
The option defines releases in a structure. It is assumed that members are connected by fixed connections in nodes, that is, rotation and displacement compatibility is ensured for all the members intersecting at a given node. The only exceptions are truss members and cables in frame structures, where pinned connections are used. They ensure identical displacements in nodes, but allow rotation of element ends. If needed, releases can be defined in fixed connections of elements.

Open the Releases dialog using either method:

Note: Releases are defined in the member's local coordinate system.

The Releases dialog defines structure releases. It has the following:

The following icons are at the top of the dialog:

When a full list is selected, the parameters of the defined releases are displayed:

Similar to the dialogs for defining other attributes, defining a release has 2 steps:

  1. Defining a release type

    If the active release type list is empty or a new release type is to be added to the active list, click New Release Type:

    • If none of the release types is selected, clicking opens the dialog for defining a new release type. The fields are filled with the last release definition (except for the Label field) or the default parameters are set.
    • If a release type is selected, clicking opens the dialog to define a new release type. All fields, except for Label are filled using the highlighted type.
    • Also, you can open the dialog for defining a new release by double-clicking an element in the list of releases. The Release Definition dialog opens with all fields filled according to the release type selected. Click Add (or press Enter) to add (or update) the new release to the list. If the label does not change, a warning message is displayed.

  2. Defining a release in the structure.

To delete a release from the structure:

  1. Click on the active release list,
  2. Select an object in the structure you want to delete the release from

You cannot modify this type of release; it is assigned the same way as the release properties are to a structure element.

The symbol of the release displays after you add it.

Note: Releases defined in Robot operate only with respect to internal forces.
Note: If DSC releases are defined in structure members, then offsets might not operate correctly.

See also:

DSC elements