Activity 3: Set the shape optimization criteria and solve

In this activity, you define the modeling constraints to ensure that the shape optimization design meets certain design expectations. The objective of this problem is to produce a final geometry that is approximately 40% of the original mass. To help achieve this goal accurately, you reduce the mesh size.

In this activity, you

model before and after constraints

Gripper arm before shape optimization (left) and after shape optimization (right).



  1. Set the shape optimization Target Mass to 40 %.

    1. Click shape optimization critera icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Shape Optimization panel > Shape Optimization Criteria) to open the Shape Optimization Criteria dialog.
    2. In the Shape Optimization Criteria dialog, set the Target mass to 40 %.

      shape optimization critera dialog
    3. Click OK to accept the change and close the dialog.
  2. Reduce the mesh size to 1 mm.

    1. Click settings icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Manage panel > Settings) to open the Settings dialog.
    2. On the left hand side of the dialog, select Mesh to switch to the Mesh panel.
    3. Select Absolute Size.
    4. Change the Absolute Size to 1 mm.
    5. Click OK to accept the command and close the dialog.
  3. Solve the study.

    1. Click solve icon (Simulation workspace > Setup tab > Solve panel > Solve), to open the Solve dialog.
    2. Select your study to be solved.
    3. Click Solve 1 Study to start the analysis and close the Solve dialog.
    4. When the analysis is complete, click Close to close the Job Status dialog.

      The Results tab opens automatically, so you can view the results.

  4. Review the results for Load Path Criticality.

    1. In the Browser, expand shape optimization settings icon Shape Optimization Settings.
    2. Click visible icon next to symmetry plane icon Symmetry Plane 1, to hide the symmetry plane so you can review the results more easily.
    3. Review the Load Path Criticality result.

      Notice how the regions deemed less critical have been removed from the optimized shape.

      load path criticality

Activity 3 summary

In this activity, you