About Survey Commands

The following table lists the survey-related Autodesk Civil 3D commands that can be entered at the command line.



AddFeatureLineLabels Displays the Add Line labels dialog box
AddParcelCurveTable Inserts a parcel curve table
AddParcelLineTable Inserts a parcel line table
AddParcelSegmentTable Inserts a parcel segment table
AddSegmentLabel Add segment labels to figures
AddSvFigureLabel Adds a label to a closed survey figure
AddSvFigureSegmentLabel Adds a label to a survey figure line or curve
AddSvFigureSegmentLabels Adds a label to all the lines and curves in a survey figure
AdjacentFeatureElevsByRef Set the elevation based on a grade, slope, or elevation difference from another feature
BrowseToSvData Finds the data for the selected network object in the survey database and displays the data on the Survey tab in Toolspace
BrowseToSvFigure Synchronizes the Toolspace Survey tab to the specified figure in the drawing
BrowseToSvNetwork Finds the selected survey network object's data in the survey database and displays it on the Survey tab of the Autodesk Civil 3D Toolspace
BrowseToSvObservation Finds the observation data for the specified point identifier and displays the data in the Observation Editor
CloseSurveyToolspace Closes the Survey tab of the Autodesk Civil 3D Toolspace
CreateFigureFromObject Create a new figure from a selected polygon in the current survey database
DeleteElevPoint Deletes feature line elevation points
DeleteFeaturePI Deletes points of intersection
EditFeatureCurve Edit feature line curves
EditFeatureElevs Edits feature-line or lot-line elevations using the command line
EditParcelTagNumbers Activates the renumber label tags command
EditSvDatabaseSettings Edits a variety of settings for the current opened survey database such as units and precision, error tolerance, and least squares analysis defaults
EditSvFigureProperties Edits survey figure properties
EditSvFigureStyle Creates or edits a survey figure style
EditSvNetworkStyle Creates or edits a survey network style
EditSvPointProperties Edits survey point properties
EditSvUserSettings Edits the survey user settings such as database paths and preview graphic settings
FeatureGradeExtensionByRef Extends a grading by reference
FeatureElevsFromSurf Creates feature line elevations from a surface
FeatureLineSegmentLabels Label feature line segments
FilletFeature Rounds the corners of feature lines
FitCurveFeature Converts tessellated curves to true arcs for better grading results
GradingElevEditor Change elevations using the Grading Elevation Editor panorama vista
ImportSurveyData Imports field book files, point files, points in the drawing, or Survey LandXML data
InsertElevPoint Inserts an elevation point
InsertFeatureHighLowPoint Inserts high or low elevation points into feature lines
InsertFeaturePI Inserts points of intersection
JoinFeatures Joins multiple feature lines into a single object
Mapcheck Displays the Mapcheck Analysis Window
OffsetFeature Offsets feature lines at an elevation difference

Displays the Survey tab of the Autodesk Civil 3D Toolspace which is the primary interface for working with survey data


Adds one or more query results as operations to a surface definition


Opens the Survey Query Builder dialog box


Creates a new survey query from the current survey query


Deletes the current survey query


Displays the results of the current survey query for editing

QueryExport Exports all defined queries from a survey database to a specified location
QueryImport Imports a survey query file that you have exported or saved from a survey database into another survey database

Applies the current survey query to the survey database and adds the resulting points and figures to the drawing


Creates a survey query, which enables you to filter survey points and survey figures by specified criteria


Opens a survey query QML file in the Survey Query Builder dialog box


Pans the view to the center of the results of the current survey query


Displays the results of the active survey query in the drawing as a preview


Applies the current survey query to the survey database and removes the resulting points and figures from the drawing


Applies the current query to the survey database and selects the resulting points and figures in the drawing


Zooms to the extents of the results of the current survey query

RaiseLowerFeatures Raises or lowers feature lines by elevation
RaiseLowerFeaturesByRef Raise/lower a feature line based on a grade, slope, or relative elevation from a reference point
ReverseFeature Reverses the direction of feature lines for stationing purposes
SetFeatureGrade Specifies the grade or slope between selected points on a feature line
SetFeatureRefElev Sets the feature line elevation in relation to an existing elevation in the drawing
StartSurveyLink Survey Data Collection Link is used to download data from a survey data collector and to convert the raw survey data file to a Field Book file that can be imported into Autodesk Civil 3D
SvFigureProps Displays properties for a survey figure drawing object
SvNetworkProps Changes the network name and description
SurveyCalculator Calculates astronomic directions from Sun Shot and Star Shot observations
TranslateSvDatabase Translates all data in the current survey database so you can move the survey database from an assumed location to a known location
UpdateFromSvFigure Replaces the drawing object with the data in the survey database
UpdateSvFigureFromDwg Updates the survey database with changes to the current figure object