Review Calculated Room Quantity Data

Review room calculation data and manually edit the results.

Open the Room Quantities dialog

  1. If you have not calculated your room interior surface areas yet, calculate them now.
  2. Click Quantification tab Roombook Extension panel (Calculate Room Quantities) to open the Calculate Room Quantities dialog.
  3. To preserve calculations, select Skip recalculation and use last calculated results. This is useful when changes are made to your rooms and model and you don't want to take the time to recalculate. You can work with the data and update it when needed.
  4. Click View/Edit Results to open the Room Quantities dialog and view the calculated data.

Access the Preview window

Click Show Details at the bottom of the dialog and click the Preview tab to expand the Preview window. The Preview window displays a project view that can be navigated in the same way as the drawing area of Revit. Three additional tools are available on the Preview tab.
  • Dynamic preview. When selected, the calculated surface data displays as specified in the Options section (refer to the tools in the table below). This can be deselected to preserve system resources in large models.
  • Auto zoom to fit. When selected, the Preview window will always zoom to the node selected in the Tree structure.
  • Reset Preview. Returns the view in the Preview window to its original perspective.

Review the room calculation data

Expand the nodes of the tree to review room specific calculated data. Use the tools in the table below to help review your room calculated surfaces.

Name Description
Tree Structure Groups and sorts all of the calculated quantities. Select a filter from the Tree structure drop-down:
  • Level, Room, Room Quantity
  • Level, Room, Room Quantity, Element
  • Level, Room, Room Quantity, Element, Face
(Expand All) Opens all of the calculation nodes in the tree structure.
(Collapse All) Closes all of the calculation nodes in the tree structure.
(Rename) Renames a selected element in the Tree structure nodes.
(Highlight) Opens an appropriate view in the drawing area and highlights the element selected in the Tree structure nodes. Press Esc to return to the Room Quantities dialog.
(Apply Filter) Filters the tree structure to only show nodes containing the text in the text box to the left.
(Reset Filter) Clears the filters and shows all available nodes in the tree structure.
(Copy Text to Filter) Copies the text of the currently selected node and enters it in the filter text box.
Isolate (Preview only) Isolates an item selected in the Tree structure. Either None, Selected: Isolate with Section Box, Selected: Section Box only, Selected: Isolate only, Room: Isolate with Section Box, Room: Section Box only, or Room: Isolate only.
Highlight Filter (Preview only) Highlights the calculation selected in the Tree structure. Either Room and Selected or Selected Only.
Highlight Mode (Preview only) Selects the highlight style that the calculation selected in the Tree structure displays. Either Lines or Fill.
Highlight Detail (Preview only) Adjusts the grid spacing for when the Highlight Mode is set to Line.
Use View (Preview only) Selects the project view to display in the Preview tab.
Visual Style (Preview only) Specifies the graphical style of the currently selected view for the Preview tab.
Add/Ignore Surfaces
(Add Element) Adds an element to a room and room quantity selected in the Tree structure. In the drawing area, select the element and click Finish in the Options Bar. When you add an element, all single faces of the element are taken into account. For example, with a rectangular column there are four faces plus the footing and front face.
(Add Face) Adds a single object face to a room and room quantity selected in the Tree structure. In the drawing area, select the element and click Finish in the Options Bar.
(Ignore) Ignores selected elements in the Tree structure to be temporarily ignored from the calculation. You can select single faces, elements, whole room quantity categories, and rooms.
(Remove Ignore) Clears an ignored element in the Tree structure enabling it to be included in calculation again.
Hide Ignored Faces Hides manually ignored faces from both the Tree structure and the Details tab.