Work with outcome filters

Use filters to display the outcomes that interest you most. Filter outcomes by properties such as processing status, study, design file, manufacturing method, materials, and objective ranges.

You can find filters in the Outcome filters pane in the Explore contextual environment. Only the filters relevant to the project you're working in are displayed.

By default, all outcomes are displayed.

Work with filters in the following way:

Labels filters

The Labels filters appear in the Outcome filters pane after you label at least one iteration of any outcome.

Here you can also rename and delete labels. To access the options, mouse over a label name and click label menu icon. For more information, see Label an outcome iteration.

label menu

Visual similarity filters

Until the generation is in progress, you see only one outcome group called Ungrouped.

Grouping starts after generation processes for all studies are completed. When it's finished, you see groups of visually similar outcomes.

If you run another generation, outcome group filters disappear from the Outcome filters pane. They are displayed again after the generation is completed. For more information, see Label an outcome iteration.

Objective ranges

To filter outcomes by an objective range, move the ends of the filter bars for each property.

Outcomes that satisfy the reduced ranges are displayed. Outcomes that are outside the ranges are hidden.

objective ranges dialog - mass example

Note: There are two cases where the slider of an objective range filter is disabled. Then instead of values, one of the following displays: No range or Nominal.
Case Displays if
No range
  • No iteration data has been produced. Possible reasons:
    • An outcome had an error or a generative job was canceled.
    • An outcome solver run is pending, that is: the solver has not yet started running
    • An outcome solver is running, but no iteration data has been produced yet.
  • There's only a single value for this property among all the outcomes. Possible reasons:
    • There's only one outcome
    • All outcomes actually have the same value for this variable.
Nominal There are two or more different values for this property in the outcomes, but they do not differ enough. Then the minimum and maximum values do not display differently, given the current user unit preferences.

Additional tips

Quick Tip: Tagging and Filtering for Organization in Generative Design