Design Line Service Pallet Menu Bar

When a Design Line or a Design Line command is selected, a "menu bar" is automatically displayed near the top of the Service pallet. When the Design Line is active, this menu bar displays with a bright green background, as shown below.

The following is an example of the Design Line menu bar displayed near the top of the Service pallet. When the Service pallet displays in this mode, this mode is sometimes referred to as the "activated Design Line mode". The menu bar, when in this mode, is sometimes referred to as the "activated Design Line menu".

This menu bar contains four drop-down menus: Line, Node, Template and View. The options available from these drop-down menus are described below.

Line Menu

The Line menu includes the following commands.

Node Menu

The Node menu includes the following commands.

Template Menu

The Template menu includes the following commands.

View Menu

The View menu includes the following commands.