Content Creation Overview

Creating fabrication content involves the tasks listed in the table below. Step by step instructions on how to complete each of these tasks is included in the Item Creation Step by Step section.

Note: Before you begin, make sure you review Before You Begin Creating Content.
Task Description
1. Identify Pattern Number (CID)

You can start creating content either by creating a completely new item, entirely from scratch, or you can start by making a copy of an existing item that is similar to the item that you want to create, and editing that copy.

If you choose to start entirely from scratch, you will need to know the CID number of the item you want to create. The pattern number must be a valid pattern number that exists in the Autodesk Fabrication product software.

Look up common pattern numbers using the Common Pattern Numbers Help topic, or use the search methods available in the Fabrication products.
2. Create the Item Using the MAKEPAT Command (or copy an existing item and edit it) If you are creating a new item entirely from scratch, once you know the pattern number of the item(s) you want to create, use the MAKEPAT command to start building fabrication content.

If you are creating a new item from an existing item, you do not use the MAKEPAT command. In the Item Folders view, create a copy of the item, rename it, then double-click or right-click Edit to display the Takeoff dialog. Proceed to the next task below, "Specifying Item Geometry."

3. Specifying Item Geometry On the Takeoff dialog that displays, specify the basic geometry of the item.
4.Specifying Specification, Material and Gauge Next, specify the specification, material, gauge, and other options that define the item.
5. Edit the Product List Once the above tasks are completed, edit the Product List to define the list of sizes the item is available in.
6. Configuring Connectors Typically, an item includes connectors. Therefore, the next step is to configure any connectors associated with the item.
7. Add an Image Add a realistic thumbnail image to help easily identify the item in the Fabrication product user interface components like the Item Folders view and the Service pallet.
8. Add Pricing Information Add pricing information so that accurate costing information can be calculated and displayed in the Autodesk Fabrication products.
9. Specify Version Information As a final task, specify version information to keep track of changes to the item.

Depending on your project needs, these additional tasks may also need to be performed:

What's Next?

When you have finished creating new fabrication content, that content can be made available for use in the Autodesk Fabrication products (CADmep, ESTmep, CAMduct).

If you plan to use Autodesk Revit for MEP fabrication detailing, see Using Fabrication Services in Revit for information on how to get started using Revit.