive light on top of other shading. Emission identity is defined by the weight and color multiplied by the luminence, and also tinted by the Kelvin color temperature (where 6500=white).

Luminance=1500, 5000 and 50000 respectively

Kelvin color temperature=3000, 6500 and 10000 respectively


Anisotropy is an effect seen in materials such as brushed metal, where a particular grain direction gives the visual effect of having a different surface roughness in different directions. Highlights and reflections appear "stretched" in a particular direction.

The Anisotropy parameter defines how "stretchy" the effect is. In principle, it is the ratio between the horizontal and vertical roughness values. This means a value of 1.0 is not stretched.

Anisotropy=1.0, 0.5 and 0.1 respectively

The anisotropy effect can be rotated using the Rotation parameter, where 0.0 to 1.0 is a full 360 degree rotation.

Rotation=0.0, 0.12 and 0.25 respectively

Advanced Reflectance

The Advanced Reflectance parameter is by default in IOR mode, deriving the angle-dependant reflectance from the Fresnel equation based on the material's Index of Refraction. This is the most physically plausible method. However, you can also use the Custom Curve mode. This allows you to sculpt the angular dependancy manually using three parameters:
  • Facing - the reflectance on faces in the viewer direction
  • Edge - the reflectance from gazing view angles, on edges
  • Slope - the curve's shape between two endpoints.


The Physical Material has a feature to coat the material. It acts as a clear-coat layer on top of all other shading effects. The coating is always reflective (with the given roughness) and is assumed to be dielectric. Reflectivity is based on the Fresnel equation from the given Coating IOR, and reflections are always white.

Coating Weight=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 respectively

The coating layer can also have differing roughness values.

Coating Roughness=0.0, 0.25 and 0.5 respectively

In the real world, when a material is coated there is a certain amount of internal reflections on the inside of the coating. This causes light to bounce onto the surface multiple times before escaping, allowing the material's color to have an enhanced effect. An example of this is varnished wood. This effect can be achieved using the Affect Underlying Color parameter.

Affect Underlying Color=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 respectively

The coating itself can also have a color. This is the color of the coating layer's transparency. In the following example, a diamond shaped map has been applied to the Coating Weight and different Coating Colors used.

Coating Color=white, green and red respectively

In the example on the left, the coating is only changed by the darkening effect of the Affect Underlying Color parameter, whereas the examples on the right are further affected because they are being seen through the coating color itself. This is similar to painting the object in a semi-transparent layer of paint or laquer.

The coating also has an Affect Underlying Roughness parameter. This causes the coating's roughness to have an effect on the underlying layer's roughness, simulating the blurring effect of being seen through the top layer.

In the following example, a red tinted coating has been used on top of a base color with Metalness set to 1.0.

Affect Roughness=0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 respectively

In the example on the left, the metal covered by the red coating is unaffected, whereas the examples on the right yield a blurred appearance.

The Coating parameter also has a separate bump map. This allows you to generate some interesting effects using the coating layer, such as a brass teapot covered in jam.