Inspection Results reference

The Inspection Results window displays detailed information from imported machine-generated results files or recorded manual inspections.

inspection results window

Inspect Surface

The colors of the surface inspection results show whether points are in or out of tolerance.

surface inspection results

By default, Fusion uses the following color conventions:

Note: Fusion uses the same tolerance color convention for stock simulation and surface inspection results. If you prefer to swap how red and blue are used, you can select an alternative color convention.

The window includes the following information:

Probe WCS and Probe Geometry

Inspection results from Probe Geometry and Probe WCS show the geometric dimensions and positions of critical features, including:

The colors show whether the geometric dimensions of features are in or out of tolerance.

geometric inspection result

Fusion uses the following color convention:

The window includes the following information:

Note: To generate a results file that you can import into Fusion, you must ensure that the Print Results checkbox is selected in the Actions tab of the Probe Geometry or Probe WCS dialogs.

Manual Inspection

The colors of the geometric dimensions of features show whether they are in or out of tolerance.

manual inspection results

Fusion uses the following color convention:

The window includes the following information: